Lely roterra power harrow, sell price $2500. Sell price $2500. I would keep this unit but I need something smaller. Used as an arena plow. Older unit but in good shape. I've seen these plows listed for much more.
See description for variations and prices. (Implement) The gopher machine is designed to operate for a long period of time with minimum maintenance. The chain only need to be oiled about every 10 hours of operation.
2017 BRE 2-Bottom Plow Two Bottom Plow. The shear-bolt protection to protect the unit from underground objects. Part #2XP (Implement) Two bottom plows with 14" bottom provides excellent soil tillage for small and hobby farmers.
Floating hitch, Heavy Duty Frame, Excellent Trash Clearance, Little Slack in Shanks, 2 bar Wako drags with hard faced teeth, Single-Point depth control, Good Condition, Vernon, TX $35,000