Combining compact size and high maneuverability with heavy tandem roller features the new BW120 AD-4 delivers outstanding performance. The next generation BW120 AD-4, establishes the "benchmark" for all other competitive rollers to measure up to.
The RD 12 one ton roller series features dual drum drive and articulated steering for extremely accurate control. Outstanding overall roller performance and a high exciter frequency allows compaction at faster speeds while still delivering even coverage...
New Dynapac CC1100 Specs Manufacturer Atlas Copco Model Year 2015 Model Dynapac CC1100 Price Request a Quote Dimensions Length 94 in. Steering Angle ±30° Weights Operating Weight 5,400 lbs.
BOMAG ECONOMIZER makes soil and asphalt compaction transparent and efficient. At the same time, the ECOMOMIZER is very easy to understand, and no separate switching on or calibration is necessary.
The RD 12 one ton roller series features dual drum drive and articulated steering for extremely accurate control. Outstanding overall roller performance and a high exciter frequency allows compaction at faster speeds while still delivering even coverage...
New construction and repair work for medium and small scale construction projects, on parking lots, sidewalks, cycle paths, playing fields and sports grounds as well as rolling of joints in road construction
This machine is equipped with a powerful petrol engine, which together with the large drum diameter and drive motors connected in series contributes to excellent accessibility and hill-climbing capacity.