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Urban Tolerant Plant Shade Tree For Sale In Seattle

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Green Ash, Northern Red Ash, Red Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* The wood is hard, heavy, rather strong, tough, elastic, brittle, coarse-grained. * A fairly wind resistant tree, it can be grown as part of a shelterbelt planting. The wood is of poorer quality than F.
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 72
  • Germination: 91%
  • Family: Oleaceae
  • Collection Locale: Iowa
  • Seeds Per Pound: 18,160
  • Species: pennsylvanica
Bigleaf Magnolia Magnolia macrophylla
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A hot infusion of the bark has been snuffed for treating sinus problems and has been held in the mouth for treating toothache. * It is a medium-sized understory tree 15-20 m tall, distinguished from other magnolias by the large leaf size, 25-80 cm long...
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,724
  • Genus: Magnolia
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 6
  • Purity: 99%
  • Species: macrophylla
Southern Sugar Maple, Florida Maple ACER saccharum floridanum    - ACER barbatum    , ACER floridanum
Price : CALL

* The bark is a light gray with thick irregular curling ridges; as the tree matures, the bark tends to become plated. Acer barbatum Michx. Southern sugar maple ACBA3 Summary Duration Perennial Growth Habit Tree Native Status L48 (N) Federal T/E Status...
  • Genus: ACER
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Height: 50-60 feet
  • Species: saccharum
  • Common Name: Southern Sugar Maple, Florida Maple
London Plane Tree Platanus acerifolia
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* The Missouri Botanic Garden sates on their website: London planetree is a hybrid cross between American sycamore (P. The bark is usually pale grey-green, smooth and exfoliating, or buff-brown and not exfoliating.
  • Quantity: 1.9 lb
  • Genus: Platanus
  • Common Name: London Plane Tree
  • Seeds Per Pound: 97,610
  • Germination: 63%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 134
Canary Pine, Canary Island Pine Pinus canariensis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

Within its natural area, it grows under extremely variable rainfall regimes, from less than 300 mm to several thousands, mostly due to differences in mist-capturing by the foliage.
  • Quantity: 21.84 lb
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Crop Year: 2014
  • Botanical Name: Pinus canariensis
  • Germination: 91%
Norway Maple ACER platanoides
Price : CALL

* The wood is hard, yellowish-white to pale reddish, with the heartwood not distinct; it is used for furniture and turnery * The plant can tolerate strong winds but not maritime exposure.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Botanical Name: ACER platanoides dewinged
  • Family: Aceraceae
  • Genus: ACER
Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm, Asiatic Elm, Dwarf Elm Ulmus pumila
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

The leaves are deciduous in cold areas, but semi-evergreen in warmer climates, < 7 cm long and < 3 cm broad, with an oblique base and a coarsely serrated margin, changing from dark green to yellow in autumn.
  • Genus: Ulmus
  • Species: pumila
  • Seeds Per Pound: 82,700
  • Height: 30-60 feet
  • Common Name: Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm, Asiatic Elm, Dwarf Elm
  • Quantity: 5.64 lb
Peepul Tree, Sacred Fig Ficus religiosa
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, south-west China and Indochina. * Ficus religiosa is used in traditional medicine for about 50 types of disorders including asthma, diabetes,...
  • Common Name: Peepul Tree, Sacred Fig
  • Botanical Name: Ficus religiosa
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 395
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Germination: 30%
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
Japanese Pagoda Tree Styphnolobium japonicum     - Sophora japonica
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Cultivated in China for the rutin contained in its leaves and ovaries. Japonicum contains the isoflavone glycoside sophoricoside. * A very ornamental and fast growing tree, it grows best in hot summers.
  • Botanical Name: Styphnolobium japonicum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Genus: Styphnolobium
  • Purity: 99%
  • Family: Leguminosae
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 11
American Elm Ulmus americana
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The glorious elm that used to line American streets. * Dirr notes that several forms occur, but the one most of us recall fondly divided into several major trunks topped by spreading, arching, pendulous branches.
  • Purity: 94%
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Family: Ulmaceae
  • Height: 100 feet
  • Species: americana
  • Common Name: American Elm
Ivy-leaved Maple, Vine-leaved Maple ACER cissifolium
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* Native to Japan. * Red and Orange fall foliage. * Each leaf has 3 leaflets.
  • Collection Locale: Poland
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 30
  • Height: 15-35 feet
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 0.22 lb
  • Crop Year: 2015
Spanish Cedar, Mexican Cedar, Cigar-box Cedar, West Indian Cedar, Red Cedar, Cedro Hembra, Cedro Cedrela odorata
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

Cedro heartwood contains an aromatic and insect-repelling resin that is the source of its popular name, Spanish-cedar (it resembles the aroma of true cedars (Cedrus spp.). * Cedro is a tree of the New World tropics, appearing in forests of moist and seasonally...
  • Height: 60 feet
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 39
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Species: odorata
  • Genus: Cedrela
Nuttall Oak Quercus texana     - Quercus nuttallii
Price : CALL

* Its previous scientific name was Quercus nuttallii , but it is now known as Quercus texana ; this has created much confusion with Texas Red Oak which was known as Quercus texana but is now known as Quercus buckleyi .
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Species: texana
Snowberry Mountain Ash Sorbus discolor
Price : CALL

* 11-15 tapering, pointed leaflets make up the feathery leaves of this little known 20-30' tree & are carried on red shoots; its 4-6" clusters of early flowers are followed by creamy-yellow fruit tinted with pink...
  • Species: discolor
  • Genus: Sorbus
  • Common Name: Snowberry Mountain Ash
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
Red Buckeye, Firecracker Plant Aesculus pavia    Northern
Price : CALL

* It is in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in September. * Fine plant for naturalizing in moist soils and where there is some shade. * When grouped or massed in light shade provided by pines the effect can be spectacular.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Height: 15 feet
  • Genus: Aesculus
  • Botanical Name: Aesculus pavia Northern
  • Common Name: Red Buckeye, Firecracker Plant
Giant Evergreen-chinquapin Castanopsis chrysophylla
Price : CALL

Ecologically and taxonomically, it remains a poorly understood species. Over much of its range, giant chinkapin shows several growth forms; it grows in a wide variety of habitats but is rarely a dominant component of any stand.
  • Species: chrysophylla
  • Family: FAGACEAE
  • Botanical Name: Castanopsis chrysophylla
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
Sweetbay, Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana    Northern
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* It was the first magnolia to be scientifically described, and is the type species of the genus Magnolia ; as Magnolia is also the type genus of all flowering plants , this species can be seen to typify all flowering plants.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 9,261
  • Height: 60 feet
  • Common Name: Sweetbay, Sweetbay Magnolia
  • Location: Northern
  • Collection Locale: NJ
  • Purity: 99%
Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis    Europe
Price : CALL

It is a moderately long-lived hardwood with a light-colored wood, yellowish gray to light brown with yellow streaks. American Indians ate them with parched corn. * The fruit and seed can be ground up finely together and used as a flavouring.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Common Name: Common Hackberry
  • Botanical Name: Celtis occidentalis Europe
  • Genus: Celtis
  • Height: 60-130 feet
Japanese Rowan Sorbus commixta
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

* Sorbus commixta ( Japanese Rowan ) is a species of rowan native to Japan , the far east of Russia on Sakhalin , and in Korea on the island of Ulleungdo . * White flowers in May in clusters to 3" across; bright orangey-red fruit in late summer, 1/3"...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Seeds Per Pound: 127,120
  • Quantity: 0.39 lb
  • Species: commixta
  • Purity: 98%
  • Height: 20-30 feet
Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia    Southern
Price : CALL

* Native to the southern and eastern parts of the United States , found from Illinois to Virginia in the north and from Texas to Florida in the south. * It is in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in September.
  • Height: 15 feet
  • Genus: Aesculus
  • Botanical Name: Aesculus pavia Southern
  • Family: Hippocastanaceae
  • Common Name: Red Buckeye
Autumn Blaze Maple
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

Under optimal conditions it can grow 3' or more per year! Intense, long lasting orange-red fall color. This hybrid combines the best features of both parents: the vigor and adaptability of the Silver Maple with the beauty and strength of the Red Maple.
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Max Height (feet): 50
  • Genus: acer x freemanii 'Jeffsred' PP4864
Korean Sweetheart Tree, Euscaphis Tree EUSCAPHIS japonica
Price : CALL

* Can be grown as a small ornamental tree. The red seed pods are brilliant, opening to revel shiny black seeds. * Common in thickets and in thin secondary forests in lowlands and low mountains of central and southern Japan.
  • Common Name: Korean Sweetheart Tree, Euscaphis Tree
  • Botanical Name: EUSCAPHIS japonica
  • Height: 6-20 feet
Little-leaf Linden, Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

With dark green shiny leaves of lopsided-heart form, to 3". Trials on marketing the product failed because the paste is very apt to decompose. Tough and vigorous; wants full sun; doesn't mind high pH or pollution; can be pruned into a hedge; sometimes...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 64
  • Botanical Name: Tilia cordata
  • Species: cordata
  • Common Name: Little-leaf Linden, Littleleaf Linden
Black Locust, Yellow Locust, False Acacia Robinia pseudoacacia
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

* Black locust is a major honey plant in the eastern US, and, having been taken and planted in France, is the source of the renowned acacia monofloral honey from France. * It's fragrant white flowers are beloved by bees.


    • Purity: 98%
    • Botanical Name: Robinia pseudoacacia
    • Species: pseudoacacia
    • Germination Test Type: Actual
    • Germination: 98%
    • Height: 100-150 feet
    Paulownia, Empress Tree Paulownia elongata
    Price : CALL

    * An ornamental tree of parks and gardens; grown for its purple flowers and shade tolerance. * Paulownia elongata is a species of plant in the Paulowniaceae family. It is used as a forestry tree in North America and China.
    • Height: 75 feet
    • Family: BIGNONIACEAE
    • Species: elongata
    • Genus: Paulownia
    Lombardy Poplar
    Prices start at : 7.99 USD / Each

    Cold-hardy.The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates. Attractive and fast-growing! Plant these lovely, column-shaped trees 10' apart for summer shade or 5' apart in a line to create a windbreak – opposing...
    • Soil pH Level: 5.5 - 8.0
    • Soil Composition: Loamy
    • Zone Range: 4 - 8
    • Bloom Color: Red
    Engelmann Spruce, Mountain Spruce Picea engelmannii
    Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

    Abies, Norway spruce; native to mountains of western North America. * Picea engelmannii ( Engelmann Spruce ) is a species of spruce native to western North America , from central British Columbia and southwest Alberta , southwest to northern California...
    • Collection Locale: San Juan National Forest
    • Genus: Picea
    • Height: 75-120 feet
    • Crop Year: 2013
    • Common Name: Engelmann Spruce, Mountain Spruce
    • Botanical Name: Picea engelmannii