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Irrigation Systems For Xeriscape Environments
Let's take a look at proper irrigation practices that will save on water.Drip irrigation kits are available at most garden centers. This minimizes water loss due to runoff, wind and evaporation.
How to Help a Tree That Is Overwatered
If the tree is already dead,you cannot revive it.Remove soil around the tree so there is no more than an inch of soil covering the tree's roots. If your tree shows any of these signs, a few strategies can reverse the damage.Feel the soil around the tree...
Santa Monica
4 Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes
Maintain temperature. Keep your thermostat above 55 degrees F—even if in bed or away on vacation. You can also open cabinet doors on exceptionally chilly days to encourage air circulation around pipes in the kitchen or bathroom—just make sure pets...
How to Treat Green Mold on Mature Maple Trees
Follow the manufacturer's instructions as to how and how often you need to treat the tree.Monitor the tree for future lichen infestations. You may have noticed a green, moldy growth growing on your mature maple trees.
Santa Monica
4 Tips For Keeping Deer Out Of Your Garden
When they sense motion, these sprinklers send out a sharp burst of water, startling the deer and sending them running. Plants with heavily fragranced foliage are also a good choice.
Hand-y Watering in the Garden - Hoses and Et-cetera!
This will also influence your choice of hose diameter due to the friction issue I mentioned already. The water breaker itself will screw right onto your hose end, but you will also want to be able to control the flow of water at the hose end.
El Segundo
What Is A Rain Gauge: Garden Rain Gauge Info And Types Of Rain Gauges
If the flow rate isn't contributing to runoff, then reduce the running time to 20 minutes and re-measure to see if you are now at ½.”The only certain way to know how much precipitation is affecting the garden, and hence manage our precious water reserves,...
Water Your Garden with Water Timers
You might still leave the house with the nagging feeling you've left the oven on; I can't help you there. For an urban farmer in an older part of town, corrosion in the pipes may cut that rate in half.
Cilantro Leaf Spot Control: Tips For Managing Cilantro With Leaf Spots
Avoid working in your garden when the soil is wet.Copper fungicidal sprays may help control the disease if you spray as soon as symptoms appear, but the sprays won't eradicate leaf spot in cilantro.
Watering Wisely
Double digit water bill increases in urban areas or threats of running out of water in the southeast United States. The majority of these people are in real danger of running out of water.
El Segundo
Five Ways To Keep A Dog Out Of A Garden Bed
Dogs Don't Like to Get Poked – Setting Up Barriers to Keep Dogs Out of the GardenI have found this method to be particularly effective when it comes to stubborn diggers like rat terriers and beagles.
Feeding the Homeless From an Urban Roof Top Garden
Most of the middle class has moved to the suburbs leaving blocks upon blocks of vacant homes; this has resulted in an eroded tax base seriously affecting social service programs once offered to the needy.Thankfully a variety of organizations have stepped...
El Segundo
Problems With Drip Irrigation – Drip Irrigation Tips For Gardeners
Having worked in landscape design, installation and plant sales for many years, I have watered many, many plants. Yes, it really is as time consuming as it sounds. You can give a dry, wilting plant extra water or skip a plant that prefers to stay on the...
How to Fertilize a Jacaranda Tree
Prized for its ornamental value, the Jacaranda grows well anywhere with a subtropical climate that provides the high heat and periodic drought that the Jacaranda needs to thrive. Space the holes 2 to 3 feet apart.Measure out the appropriate amount of...
Santa Monica
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
Stopping the water while it's moving suddenly creates a lot of pressure—called a water hammer—and some of the water can then be forced into a very tight space. Although it fell out of favor when steam and electric pumps were invented, it's making...
Watering Palms
And it really is. It also helps to know your soil well as palms grown in clay can often be watered far less often without worrying about dehydration than for those grown in sand. I have lost healthy looking palms in just a few hours during a particularly...
El Segundo
Keep Cows Cool in Hot Weather
With heat indexes across the country soaring above 100 degrees F this month, livestock need to be closely monitored to prevent health and production problems. Inside the barn, the dew point will be higher because you are evaporating moisture from the...
7 Tips For Less-Frequent, More-Efficient Watering
A squeeze handle watering wand with variable spray options (shower, soak, flat, et cetera) allows you to shut off the water while moving between plants, minimizing water waste. Reuse Unwanted Ice: After a party or BBQ, don't just dump that cooler filled...
Can You Put Dryer Lint In Compost Piles: Learn About Composting Lint From Dryers
While dryer lint in compost isn't the powerhouse of nutrients as other materials, such as, it still adds some carbon and fiber to the mix. Moisten the lint with a sprinkler and mix it in a bit with a rake or shovel.
New Products on the Market for Gardeners!
Operators are standing by.All gardeners want the distinction of having the first ripe tomato in the neighborhood. Operators are standing by!Anyone who keeps container plants will definitely want this innovative new product.
El Segundo
7 Items You Need For An Oil Change
Just remember that oily rags are a fire hazard—be careful while disposing of them. Replacement Oil Before you begin, make sure that you have fresh oil ready to add to the engine.
Blooms for the Florida Fall and Winter Garden: Not Just Orange, Yellow and Red
Grow in full sun for best blooms. Bloom is pink from mid spring into early fall and in some cases, into winter.This is a lovely vine for full sun gardens with blooms of blue, lavender and white.The blooms show well from early spring until first frost...
El Segundo
A Wildflower Garden In Your Backyard
There are few things in this world, horticultural or otherwise, that can compare with the simple beauty of a wildflower garden. This means that they're most likely already in love with the soil that is natural to your garden, and they don't expect to...
Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden
The more layers, the stronger and more durable the hose will be. In addition to this, the length of the hose also affects water flow and pressure. These coils are intended to make them kink-free.
How Often Should I Water My Vegetable Garden?
Moist soil clings to a screwdriver or stick and looks darker than dry soil. Houseplant soil moisture meters are also useful for measuring soil moisture but are sometimes inaccurate.If the soil is moist just below the soil surface, then usually it also...
Santa Monica
Drip Irrigation - Save water, save time, save plants!
How could I just leave them? I grouped mine by 1 gallon and smaller, 2 gallon to 10 gallon, and everything larger than 10 gallon. If you are anything like me, you have plenty of potted plants of many sizes around (and in) your house and/or greenhouse.
El Segundo
Alternaria Leaf Spot Of Turnip – Treating Turnips With Alternaria Leaf Spot
Many, especially cruciferous weeds like mustard andDestroy diseased plant parts by burning, or dispose of them in sealed plastic bags. If left untreated, alternaria leaf spot of turnips can cause significant decrease in yield and loss of quality.