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Types Of Silage

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Autumn Comes
Most farms around get ready to harvestfor silage and high moisture corn, watching the maturity and the weather. If left too long, it will be too dry and lose much of its nutrient value.
El Segundo
Perennial Ryegrass Information: Learn About Perennial Ryegrass Uses And Care
This perennial grass is highly digestible for ruminants and is valuable not only as pasture but hay and silage as well.Perennial ryegrass is also used for home lawns and other areas requiring attractive turf such as golf course fairways and tees or baseball...
Orchardgrass Information: Orchardgrass Uses In The Landscape
It is an extremely hardy specimen which is also useful as nesting site flora and. (-34 C.) if insulated by snow.Grass planted for erosion control is seeded or drilled in late summer to early autumn but that established for forage is planted in late winter...
Infographic: Rumination Station
Click for larger view. As grasses, browse and forbs mature, they become less digestible, so pastures should be rotated regularly for the greatest nutritional benefit. The microbes in the ruminant digestive system can digest and gain nutrition from even...
Berseem Clover Plants: Growing Berseem Clover As A Cover Crop
Berseem clover cover crops provide excellent nitrogen in soil. Although native to the Mediterranean, the plant has been introduced to Florida, California and other parts of the southern U.S. It takes between 50 and 90 days to obtain a seed crop, depending...
Sudangrass Cover Crops: Growing Sorghum Sudangrass In Gardens
A general rule of thumb is to seed July through August.Correct time of planting is important if harvesting the entire plant, such as in the case of sudangrass cover crops. What is sudangrass, though?
More About Eggs
A thin layer of brown pigment is added to a brown egg's bloom. That happens when ovulation occurs super quickly and one yolk is joined by a second yolk. Last week, I told you some of the weird things Uzzi and I learned about eggs .
Protect Your Farm from Listeriosis
A fairly hardy bacterium, L. Tags farm households , food-borne illness , hobby farms , Listeria monocytogene , listeriosis , Rocky Ford cantaloupes , ruminant But a farm household can take steps to ensure their farm doesn't put their family and others...
7 Common Poisons that Could be Hurting Your Livestock
Understand what plants can be dangerous to your animals, and get to know the species that grow in your area. Stay on top of your weed-control strategy so weeds cannot go to seed and repopulate themselves.
Up to Scratch: A Guide to Specialty Grains for Chickens
Rather than picking on one another, hens will puzzle out how to get their favorite treats. Mix & Match Litt and Harper offer their own special blends of premixed, seasonally sensitive scratches.
Tools for Tight Spaces
Every 60 seconds or so, it spits out a neat, compact 40- to 60-pound round bale that measures just 21 by 23 inches, bound by UV-resistant nylon mesh, biodegradable mesh or net-wrap.
Why Understanding Pig Squeals Matters in Holistic Farming
“Tractors, forage harvesters, silage blowers, chain saws , skid-steer loaders, grain dryers, squealing pigs and guns are some of the most typical sources of noise on the farm,” according to “Noise Induced Hearing Loss In Agriculture” by Penn State...
16 Food Labels and What They Mean
Biodynamic Products are certified by third party as grown using biodynamic principals. 5. 7. 15. This label is granted by the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics.
How to Use Brewer\'s Waste as Animal Feed
If you're considering using brewer's waste as a regular, substantial percentage of your animal's feed (between 20 to 40 percent), you'll want to consider the nutritional aspects carefully.
4 Grains You Can Feed Your Livestock
Colorado State University Extension has an extensive chart of feedstuffs and their nutrient values for reference. If you ate junk food all day, you'd probably look and perform like you ate junk food all day.
Occultation: Weeding With Tarps
Notable Considerations For Occultation Occultation cannot always kill perennial weeds, but it will generally weaken them. Primarily, farmers use large silage tarps, though these should be scaled to the strength of the farmer and size of the garden, as...
Save the Date: National Agriculture Day is Coming Soon
Quite simply, American agriculture is doing more - and doing it better. On average a cow is milked 2 to 3 times a day.Hamburger meat from a single steer will make about 720 quarter pound hamburger patties.
El Segundo
How To Milk A Cow
Follow these instructions to properly hand-milk your family dairy cow: Step 1 Rachael Brugger Tie the cow in a clean, dry, stress-free environment. Round out your cow's diet with a 16- to 20-percent-protein grain.
How To Start A Garden From Scratch
In the winter, however, it may take several months. If you're not experienced with a chainsaw, please hire a professional for this) Next, hire a bulldozer. Maximizing Sunlight Slope is the first determinant in your garden design.
4 Manure Management Options For Your Farm
It is low in soluble salts, so it will not burn plants. In regard to pathogen concerns, stockpiling doesn't offer the same high-heat benefits of composting. The only way to know the regulations your farm must follow is to ask.