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Types Of Ornamental Grass

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Ornamental Grass That Grows In Shade: Popular Shady Ornamental Grasses
Is the area dry, boggy, heavy clay, rocky? Is it partially shady during some of the day, or fully dark all day long? These all need moist soil to thrive but can withstand either full or partial light locations.In warm climates, cool season grasses that...
Ornamental Grasses For Containers: How To Grow Ornamental Grass In A Pot
Use a mixture ofThe pot must have drainage holes and an unglazed or lighter colored pot will evaporate excess moisture better than a glazed, dark colored pot. Allow the pot to dry out between watering to a depth of several inches unless you are growing...
Ornamental Grasses Without Plumes: No Plumes On Ornamental Grass
We will show you how to get an ornamental grass to plume and enliven your landscape with these unique structures.There is a wide range of ornamental grasses with plumes. This promotes growth of foliage and minimizes formation of plumes.Grasses that are...
Types Of Dwarf Ornamental Grass – Tips For Growing Short Ornamental Grasses
Let's learn a little more about short ornamental grasses.Full-size ornamental grass can tower 10 to 20 feet (3-6 m.) over the landscape, but compact ornamental grass generally tops out at 2 to 3 feet (60-91 cm.), making some of these smaller types of...
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
It flourished in the partly shady place I chose for it in the backyard. Graceful swirls of handsomely variegated leaves, green with a central yellow stripe, form neat, rounded clumps and are fully evergreen in the South and partially so in more northerly...
El Segundo
Scouring Rush, a Remnant of Ages Past
Although it tolerates a wide range of soils, it grows best in medium to wet places and can even grow in up to four inches of standing water. Even a tiny piece of rhizome left in the ground will generate a new plant.
El Segundo
Dwarf Mondo Grass Propagation
They may also not grow true to the parent plant. Some may sprout in two weeks, while others will take much longer.A much easier and sure fire way of dwarf mondo grass propagation is through division.
Fountain Grass Trimming – How To Treat Brown Tips On Fountain Grass
They are easy to grow and generally unfussy about their site, but occasional brown tips on fountain grass can be a clue to incorrect site conditions, cultural care or simply a natural part of the plant's physiology.
Mondo Grass Care: How To Grow Mondo Grass In Your Garden
These small plants grow only 6 to 10 inches tall (15 to 25 cm.) and have a clumping or mounding nature depending upon the scientific name and refers to the plant's native region of Asia.
What Is Bottlebrush Grass – How To Grow Bottlebrush Grass Plants
This grass grows naturally in wooded areas and meadows, so if you have the right environment for bottlebrush grass, all you need to do is plant it and leave it alone.Bottlebrush grass prefers sun or partial shade and moisture levels that are moderate...
Zebra Grass Planting: How To Care For Zebra Grass
The plants work well in containers but will need more water than those in the garden bed.Fertilize in spring with a good organic plant food. Remove any damaged foliage as it occurs.If the plant is in too much shade, the leaf blades can get floppy, but...
Pruning Pampas Grass: When And How To Prune Pampas Grass Plants
Remove these clumps when you do your annual pruning to prevent overcrowding and to preserve the shape of the clump. Few plants make as bold a statement in the landscape as. Dig up and remove about one-third of the foliage.
Fountain Grass Turning White: My Fountain Grass Is Bleaching Out
Near the end of the season, you may find your fountain grass turning white, bleached and unappealing. They are hardy, low maintenance plants for the savvy gardener.‘Alba,' is an attractive form with slender green foliage and delicate nodding white inflorescences.
What Is Citronella Grass: Does Citronella Grass Repel Mosquitoes
In Indonesia, it is also grown as a popular food spice. Lemongrass and citronella grass are closely related and can look and smell very similar. For the mosquito repelling oils to be useful, they need to be extracted, or you can simply crush or press...
Purple Moor Grass – How To Grow Moor Grass
Each has a slightly different foliage trait, height and inflorescence but the basic mounding habit and fine blades recognize them as part of the family.Moor grass is seasonally interesting from summer to winter.
Rattlesnake Quaking Grass Info: Care Of Ornamental Quaking Grass
By Mary Dyer, Master Naturalist and Master Gardenerthat offers unique interest? Read on to learn how to grow rattlesnake grass and take advantage of this fun plant.What is rattlesnake grass?
What Is Adagio Grass: Tips For Growing Adagio Maiden Grass
The foliage is also a standout. Divide plants in winter when they are dormant. Adagio spreads through rhizomes but usually keeps a tidy habit as it grows. A nice organic mulch around the roots will protect plant roots growing in marginally cold regions.
Dividing Maidenhair Grass: When And How To Divide Maiden Grass
Splitting ornamental grass plants should happen every 3 to 4 years. Learn when to divide maiden grass and some tips on how to split apart the larger specimens of this a large family of grasses.
Fertilizing Fountain Grass – When And What To Feed Ornamental Grasses
If you feel you need to fertilize your plants, you need to learn how to fertilize ornamental fountain grass and, more importantly, what to feed ornamental grasses.Ornamental fountain grass can thrive for years in poor soil without any feeding.
Cotton Grass Info – Facts About Cotton Grass In The Landscape
It is a wild plant that colonizesbogs, marshes and other moist areas. Just be careful to cut the blooms off before seeds mature or you might have patches of the sedge in every moist nook of your landscape.Another bit of interesting cotton grass info is...
What Is Stipa Grass: Learn About Mexican Feather Grass Care
However, a deep watering once or twice monthly is a good idea during the summer.Cut down old foliage in early spring. What is stipa grass? Silvery panicles rise above the grass in summer and early autumn.Stipa grass is also known as nassella, stipa feather...
Tips For Fountain Grass Pruning: Cutting Back Fountain Grass
Prune fountain grass about 4 to 6 inches above the ground. Are a reliable and pretty addition to the home landscape, adding drama and height, but their nature is to die back to the ground, which causes confusion for many gardeners.
Ornamental Porcupine Grass Care: Growing Porcupine Grass
Have become very popular with landscapers because of their ease of care, movement, and the graceful drama they bring to a garden. This is not strictly necessary but is aesthetically more pleasing than new green growth poking through old brown growth.Porcupine...
Ornamental Plume Grass: Tips For Growing Plume Grasses
Winter plume grass care requires cutting back the foliage to 6 inches from the ground in early spring to make way for new foliage.The grass should be dug up and divided in spring or summer.
Ravenna Grass Information: Guide To Growing Ravenna Grass
Is ravenna grass invasive? In clay soils, amend the area with plenty of compost or otherSituate the plant with some protection from wind to prevent damage to foliage and stems. It is appropriate in USDA zones 6-9 in sunny, fertile, moist, but well-drained...
Ornamental Maiden Grasses: How To Grow Maiden Grass
The plants have no known pest or disease problems, except a fungal disease that is transmitted to leaves when water splashes onto them.Water the plants from under the foliage and when the leaf blades will have time to dry off quickly.‘Condensatus'...
Hakonechloa: A Beacon in the Shade
Patience is required, since this slow grower doesn't fully hit its stride for several years. Division isn't necessary until the clump becomes quite large. Other good shade partners include ferns and hellebores.
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