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Types Of Native American

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Plant Life at Hueco Tanks, Texas
The importance of the area can be seen in the thousands of rock paintings left over millennia by Archaic hunters and gatherers, the Jornada Mogollon, and more recently by Apaches, the Kiowa, and the Tigua.Hueco tanks has typical Chihuahuan Desert vegetation...
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"Home again, home again, jiggity jig..." from an old Mother Goose Nursery RhymeThe thing about nursery rhymes is they were used as a seemingly innocent vehicle to quickly spread subversive messages.
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Native Plants for Wildlife
This spring may find me removing some crape myrtle trees and exotic azaleas and replacing them with native species. We are choosing native plants that share an evolutionary history with the insects and creatures in our area.
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Indian Pink: A Wildflower for Your Garden
His property is laced with rivers and streams and populated with a mixed forest of hardwoods and conifers that provide the growing conditions preferred by this lovely, clump-forming perennial wildflower.Indian pink grows very well in most gardens.
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Ten Texas Native and Wild Plants
In an environment of unrelenting heat and drought of historical proportions in much of the state, Texans have not only survived but have thrived. While many more are not so aesthetically pleasing but do have an interesting history.
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Fiery Firebush
Even though firebush is drought tolerant, it will benefit from a drink during periods of extreme drought. The flowers, the stems, the clusters of ripening fruit and the leaves are all glowing red.
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California Bay or Oregon Myrtle: Umbellularia californica
However, this also makes it a good shade tree once it gets some height. Now it is used to make novelties and souvenirs. It is often found in forests and woodlands with other trees such as coast live oak and coast redwood.
El Segundo
A Trip to Greenland - Part 2: the Gardens of Greenland
Southernmost Greenland may average about 10 C (50 F) which is just warm enough to support some trees which include white birch, European birch, balsam poplar and mountain-ash. There are plenty of degree days to allow for trees to grow.
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The Plants and Trees of the Southern Prairie
These gardens give year round color, wild life refuges, and a wonderful garden design that is the best of the native worldthe native prairie at one tip ran from near the gulf coast to the northern sectors of Canada.
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Schisandra: Bay Star Vine
As we build neighborhoods(Climbing hydrangea), a common vine in the Southeastern U.SSeveral other Schisandras can be found dressing up home gardensMitch Fitzgerald included a good list of vines in his article,[3] Thomas Gale, "The Gale Encyclopedia of...
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Indian Tobacco - Verbesina virginica
It likes moist soil but will take times of dry soil and can take long times of drought. This plant is best left alone in the garden. Soon I was headed for home with nine little frostweed babies to plant in my own garden.This plant is a wonderful plant...
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Calochortus, the Mariposa Lilies
Some mariposa lilies are considered fire-followers. Each bulb produces one basal leaf and there may be additional leaves on the flower stem, depending on the species. They cannot be the biblical lilies of the field, for mariposa lilies are not native...
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Plant Climbing Aster Now for Incredible Fall Color
They also are easily trained to grow well on a sturdy trellis or fence.Wherever climbing aster grows, volunteers are sure to crop up. Plants cut repeatedly back to the ground will eventually form a self-supporting sub-shrub that can be attractive as a...
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My New Obsession: Alaskan Lupines
I guess if we have to have an addiction, it might as well be wildflowers. It seems that in other areas they are called lupins, but in North America they are known as lupines. Given that lupin seeds have the full range of essential amino acids and that...
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You Can\'t Grow That Here! Part II - Finding an Alternative
Pushing discouragement and melancholy aside, I made an honest effort to find alternative plants that would fulfill the sentimentality I so desperately needed in my garden.As I mentioned in part one of this series, I will always have a desire to have the...
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Focus on the Florida Native Lupine
It is quite likely the plant will die if one digs and transplants it. If you find that they are taking over, deadhead plants as blooms begin to fade to prevent seed pods from forming.Give plants plenty of room to spread out.
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Vernonia baldwinii - The Underused Ironweed
Cut the stalks all the way down to the ground and water them well in their new, sunny, home.This simple plant is a member of the Aster family. Really, any old soil you can give it will do.
El Segundo
A Visit to Greenland - Part 1: the Native Flora
Readers hailing from or having visited northern regions of Alaska, Canada or Scandinavia will recognize many of the plants as these regions have similar climates and flora. The name is thanks to Eric the Red, the famous Norse Explorer who traveled across...
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Bluestars - Easy-to Grow Perennials
Plant it in the garden, and water well until it becomes established. Give them as much sun as can be managed. About 22 species exist according to some experts, and many of them have potential for garden use.
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Lewisia: Alpines Gems of North America
Cultivation in pots is often an easier way to grow them. If growing in the open garden, nestle them between rocks facing north or northwest This article will introduce you to the plant named after Lewis of the famous 'Lewis and Clarke expedition'.
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Mountain-ash - A multifaceted Tree
Bark canker is also evident but usually attacks older trees. If you ever get the opportunity, try to obtain some of these uncommon species. In the meantime, whether you want a tree for decorative flowers, fruit or an attraction to wildlife, you can still...
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Wild Clematis, an Unexpected Treasure
We didn't get far enough to reach the mining claims, but I did discover a little treasure of my own, bearing the common name of Western Blue Virginsbower. (Just a note, there ARE newer portions of the lodge, with private bathrooms in each room, but it...
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Southwest Adventures: The Desert Comes to Life
Do you remember the part in the film when Dorothy's house lands in Oz? Their gift shop also sells nothing but native varieties of plants typically found within their grounds which makes it easy to replicate what you see as you wander around.
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Blue-eyed Grass
Blue-eyed grass gets along quite nicely in ordinary, well-drained but moist garden soil in sun to partial shade.To maintain healthy and vigorous plants, divide clumps in early spring or fall every two or three years.
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Planting a Garden in the Midnight Sun
I have no need for lights in my room tonight, because the setting sun lights my page with a golden glow.I grew up in the mountains of southeast Kentucky, and I am quite familiar with mountains and the golden glow of the setting sun, but never at midnight.
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Cosmos species from the Americas are easy annuals
(It's described as "double-flowered" but that disyellow, orange, or a true red, or more commonly, as a mix; '' is an orange and yellow mix that grows to 40" tall at least.All Cosmos cultivars feature a bright yellow eye, which birds, butterflies and bees...
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Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
It is on a paved road 15 miles west of highway 14. Check the web site for the most up-to-date-information. Precipitation in the desert is highly variable and undependable. The displays are all natural.
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