Restaurants, bed and breakfasts, and even tour guides benefit greatly from the increase in traffic during the brief period in which the trees show their true colors. I've noticed that the maple in my front yard turns different colors in different years,...
Using small sharp knife and working on 1 potato, make 5 crosswise vertical cuts, spaced evenly apart, from 1 side to other side (do not cut through). If using milk, only use a small splash, as too much milk will dilute the flavor of the tea.Give some...
In tropical garden zones, many Copperleaf varieties grow to five feet tall or more. You must try a Copperleaf. I placed a copperleaf between a paleand some creamy variegated Liriope.
But that effort has a downside as well. Among retailers selling plants with tags promoting their air-cleaning abilities are Lowe's and Home Depot.jode, tashmoore, jnana, sandpiper, monochromatico, and gabro14 for the contributions to PlantFiles used in...
In colder areas, sink the pots in the ground over the winter months or use insulated containers.Examples of container-grown Japanese maples: left to right are 'Koto-no-Ito', 'Ukigumo' and 'Red Pygmy'Details on the various types of Japanese maple selections...
Ifor other common pests are an issue, insecticidal soap spray usually takes care of the problem. Although hardiness varies, abutilon is suitable for growing in USDA zones 8 or 9 and above.
The first time somebody told me about girl-leafed violets, I thought they were pulling my leg. I'd like to share some of my favorites with you, along with tips for getting them to look their best.
Tissue taken from either variegated or non-variegated parts of a plant whose variegation is genetic will grow into plants that look just like the plant from which the tissue came. Why is the coloration so often irregular on leaves like these?
Let me explain.In 1994, my husband and I had the opportunity to open a small grocery store at his grandparents' former house after they died. I cook most of these foods during the winter, except for the pickled sweet peppers which I make in the fall.
Flowering maple belongs to the mallow family (Malvaceae), which includes mallows,. Abutilon flowering maple is also sometimes referred to as the Indian mallow or parlor maple.This plant is indigenous to southern Brazil and also commonly found throughout...
Pruning out damaged and diseased branches is essential.If you are wondering when to prune a flowering maple, think late winter or early spring. Abutilons get leggy as they grow. You prune a flowering maple to create the look and shape you want.But here...
Sometimes the punishment was sweet, especially if my friend was eating some candies or cookies at the time! I remember how I always tried to run and get something "green" if I didn't have anything in my pocket, before a friend would say the magic words...
The air is crisp, the sky is blue and you are surrounded by more brilliant colors than you could have imagined. Even when conditions are not optimal for the best color, it is still worth a trip to the mountains.
What does "going green" really mean to those of us who love to garden? And what about those tough shady spots?When considering what to plant in your garden or landscape, look past the obvious; the glorious shapes, shades, structures, and characteristics...
Corn for silage is best chopped before the frost, but after the ‘milk' in the kernels has begun to dry down. The traffic is light and, for the time being, the tractors are all silent while the neighboring farmers finish morning chores and go in to breakfast.
This may be needed every year or two while the trees are young. Also, if placed on wooden decks, elevate the pots by at least a couple of centimetres so that drainage is not impeded and to prevent damage to the deck by having a constantly wet pot sitting...
Summer has drawn to a close and the fall season holds sway once more over the garden and the Iowa countryside where I live. I love the colors of the trees as Mother Nature brings out her autumnal paint brush, and the crisp air quickens my footstep.
The frost is here and we are firing up our wood stoves. High in nutrients, this is hay to be doled out over the winter months as a treat and energy booster to my draft horses. My palette is rich and full with warm orange, rusty reds, bright touches of...
The lower elevation woodlands often consist mainly of evergreen oaks. If the quality of the fall color is of primary concern, when possible and practical, view the plants in their fall color state before purchasing them.
Shredded leaves are easier to spread around, and they stay put better. Mulch! Your plants' best friend can be the mulch you spread around and between them. If you have pines in your yard, of course, you have your own source of free pine straw.I tend to...
It will make a great house plant in a sunny or partly sunny window during the winter.LiliMerci, GardenGuyKin, carrielamont, joelle, Gymgirl, Mrs_Ed, Calif_SuePlease scroll down if you have a comment or question.
Scores of birds will grace your garden as they gorge on the bounty of seeds preparing for either a migration south of the cold winter ahead.As the summer colors fade, the world around you has taken on a completely different hue as the lush green deciduous...
A location that dries out quickly is not best for this. For an ornamental, fast-growing tree with great fall color, it's hard to beat the ‘October Glory' cultivar of red maple. In the fall, expect to see showy shades of yellow, orange, and red.October...
It's a hybrid blend of two other maple species that offers the best qualities of both. When you are considering growing Freeman maple trees, you'll need to pick a cultivar. Many are available and offer different forms and features.The cultivar ‘Armstrong'...
For year-round groundcover beauty, select plants that grow well in shade. One to consider:. They prefer acidic soil. If you don't want to distract from the beauty of the Japanese maple, you can select simple groundcover plants as Japanese maple companions.
They are also known as Northwind maples. For more Northwind maple information, including tips for growing Northwind maples, read on.). The trees are small ornamentals that are more cold hardy than regular Japanese maples.
Fast growing, with deeply lobed leaves and fabulous fall color, Autumn Blaze maple trees () are exceptional ornamentals. That's one reason for the cultivar's popularity. If you want more Autumn Blaze tree information, read on.