Becoming familiar with its causes is the first step in how to get mango fruit on your tree. Both of these diseases are exacerbated with the onset of heavy dew and rain. Early spring applications of sulfur and copper when the panicle is half its full size...
If applied when the tree is already infected, the fungicide will have no effect. For assistance with treatment of disease, consult your Algal spot will also usually not be an issue when copper fungicides are periodically applied during the summer.To reduce...
Use grafting tape to secure the rootstock to the scion.Put a plastic bag over the new graft and tie it off at the bottom to create a warm, humid environment and protect the new graft from insects and pests.
Though mangoes are extremely easy to grow, there are a few issues that you may encounter when attempting to plant seeds from grocery store mangoes.are only produced from mature trees.
(4 C.), even if only briefly. Select a dwarf variety such as Carrie or Cogshall, a smaller hybrid like Keit, or even one of the smaller sized regular mango trees such as Nam Doc Mai that can be pruned to keep small.Choose a pot that is 20 inches by 20...
Improvements in mango harvesting, handling and shipping has brought it worldwide popularity. Mangos originated in the Indo-Burma region of India and are grown throughout the tropical to subtropical lowlands of the world.
Sometimes we know exactly the direction we should go and sometimes the path is not so clear. Had I known when I was younger, that gardening is so rewarding and gratifying, I may have saved myself taking the long walk to go such a short distance.
By the time we got home it was nearly bedtime for Bailey. She's learned that tulip blooms are fragile. As a result, I've learned it's probably not a good idea to put plants beneath her nose until she knows exactly what should and should not go in her...
There's no better way to get kids involved in gardening than to introduce them to the Jr. Master Gardener program When you plant a seed in the garden and you actually eat the green bean, broccoli or lettuce, your self esteem soars.”What plants need...
My 20 foot tall holly tree that the birds had planted many years ago was bent and frozen solid to my trellis. Do you think it will bloom red? The holly is grinning from ear to ear, and my redbud, oh my holds the most glorious blooms.
These were her favorites. How I wish I had spent more time working with her instead of watching her in that garden.Going to the local nursery in the spring and summer was our favorite outing.
My husband and I have been out to a number of parks and botanic gardens in the past month, and we just sat down this week and started looking through the pictures. I had taken a picture of a very empty-looking hole using a VERY long lens (because, who...
My wife was crying and we didn't know what was going on. I set the ivy in the kitchen sink, gave it a good drink and resolved to plant it before going back to the hospital in the morning.As I planted H.
Plus if you stay away from the foil kind they are biodegradable. Stir gently until incorporated. Mix on low until the ingredients start to come together, then increase speed to medium and continue to mix until the frosting becomes smooth.In the Vegetable...
Maybe it's time I found some old planks...Many thanks to Melody for the wonderful photos used in this article. If we were planting small seeds like carrots, Grampa would run the point of the dibber along the string making a near perfect straight line.
I would not call these necessarily 'bad' diet recommendations... Bok Choy and Dandien Greens are also good things to add to their menusand yes kale and spinach are good additives to a tortoise diet, though I might not feed these exclusivelyThough not...
Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. Katydids come to life with violins and cellos. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning.
Along with the pumpkin patch, they raise mums, flower and vegetable plants, 65 acres of tomatoes; have several farm stands, and a CSA program.The hayride tractors pull the trailers through the farm and down to the large pumpkin patch at the bottom of...
Have your children collect their coloring books and choose a picture from one of them then recreate it in the snow. My children like to make snow flowers because they get to play outside in the snow.
Since she is involved in the harvesting, she seems more eager to try and taste what comes from the garden, adding variety to her diet and developing her food preferences.A recent study of adolescents at 3 different elementary schools found that those...
You may want to plant the host plants in an area that is not seen by many, as the caterpillars will strip them down to the stem, given the right conditions.We have a display (seen in first picture) in the corner of our classroom where we rear our butterflies.
We hold a recycled art contest, which is on display at our event. Projects are made of miscellanious items such as: egg cartons,cool whip bowls, toilet paper rolls, used dryer sheets, milk cartons, plastic cups, cardboard boxes and paper plates.
I'd expect you to have more problems with cotton if you live closer to real cotton territory. More searching may yield other sources, like the Pinetree catalog that supplied my first seed.Cotton grown as a major crop is subject to a number of pests, chief...
Snakes seem so strange, with their smooth scales and their seemingly boneless motion. If you can take the time to talk about snakes they might see outside, or if you can sit down together and read a book about snakes, that takes it from a craft project...
I'm sure nowadays you can download birdsongs for free onto your MP3 player, and then broadcast it tAnd here's where everyone starts to giggle. Sunglasses and hats may help keep the sun out, evenif there isn't any.
A few examples of carpet bedding plants include:How to Plant Flowers to Spell Out Words or Picturesfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Rake out rocks, then smooth the soil with the back of your rake.Mark...
I have spent a good amount of time this spring searching my yard for insects. Green Lacewing Eggs Green lacewings are a good garden insect. They are proof that the insect world is breathtakingly beautiful! To see more images of the insects I find in my...