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Types Of Lift Trucks

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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
You probably won't drive your tractor 20 miles to pick up a load of lumber or your new goats—your farm truck is obviously the better choice. Even if you're not baling hay, you might find it simple and convenient to use your truck to carry tools and...
Repaint Your Cabinets for a Kitchen Face-lift
It was a lot of work, and my kitchen was chaotic for a while, but the end result was absolutely worth it. If limited time and money are concerns for your kitchen renovation, repaint your kitchen's cabinets can give you results with success.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Transportation laws and regulations should not saddle farmers with additional regulatory hurdles simply because they farm closer to a processor in another state than a processor in their own state,” says NFU president Roger Johnson.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Adjustable rear air shocks also serve to keep your vehicle level. Half-ton trucks can pull as much as about 4 tons gross weight. This adds to the traction without affecting steering, and it also improves the braking with less tendency to jackknife.
Use Your ATV To Erect Farm Fencing
If you have spent any amount of time working with fences , you know they require a lot of time and effort to construct, as well as a lot of attention and maintenance to remain in working order.
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
However, I do want to touch on the compactness of this vehicle. At 50 inches wide and 102.5 inches long, it will take up less room in the garage, barn or shed (whatever it is you have available), fits on a full-sized pickup truck for easy towing, and...
Make-over Your Old Flowerpots: A Face-lift For Weathered Plastic
The sun and weather has beaten these containers to a point that each season, a few more of them get pushed to the back of the garage or greenhouse. As many gardeners do, I have a growing collection of less than beautiful plastic flowerpots.
El Segundo
A Thanksgiving Tradition: Gratitude Journals
In families, the commonplace book was set out in a central area, and members were invited to write down things they were contemplating, their great discoveries, quotes from books they were reading, their deep thoughts, queries and comments.
Herbicide-tolerant Corn Subject of Regulation Debate
While Hamlin says it's just as effective as its precursors, he adds that 2,4-D choline boasts “better characteristics [and is] less prone to drift and less prone to volatize.” This is a boon for diversified operations, he explains, because it decreases...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
And don't forget, compost is good for the lawn, too, especially if you can screen it first. I suggest spreading 1/4 to 1/2 inch on the lawn once or twice per year. Sometimes they use chipped tree trimmings and grass clippings from local parks and other...
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
With these holes, you can use hooks, chains, ropes or wires to attach the board to the hitch of your tractor. If you live on a farm, it's inevitable that you'll eventually need to move heavy objects that just don't lend themselves to being easily transported.
Traveling with Livestock
Goats that live with sheep must be tagged or tattooed. You don't need a livestock trailer to transport small animals like sheep, goats, pigs and calves, but it's trickier to haul them in a truck or van.
5 Ways To Clean Up Your Perennial Bed
It's always best to do this early in the season, so the plants can grow up through the staking system and help hide it, but if you forget to do it in the spring, be sure to do it before the plants come into bloom.
Old Patio, New Patios
Work has begun on our new patio. She's going to put in a patio where her pool used to be. Well, actually, the work has begun on removing the old patio. The worst part is that after all that hauling and four pickup-truck loads, we only managed to remove...
Borage In The Fall Garden
At some point rather soon, I'm going to have to strategize what can be done to keep the harvest going when the ground freezes. It is jarring to smell that in a time that we are thinking of pumpkin spice, sage and sweet potatoes.
Fiddleheads should never be eaten raw, too many uncooked can cause a stomach ache. These rub, or rinse off easily. Mucking through dark swamps, lush with ferns, eyes roving for the telltale "ostrich" feather shaped fronds.
El Segundo
Insect Hotels: The Perfect Overnight Stay For Beneficial Insects
It's like a bookshelf divided into compartments, with each compartment containing materials like bricks, wood, pinecones and hollow natural tubes, such as reeds. Piles of Rocks, Bricks & Pinecones: Spiders Brian Summers/Flickr While they aren't insects,...
The Dreaded Algal Bloom
Then why on earth do you have impenetrable pea soup!?!? So you've done everything right so far this pond season; you did spring cleanup, lifted all your hardy plants, and maybe even added a few beneficial bacteria into the system.
El Segundo
It was a popular accompaniment to roast beef and the two together composed the traditional Sunday brunch. Tear up bread in bite size pieces in baking dish (about 1 and 1/2 quart size).
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
You don't have to wake up early on Saturday mornings to buy locally grown foods. “The Mobile Market … not only serves as a physical link between farmers and the areas that lack food access, but it is [also] a visual representation of the better food...
Cucumbers, Cabbage, Fennel … Oh My!
I have yet to harvest my first tomato of the season. I admit that I have no idea what I am doing with them in the kitchen so they were nearly too tough to eat. I hear they are good with sea scallops but I'm open to any recipes you've got! Thanks! Tags...
Camellia sinensis: January is hot tea month!
.Talking about tea starts to sound like a conversation with a wine connoisseur, with terms like "bright," "earthy," "fruity" and "muscatel." Follow this link to an interestingNext time you sip your mug of hot tea, see if it tastes flowery or brisk, dark...
El Segundo
Wooden Spoons
Of course, they work—let's start with that. Another set of rosewood salad spoons came home from the markets of southern India while a deep-bowled, pale one came from a hobbyist carver in Maine.
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
Their perky brightI think these days at the big box stores, they actually get tominiature roses that didn't open and daffodils that dried out. Now that we have refrigerated trucks and interstate shipping and all the other conveniences of modern society,...
El Segundo
Cryptanthus - Dividing and Growing
Actually, I didn't have to do much pulling, because the pups released with a gentle twist. Come spring, I groom them by removing dead or dying foliage, mostly from old mother plants that have died.
El Segundo
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
While this works well in many cases, the three-point hitch can be stronger, and there is always the risk that the rear end of your tractor will lift off the ground, which can obviously be dangerous.
Ah, Spring!
Winter Aconite photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Larry DavidCorydalis lutea photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Equilibrium Those long-awaited harbingers of the spring garden are beginning to make their appearance here at Cottage-in-the-Meadow-Gardens:...
El Segundo