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Types Of Lavender

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Lavender Container Care: Tips On Growing Lavender In Pots
When temperatures start to fall, bring your container grown lavender plants inside to tough the winter out by placing them in a window that receives full sun. If it only has one or two, drill a few more.If you plan on keeping the pot inside, you'll need...
Lavender Seed Propagation – How To Plant Lavender Seeds
A sunny spot is a great location to keep the soil from getting too wet and to add warmth.Your lavender seedlings will be ready to transplant once they have several seeds per plant.
Lavandin Plant Care: Lavandin Vs. Lavender In The Garden
What is lavandin? Lavender, but the size of the plants and the amount of camphor in the oil can give a clue as to which is which. Left alone and unpruned, many lavandin get woody and gradually stop producing flowers and even leaves.Lavandin is useful...
Lavender In The Garden: Information And Growing Lavender Tips
However, when growing lavender inside, make sure that the plants receive plenty of light and warm temperatures. They should be located in areas with adequate drainage and spaced far enough apart to ensure good air circulation.
Spanish Lavender Plants – How To Grow Spanish Lavender In The Garden
Spanish lavender plants can give you the same aroma and delicate flowers as the English variety, but they are better able to tolerate hot climates., is just one of about 40 varieties of this fragrant herb.
Lavender Plant Division: Can Lavender Plants Be Divided
Well, there is a roundabout way of dividing lavender – but only on multi-stemmed plants. The burning question is, however, “Can lavender plants be divided? The answer is, “it's kind of complicated.” What do I mean by that?
Fertilizer For Lavender: When To Feed Lavender In Gardens
Fertilizing lavender too much can hurt it. And the very same thing goes for fertilizer.Lavender plants really prefer nutrient poor soil. More often than not, the plants have actually been cared for to death.Lavender needs very little water to survive,...
Lavender Plant Companions: Learn What To Plant With Lavender
It needs full sun, little water, and little to no fertilizer. Keep reading to learn more about the best planting companions for very particular in its growing requirements.
Propagation Of Lavender: Tips For Rooting Cuttings From Lavender
Set the cutting aside while you prepare the container.Fill a small pot with commercial starting medium or a homemade mix of half, with a little bark added to facilitate drainage. Read on to learn more..
Types Of Lavender: Difference Between French And English Lavender
Along with the other types of lavender, you have plenty of options to choose the right variety for your home or garden. The flowers on these plants are similar in size, but they last much longer on French lavender.
What To Do With Woody Lavender: Tips On Pruning Woody Lavender Plants
If you want to know what to do with woody lavender, understand that pruning woody lavender plants can often restore them to their former glory. It's also important that the tool blades are sharp.Prune these lavender in spring when all frost is finished...
The Summery Flavor of Lavender
When the weather gets hot outside, I start to think about light, refreshing flavors and cool meals. Chopped lavender flowers.This goes especially well on a lightly sweet bread (such as Hawaiian-style rolls).A summer tea party just wouldn't be complete...
El Segundo
Make Your Own Lavender Dryer Sachets
When I found out that a large percentage of commercial dryer sheets contain formaldehyde (along with a host of other toxic chemicals) I stopped using them. But I missed having a soft, fresh scent that told the olfactory part of my brain that the clothes...
El Segundo
Lessons from a lavender farm: Growing, harvesting and using lavender blooms
Planting near a boulder or other hardscaping can provide a "heat sink" to moderate temperatures.The blooming stems of lavender can be harvested for fresh or dried blooms. Some were in full bloom while others were barely budding, but all rows had at least...
El Segundo
Lavender Wands: Make Magical Scented Decorations for your Home
One set of instructions we found said to let the lavender wilt a bit, but with our sturdy ‘Fat Spike' variety, that didn't seem to make much difference. Somewhere I'd heard of "lavender wands," and she is a big "Harry Potter"fan, so wand-making definitely...
El Segundo
Produce storage: Bundle in bunches and hang upside down. A fantastic border plant, lavender naturally repels insect pests and it dries well for use in wreaths, flower arrangements, potpourris and sachets.
Lavender Festivals
Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes to extract the color from the strawberries. I mainly grow Grosso and Provence lavender and they both work well for cooking. Take it from Autumn, one of the friendly pets at Summers Past Farms, you probably won't find...
El Segundo
Zone 5 Lavender Plants – Growing Cold Hardy Lavender Varieties
Choose a site with full sun and well drained, slightly acidic soil composed of a good portion of sand or rock. So how hardy are lavender plants? It has several hundred varieties available, with different flower hues and plant sizes to suit any garden.
Lavender Twist Redbud Care: Growing Weeping Lavender Twist Redbuds
In warmer climates, Lavender Twist redbud trees should be given some shade from the afternoon sun.In spring, feed them with a general purpose fertilizer before blooms appear. Its unique attributes include the pendulous, weeping habit and contorted trunk...
Names of Lavender Roses
It has a sweet fruity fragrance and is typically a mauve lavender color. Resistant to most diseases, the "Angel Face" rose is easy to grow in home gardens."Barbra Streisand" is another hybrid tea rose with a strikingly deep lavender color and a strong,...
Santa Monica
Care of Lavender Plants
Transfer the lavender to a more permanent home once the sprouts have emerged. It is easy to grow and will add color to any landscape.Lavender must be planted in full sunlight. Barely cover the seeds with soil.
Santa Monica
Lavender, the Versatile Herb
A muslin bag filled with lavender imparts a wonderful scent to your laundry in the dryer, just like the ladies in the past used to lay their clothes over the lavender bushes to dry!You can even cook with lavender! Try adding 1 tablespoon to your favorite...
El Segundo
Zone 8 Lavender Plants: Is Lavender Hardy To Zone 8
Lavandins grow well in zone 8 climates. A few varieties are known to hold up in the cold of zone 4 or the heat of zone 10.In warmer climates like zone 8, lavender has an evergreen, sub-shrub habit and may bloom throughout the year.
Care Of Lavender Mint Plants: How To Use Lavender Mint Herb
This mint is equally at home in the kitchen as it is in the medicine cabinet. Lavender mint has delicate purple flowers and is hardy in‘Lavendula') isn't difficult, as mint is generally not fussy and a perfect starter plant for those just getting into...
Growing Lavender In Zone 9 – Best Lavender Varieties For Zone 9
It is fragrant and has unusual, ornamental flower spikes but is less useful for cooking than more familiar lavender species.To grow this multipurpose plant in zone 9, take measures to shield the plants from summer heat and moisture.
What Does Lavender Taste Like?
Lavender's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, emollient and anti-infection properties soothe rough red skin, relieve the sting of a sunburn, calm the itching of insect bites and promote healing of rashes and skin blemishes.Lavender is used extensively in aromatherapy...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Spanish Lavender
In especially cold areas, add evergreen boughs as an extra mulch to prevent damage from the elements. Seeds germinate in about two weeks;and water them whenever the top of the mix is slightly dry.When weather warms and temperature stays above about 60...
Santa Monica