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Types Of Juniper Shrubs

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Juniper Plant Benefits: How To Use Juniper For Herbal Use
Herbal practitioners suggest that drinking juniper tea helps to flush excess fluids from the body. These berries are used in herbal medicine and give juniper the status of herb plants.The time it takes for juniper scales to mature varies depending on...
Chinese Juniper Shrubs: Tips On Caring For Chinese Juniper
) is a medium to large tree, you won't find these trees in garden centers and nurseries. Keep the soil evenly moist until the plants become established. They don't look as nice when pruned, and won't tolerate severe pruning.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Growing Juniper ‘Blue Star\' – Learn About Blue Star Juniper Plants
As an evergreen, it delights all year long.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Blue Star juniper care is a cinch if you plant the shrub correctly.
Growing Juniper Trees: How To Plant Juniper Trees
North America boasts 13 native juniper species, and there are four times that number worldwide.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Since shrubs are nothing more than short trees, the line between the two...
Eastern Red Cedar Facts – Learn About Caring For An Eastern Red Cedar Tree
A tea was also used to hasten childbirth. Store the cutting in a warm room with bright but indirect light. Red cedars then flower early in the spring.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Native Americans used...
About Creeping Junipers – Tips For Growing Creeping Juniper Ground Cover
Neither the flowers nor the berries are particularly ornamental. Growing creeping junipers on slopes and hillsides helps prevent soil erosion as well.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Creeping juniper adapts...
Can You Prune An Overgrown Juniper – Tips For Overgrown Juniper Pruning
They can even be formed into topiaries. This means that your juniper can never be pruned smaller than the border of its dead zone.If you keep up with pruning and shaping as the tree or shrub grows, you can keep it compact and healthy.
Juniper Shrubs: How To Take Care Of Junipers
The male flowers provide the pollen for the female flowers, and once pollinated, the females produce berries or cones. Shrubs with balled and burlaped roots are best planted in fall.
Juniper Twig Blight Disease: Symptoms And Solutions For Twig Blight On Juniper
During the wet spring, the fungus is most active and can be spread by splashing water, droplets carried in the air and introduced into damaged or cut wood. It not only affects juniper but alsoJuniper twig blight is characterized by the die back of the...
Upright Juniper Pruning: Pruning An Upright Juniper Shrub
Pruning an upright juniper is essential to keep it looking its best. Spring is also a great time to clip out juniper branches injured in winter weather.Start by taking out dead and dying braches.
Chinese Spartan Juniper – Tips For Growing Spartan Juniper Trees
Its dense foliage is dark green and can be clipped into different shapes. Excellent Spartan juniper care can prevent many health issues.Pruning is not an essential part of Spartan juniper care.
Junipers: Not Just for Landscaping... Try Cooking and Healing with them!
Juniper berries may be used to treat digestive problems. Some Indians dried them for winter use, grinding into a mush and forming them into cakes. Since then I have discovered a whole list of recipes using the berries.Their primary food use of juniper...
El Segundo
Deck the House with Boughs of Holly...and Other Stuff
With some extra effort, your holiday decorations can be welcome way-stations for winter birds. Drizzle over the outside of the pinecone, then allow excess to drip off. The following ideas are suitable for true winter-weather areas (like Ohio!), but you...
El Segundo
Fun with Forsythia
What is that willowy shrub that bursts forth with yellow blooms each spring? I know, because I was once a non-gardener myself. It's Forsythia. While there are spring shrubs that sing, "Pink," or "Red," or "White," forsythia shouts "from a neighbor.
El Segundo
Planting A Banana Shrub: How To Grow Banana Shrubs
The tree has glossy evergreen leaves and an attractive rounded habitat. Banana shrub is a tropical to subtropical elegant tree to bush. The 3-inch long leaves are slightly fuzzy, and buds and new leaves are covered in rusty toned fuzz.
Care Of Beautyberry: How To Grow American Beautyberry Shrubs
The berries last several weeks after the leaves drop – If the birds don't eat them all.Beautyberries live up to their common name, which comes from the botanical name, meaning beautiful fruit.
Caryopteris Blue Mist Shrub: How To Grow A Blue Mist Shrub
This shrub will grow to about 2 to 3 feet high by 2 to 3 across with a moderately fast growth rate.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Other information on how to grow a blue mist shrub advises planting in...
Landscaping Shrubs For Nearly Any Purpose
While this shrub can definitely stand on its own, it is commonly used in the landscape as a screening hedge or foundation also commonly used in landscaping. Besides their stunning appearance, these shrubs can also be used in informal gardens...
Potted Shrubs: Growing Shrubs In Containers
The slower growing shrubs, on the other hand, make excellent choices for pots. Additional or seasonal interest and lack of space are the most common reasons for growing shrubs in pots, especially in urban settings.
Wildlife Gardening: Learn About Trees And Shrubs With Winter Berries
However, your best bets are native trees and shrubs with winter berries, those that naturally grow in your area in the wild. Even birds that are insectivores in summer—like, thrashers, quail, robins, waxwings, mockingbirds, bluebirds, grouse and catbirds—start...
Fast Growing Evergreen Shrubs – Best Evergreen Shrubs For Privacy
Because a privacy hedge is always something you want yesterday, evergreen shrubs that grow fast are the ticket. Fast growing evergreen shrubs are a homeowner's best friend. Here are some suggestions to speed you on your way.If your home is your castle,...
Variegated Shrubs For Your Landscape
The berries help set this shrub off, especially in winter, though you must have both a male and female to produce them.‘Sherwood Frost') is a beautiful slow-growing shrub with a dusting of white on its tips that become more prevalent during late summer...
Wood Pruning Methods: What Is Old Wood And New Wood In Pruning
Manybloom on new growth. Flower buds will form during the summer and fall in preparation for spring blooms.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Stems that develop during the present season are known as new...
Woody Perennial Information: What Makes A Perennial Woody
Unlike annuals, there is no need to replace them every year.: Woody perennials, especially trees and shrubs, grow much larger than annuals or herbaceous perennials. What are woody perennials, and exactly what makes a perennial woody?
Winter Bloom Forcing: Tips On Forcing Shrubs To Bloom In Winter
This means selecting branches from crowded parts of the shrub, and making the cuts about one-quarter inch above a side branch or bud.Cut the branches 2 to 3 feet long and take a few more than you need because there are usually a few that refuse to cooperate...
Winter Damage Of Shrubs: Types Of Cold Injury In Shrubs
However, a combination of conditions, sustained cold and ice, and an unhealthy plant can all contribute to winter damage of shrubs even in the correct hardiness zone.The most obvious of the types of cold injury in shrubs is physical.
Shrubs Damaged By Snow: Fixing Winter Damage To Evergreens
If you forget, you could choke the plant.If the branches don't bounce back in spring, you actually have evergreen snow damage. Brush off the snow gently if you feel it necessary.While you may be tempted to intervene, you just might want to wait and assess...