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Types Of Juniper

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Juniper Plant Benefits: How To Use Juniper For Herbal Use
Juniper plant benefits include both juniper herbal uses and also culinary. The outer scales of the cone are a deep blue merging on black. This provides a wonderful smell, and also can aid with a cold.Many other juniper herbal uses start with extracts...
Chinese Juniper Shrubs: Tips On Caring For Chinese Juniper
The stiff horizontal branches are covered with blue-green, wispy-looking foliage.‘Emerald Sea' and ‘Blue Pacific' are members of a group called Shore Junipers. They don't look as nice when pruned, and won't tolerate severe pruning.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Growing Juniper ‘Blue Star\' – Learn About Blue Star Juniper Plants
Gardeners love Blue Star for its thick, starry, blue-green foliage and its graceful rounded habit. Read on for more information about Blue Star juniper (‘Blue Star'), including tips on how to grow a Blue Star juniper in your garden or backyard.Try growing...
Growing Juniper Trees: How To Plant Juniper Trees
Junipers do not like having their feet in wet mud, but tolerate most other types of soil. It is both, and much more. This is also the case with Hetz Chinese juniper (Juniper tree care is easier when you pick an appropriate location for planting.
Eastern Red Cedar Facts – Learn About Caring For An Eastern Red Cedar Tree
These medium sized evergreen trees provide outstanding shelter for many birds and mammals during the winter and make for excellent color in the landscape during otherwise drab months.
About Creeping Junipers – Tips For Growing Creeping Juniper Ground Cover
Cut off infected parts of the plant and use a fungicide labeled for use on junipers. Learn more about creeping juniper care and how to use creeping juniper ground cover in your landscape.Creeping juniper is a low-growing evergreen shrub that is often...
Can You Prune An Overgrown Juniper – Tips For Overgrown Juniper Pruning
If this is the case, the only thing to do is remove the plant and start again with a new one.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });While overgrown juniper pruning has its limits, it is possible to trim your...
Juniper Shrubs: How To Take Care Of Junipers
Afterward, the shrub is drought tolerant and can make do with what nature provides.Fertilize the shrub with 10-10-10 fertilizer in spring of the year after planting and every other year thereafter.
Juniper Twig Blight Disease: Symptoms And Solutions For Twig Blight On Juniper
Fungi is spread via spores which can adhere to equipment or overwinter in dropped foliage and plant material. Juniper twig blight disease is a disfiguring plant problem, although annual persistent symptoms can cause severe damage to young plants.Juniper...
Upright Juniper Pruning: Pruning An Upright Juniper Shrub
This selective thinning also leaves the upright juniper looking natural and open. If you start training an upright juniper early, the tree can grace your garden for years.When to start pruning a juniper bush?
Chinese Spartan Juniper – Tips For Growing Spartan Juniper Trees
Spartan juniper trees (‘Spartan') may be the next best alternative. Its dense foliage is dark green and can be clipped into different shapes. The trees grow best in full sun and absolutely require well-drained soil.
Junipers: Not Just for Landscaping... Try Cooking and Healing with them!
Many also have medicinal properties. The tastiest sounding recipe called for juniper berries to cut the "gamey" taste. Juniper berries blend well with other herbs and spices, especially thyme, sage, oregano, marjoram, bay leaves, allspice, onions and...
El Segundo
Deck the House with Boughs of Holly...and Other Stuff
Evergreens and cut materials dry out quickly in our cozy warm homes, so unless you enjoy vacuuming up fir and pine needles well into February, using live materials outdoors is the way to go.
El Segundo
Skyrocket Juniper Problems
They are however susceptible to some common pests of their needles and some rust and blight diseases. Avoid planting skyrocket junipers or any juniper within 300 yards of any apple, crabapple or hawthorn tree.
Santa Monica
Cold Hardy Juniper Plants: Growing Junipers In Zone 4
This evergreen conifer, with distinctive blue-green foliage, comes in a variety of forms and grows in many climates. Their flowers appear in spring and subsequent berries attract wild birds.
Zone 8 Juniper Plants: Growing Juniper In Zone 8 Gardens
Generally, juniper varieties fall in to one of four size categories: low growing ground covers, medium growing shrubs, tall columnar shrubs, or large shrub-like trees. Do not unnecessarily prune junipers, as cutting into woody areas will not result in...
Zone 7 Junipers: Growing Juniper Bushes In Zone 7 Gardens
All the way fromto trees and every size of shrub in between, they are unified by their toughness and adaptability in poor growing conditions. But which type of juniper shrubs are best suited to growing in zone 7?
Planting Our New Juniper
I did not amend it in any way as I want the roots to grow out into the existing soil, rather than circling around in a little pocket of highly amended, compost-rich backfill. Once the tree was properly positioned in the hole, I readied the root ball by...
How to Dry Juniper Berries
After picking your juniper berries, allow them to dry for several weeks to preserve them.Spread your berries out on a sheet and remove bugs, twigs, leaves and other debris.Sort through the berries and discard any that are green.
Santa Monica
Types Of Juniper – A Guide To Growing Juniper In Zone 9
It grows up to 60 feet (18 m.) high. The types available in commerce range from low-growing junipers (about ankle height) to upright specimens as tall as trees.Short types of juniper serve well as groundcover and also offer erosion control on slopes.
How to Identify Juniper Berries
They hang in clusters.Look to see if the plant that has these berries hanging on it is a shorter bush, shrubs or tree. It is also dark-colored.Collect the juniper berries once you have identified all these parts of the juniper plant.
Santa Monica
What Are Shade-Loving Junipers?
Creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), which grows in USDA zones 3 through 10, also tolerates partial shade, although its feathery needles won't be as lush or full and the plant will grow more slowly.The taller tree and shrub forms are more dependent...
Santa Monica
How to Revive a Juniper
Make each cut about 1/4 inch above an outward-facing green shoot. A juniper tends to die back at its bottom. The long-lived evergreens can become scraggly and overgrown, however. Don work gloves, and clean the blades of your pruning loppers and hand pruners...
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Juniper Berries
You can make a puree from berries that become crushed if you like; Epicentre states the flavor and texture are "agreeable."Dry your juniper berries at room temperature for about three weeks.
Santa Monica
How to Trim Juniper Shrubs
They remain popular, low-maintenance choices for home landscapes. Pinch back shoots anytime except late summer, when the bush needs new growth. This makes a clean, crisp cut that heals easily.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Juniper Trees
Juniper trees can grow just about anywhere and thrive in a variety of conditions.Juniper trees have blue berries at the end of their branches.Examine the tree or shrub for thick needles.
Santa Monica
When to Pick Juniper Berries?
Your plant may tolerate light shade locations, but less sun results in fewer berries on your shrub. In fact, some are poisonous. When harvesting your berries, only remove the ripe berries.To enjoy large harvests of juniper berries, make sure your juniper...
Santa Monica