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Types Of Hedges And Shrubs

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Winterberry Hollies: \'Rhett Butler\' Meets \'Scarlett O\'Hara\' and the Results are Explosive
Frosts have touched many of our beautiful blooms and even stalwart, hardy perennials are worse for wear as the colder winds of winter draw near. While evergreen hollies are often featured in holiday decorating[2] Ohio State Department of Horticultue and...
El Segundo
The Intriguing Fragrance of Banana Shrub
Flowers have six waxy petals and are about 1.5 inches wide. Scent serves an important biological function for plants by attracting pollinating creatures that are necessary for the survival of the species.
El Segundo
Choice evergreens add spark to home landscapes
Beali has positively lethal spiny leaves and stems.) I'd give 'Soft Caress' an award for brilliance in naming. Evergreens are ever popular in the home landscape. 'Soft Caress' is not only attractive in its own right, but especially so for gardeners who...
El Segundo
Ginkgo: Tree of Enchantment
However, the fruit around the nut is one of the more abysmal-smelling things nature has ever created. They are certainly qualities worthy of cultivation and reverence in our lives and in our landscapes.
El Segundo
The Mighty Oak: Our National Tree
The wood of the red oak is lighter and has a more porous, open grain suitable for indoor applications, such as furniture.A few easily observable differences will help distinguish between the two.Leaves of white oak generally have rounded lobes, while...
El Segundo
The Lesser-known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 1: Andromeda to Gaylussacia
However, there are a host of lesser-known ericaceous shrubs which can make admirable companion plants for rhododendrons and the like. This two-part series will introduce you to these less well-known cousins.
El Segundo
The Lesser-Known Hardy Ericaceous Shrubs, Part 2: Ledum to Zenobia
So as you can see, in zone 6 and colder, there are a host of ericaceous, acid-loving shrubs that can be incorporated with your rhododendrons, heaths and heathers, to provide a wide diversity of plant forms, textures and flowers.
El Segundo
Redvein Enkianthus - Uncommon but Very Worthwhile!
Cultivation is essentially the same as for other ericaceous shrubs. Position them in full sun to part shade, preferably in a reasonably sheltered site. In the wild, these shrubs grow in mountainous regions, among forests or open shrubby meadows.
El Segundo
Woody Plants for Acidic Soils
If the shrub does not seem to be thriving, the application of a general fertilizer such as 5-10-5, at manufacturer's recommended level, can be added in spring. The only yearly pruning which needs to be practised on these is the prompt removal of faded...
El Segundo
Italian Cypress: A Tall, Dark Italian
Where the sun is sufficient, the trees will keep their foliage nearly to ground level, though extremely old trees can have a bit of bare trunk.Italian cypress is a darker green than many plants and this color, along with its serious-looking form, makes...
El Segundo
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo)
Established plants have long tap roots that help to make them drought-tolerant and wind-resistant. Pests and diseases rarely attack the strawberry tree. The compact form in no way lessens the visual impact of the contorted, picturesque branching
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Introduction to the Coral Trees (Erythrina species)
The following is an introduction to some of the most commonly grown species. But it's the flowers themselves that are the main attraction with this species.They are such a brilliant color and amazing shape, though many species have different shaped flowers.Some...
El Segundo
Memories of a Longleaf Pine
I think of it now , and I am struck with delight. The longleaf pine is the only pine tree with these characteristics.Other names for the longleaf pine are long needle, long straw, southern yellow, hard, pitch and Georgia pine.When it is young, the longleaf...
El Segundo
Magnolia - Southern Garden Queen
To help with the summer windfall of leaves, make sure your tree stays watered with the rest of your garden year round but especially during the long, hot, southern summers.Magnolias do not like to be in standing water.
El Segundo
Perfect Potentilla
I have had Potentilla for 15 years and the oldest bush never exceeds a height of 3 feet and a spread of the same. Sometimes, older bushes need a bit of thinning, they tend to cascade after a few years, which I personally think is a nice effect.
El Segundo
Shrubby Hydrangea for Northern Gardeners
In fact, some cultivars have nothing but sterile flowers. Most have white flowers but Hydrangea macrocephala has flowers in a range of colours from white through pink, purple and blue.
El Segundo
Loropetalum, Saucy Cousin of Witchhazel
Deep pink flowers. They should be ready to plant in a larger container or in the landscape by the following spring.Seedlings may appear underneath established shrubs. Compact to 5 feet tall.Common names: Chinese witchhazel, fringe flower, Chinese fringe...
El Segundo
The Beauty of Weigela
Early selections included' (1.5-2 m) whose leaves were not much more purple than ‘Foliis Purpureus' but had larger flowers.. For zone 4 there are newer, hardier selections developed by Iowa State University and Agriculture Canada in Ottawa.
El Segundo
When common is not ordinary, even if it is \
All are generally prone to anthracnose, which will cause curled leaves, leaf drop in spring, and witch's brooms on the branches. The huge sycamore leaves make for hearty raking. Hippocrates is said to have taught under a plane tree, and aged sycamores...
El Segundo
Spotlight on the Paperbark Maple
It grows well in most of the US. One of the best resources we have at Dave's Garden is a group of members who garden in a professional capacity. One wonders, if the tree is so perfect, why it isn't as common as red maple or sugar maple.
El Segundo
Reblooming Hydrangeas
Pruning mistakes become less critical since a plant would still bloom, even if the errant gardener cut the shrubs back to the ground in late winter.- blossoms start out white with blue or pink tints; bred from Endless Summer- hardy to zone 4; compact...
El Segundo
Trees and Their Veneration in the Western World
‘Sparrow, my leaves are tiny... And when the warm times returned in the spring, Sparrow's family returned also. Ertainly there is no doubt about the fact that trees are important in our lives.To gauge their significance, you need look no further than...
El Segundo
Northern Lights Azaleas
Plants look the same except the flowers are larger with more substance.‘Lilac Lights' - a new hybrid developed in 2005 from ‘Orchid Lights'. This hybrid has the best mildew resistance of any Northern Lights azalea.
El Segundo
CityGreen: Re-greening a city after a deadly storm
At least eight other plantings are planned; these dates are posted on the city web site.Tulsa residents will receive a "ReGreen Tulsa E-Certificate of Recognition from Mayor Kathy Taylor" after a tree is planted on private property and an on-line form...
El Segundo
The Spectacular Flowering Dogwoods
Florida), fdetroch ('Stellar Pink'), Gustichock ('Lustgarten Weeping'), lauriwilson ('Cherokee Sunset'), paigeplants ('Rainbow'), passiflora_pink (fall foliage C. The larvae burrow into the trunks and larger branches of the trees causing severe die-back.
El Segundo
Viburnums, Dependable Landscape Shrubs
They may be densely placed, small flowers, rounded clusters of showy flowers, or lacecap types with a combination of small center flowers surrounded with an outer circle of showy, infertile flowers.Branch should be well clothed with foliage, mature, and...
El Segundo
At this time, retail availability of the root pruning containers is limited; however, the Superoots Air-Pot is available at retail in the western U.S. at Because in a standard nursery pot, the tree roots have no option but to follow the pot wall, around...
El Segundo