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Types Of Grease And Uses

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Grow and Use Lemongrass
A versatile herb, lemongrass is prized in the kitchen and known for its medicinal properties. It did, but by the end of summer, that little plant dominated the whole end of the garden bed! Overwinter lemongrass in zones 1 to 7 by digging a clump of roots,...
Homemade Reduced Sugar Grape Jelly
A simple annual pruning is generally the most maintenance grapes require to insure a bountiful harvest. I had always heard about it, but never had tried it. Grapes trained to grow along a fence, arbor, trellis (or any support you provide) add great interest...
El Segundo
Beginner\'s Guide to Making Jam or Jelly
Last season, in our first attempt at jelly making, my husband and I used over seven pounds of our prized homegrown red grapes... And, if you have more fruit or juice than the recipe calls for, make several batches, rather than doubling or tripling to...
El Segundo
Tried and True... or Tried and False - Weather Sayings
I have never come across any, though sure there must have been some. Create sayings of your own. This has been one of the most reliable weather sayings for me and it is backed up by science.
El Segundo
Let your plants help your home be hurricane safe!
You can employ specific plants and trees to help with the first three. Other plants can be included in the bed for added landscape interest, but the two palm types are the foundation for slowing the wind as well as for catching windborne debris.
El Segundo
Invasive Succulents in My Yard
Normally succulents are not the sort of plants that come to mind when one discusses invasive species.Most think of slow growing, solitary plants that either sit in a pot on a window sill, or struggle along in a desert garden, often grown like a living...
El Segundo
Edible Palms: Date Palms
Date palms were probably the first trees cultivated for their food. These are exceptionally large, soft and incredibly sweet dates (to me, a bit too sweet) and their popularity have led to the term "Cadillac of dates."Medjool Dates from California found...
El Segundo
Sage and its Uses, Then and Now
From these, enough leaves can be harvested and dried to have a constant supply for the kitchen. A sunny patio will support not only sage, but several other herbs that will add interest to the patio and flavor to your meals.
El Segundo
Building A Formal Rose Garden Part 1
Tie the other end to the small stake making sure you have kept 18 inches between the two. For our purposes, we will be building our garden here with grass pathways. Once you get that information back, really spend some money on your soil.
El Segundo
Survivors! Trees and plants that will remain after the storm passes
Will your trees and plants still be there, a bit tattered but none the worse for wear, or will you find utter chaos and unrecognizable twisted remains? Additionally, you should check to be sure that the trees or woody plants you have chosen are not rootbound...
El Segundo
The Color Yellow in Gardening and Folklore
It is a popular fall foliage color. A yellow fence or a yellow brick or yellow painted house or shed might provide a backdrop to your garden.If your garden needs some brightening up or cheering up, consider adding some yellow.
El Segundo
Jack Frost
I pictured him as a slight little elf, all dressed in white and blue, who traveled with a magic paintbrush. As older poems, all are available in the public domain.So he flew to the mountain, and powdered its crest;Most beautiful things; there were flowers...
El Segundo
The Color White in Folklore and in the Garden
In reality, white is everything, or at least every color. In Japan, brides wear white because it symbolizes death to the former family and introduction into a new one. White flowers can be the focus of a garden.
El Segundo
Woody Plants for Acidic Soils
An eastern to southern exposure is ideal. This should be done just as the buds swell in spring.Pruning may never be required unless you are trying to limit the size of the plant involved.
El Segundo
Broom: The Controversy
Supposedly King Henry VIII drank the distilled water of the flowers when he was ill. Early on it was recommended as a diuretic and as a purgative. It is a stiffly branched shrub that grow to 10 feet.
El Segundo
The Color Blue in Folklore and in the Garden
Many flowers are blue or a near-blue shade of purple. A blue swing might conjure up dreams of flight, sailing, or undersea exploration. In the past, porch ceilings were painted light blue.
El Segundo
The Encephalartos Species: THE collector genus of cycad
Most cycads are excellent landscape and potted plants choices and most tend to be sought after by thousands of collectors who love these plants (sometimes a bit too much). The following article is an introduction to most of the species one might encounter...
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Blue Ribbon Preserves by Linda J. Amendt
Linda's tutorials about basic food safety and sanitation are wonderful. Gardeners love books, as the number of titles devoted to the subject attest. Cooks show off their mastery of jam and jelly making, along with creativity by offering unique delicacies...
El Segundo
Amelanchier - Spring-flowering Shrubs for Multiple Uses
Ornamental flowers, excellent fall colour, edible fruitread on to learn more about this group of woody plants! Amelanchiers are a group of large shrubs and small trees that are quite versatile in the landscape.
El Segundo
Banana Tree and Its Uses
Plant sap can be taken internally or applied externally to stings and bites. The pulp can be used to manufacture rope, paper, place mats and other goods, but the pseudostem is often most valuable economically if it is chopped and left in a field for its...
Santa Monica
Edible Nettle (And Other Uses)
I took about two pounds of nettle leaves and stuffed then into a plastic five gallon bucket and filled it with water. There was a darker colored liquid at the bottom of the bucket and the mix stunk like typical anaerobic decomposition at first but the...
Blueberries: History, Culture and Uses
He snickered and told me that he has added them to his chili recipe too, having concluded that the Native Peoples might have discovered a great taste combination when they combined them in their meat dishes.
El Segundo
Onion Varieties and Their Uses
Flavor and pungency vary among the varieties, ranging from the mild taste of a scallion to the strong bite of a Spanish onion.The onion's dry outer skin helps to lengthen its shelf life.The terms "green onions" and "scallions" are generally used interchangeably...
Santa Monica
Persimmons and Mimosas
After a few more successful slides in home, the juicy persimmons began to seep into the seat of my jeans and I was no longer very comfortable. The mimosa shed its blooms and then its seed pods first, but by then the ripe persimmons began to fall from...
El Segundo
Choice evergreens add spark to home landscapes
Beali has positively lethal spiny leaves and stems.) I'd give 'Soft Caress' an award for brilliance in naming. Your home will thank you! Callling a MahoniaThree very different specimens, but all "evergreen." These and other choice cultivars will spark...
El Segundo
The five most fragrant winter blooming shrubs
This deciduous large shrub blooms on bare wood in late winter. Like many shrubs, it blooms its best with full or nearly full sun. This shrub likes dappled shade and ample water. You won't miss them, the smell will draw you from across the yard.bears what...
El Segundo
Blooming and perfuming - Wintersweet, Chimonanthes praecox, is a fragrant, winter blooming shrub
It is a large deciduous shrub bearing paired, long oval leaves. Apparantly, British growers were already actively sharing this deligthful 'new' shrub. Those buds, bearing olfactory treasure, wait patiently for promising days in late winter.
El Segundo