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Types Of Grass In California

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Starting a lawn the hard way
The lawn was planned to be in the back yard, of course, and in spring we got it started. It was a hard job because of too many weeds with strong roots growing in the ground. More weeds grew in our lawn, but most of them were other grass species.
United States
Cogongrass in the Southeastern United States: Looks can be deceiving
Florida alone was estimated to have about .5 million acres of the grass.The Department of Transportation in several states planted the grass along highways in an attempt to control erosion.
United States
Introduction to Bamboo
And if given too little water, most will start to show some leaf curl before things get seriously out of order. This article serves only as an introduction to this wonderful class of plants.
United States
Starting a small lawn from seed
Use the added soil to fill in low spots and to generally level the ground to an acceptable grade if there is an existing incline.By hand or using a seed spreader, distribute the seeds at the rate suggested on the packaging.Rake the seed into the top of...
United States
Dividing ornamental grasses
Often the fastest way to break up the grass clump is simply to attack it with an axe or sharp shovel. If the straw was left standing all winter, it should be removed post haste. The gentler way to divide the clump is to use two garden forks to pry it...
United States
Grass ~ More Than Just a Summer Chore
Grass fills our vistas with beauty and helps purify the air and, in our own habitats, it defines our landscapes and holds together our garden designs. Think crabgrass."[Grass] covers one-fourth of Earth's land." Planet Earth: The Great Plains,
United States
Cat Grass for Cats- good or bad?
Many cat foods include plant fiber, and some veterinary diets even include excess plant fiber as it seems to help with some digestive and other metabolic problems that cats can develop.But new research is now showing that perhaps other dietary changes...
United States
Job\'s Tears - A Fascinating Plant
Hatomugi initially came to Japan from China and is used in traditional Japanese Kampo herbal medicine. Although difficult to verify, Job's Tears may get its name from the biblical Job of the Old Testament, who probably shed many tears from the suffering...
United States
Ornamental Bamboo Muhly Grass
Although we may not use it medicinally, we may choose to grow bamboo muhly for its soft green, almost chartreuse foliage that gives a soft, feathery look to the landscape. An internet search revealed manyfor this attractive grass, and it is commonly available...
United States
Keep Your Feline Frisky! Feed Them Fresh Garden Greens
The occasional ingestion of houseplant leaves has never led to larger issue than gastric distress and vomiting in our house. I have never really found a consensus opinion as to why cats like green stuff.
United States
Ornamental Grasses: Beautiful and Easy Companions
Other positive aspects of grasses include:The North Carolina State University provided the following excellent list for reference when deciding on variety for your own property., determine whether you want a cool season or warm season grass.grasses begin...
United States
Grasses of the Tallgrass Prairie
It has a strong clumping habit with narrow leaves, growing to no more than four feet. The yellow anthers of the Indiangrass flowers can be quite noticeable in a meadow full of this grass.
United States
Endangered Wild Sea Oats... You can legally grow your own!
If you have walked along those beaches, you will have seen signs that picking sea oats (or any part thereof, including seeds) is against the law in several states, and carries a hefty fine.
United States
Simple Ground Covers for the Garden
The plant can be found now with white or pink blooms. Thank you to Toxicodendron for the image.Creeping juniper might be old fashioned but it is still nice in the garden. Thank you to kennedyh for the image.
United States
Heaven in the Garden: Blue Flowers and Plants
Calibrachoa, also called million bells, comes in both light and dark blue shades and is often used in summertime hanging baskets. Caryopteris (sometimes called bluebeard, blue mist or blue spirea) is a small shrub with woody stems which may die back in...
United States
Blue-eyed Grass
We take time to see the spring violets, the trilliums, and a hundred other small beauties that we may not have noticed during our earlier years. Shearing back immediately after bloom will prevent the formation of unwanted seedlings and neaten up the planting.
United States
Growing Grass Indoors
Tall fescue forms a feathery, soft mat, but it requires regular care and maintenance if you want it to survive more than a few weeks indoors. Large, 4- to 6-inch-deep trays work well for pet grass and for growing a larger mat of indoor grass while small...
United States
Pampas Grass Allergies
Pollen can blow off the flowers with only a little encouragement and travel indoors, right to your nose. For example, alternatives include daylilies, New Zealand flax and gypsophila.
United States
Broad Leaf Grass Types
If the roots are not removed, it is likely that the grass will return. It is a commonly cultivated lawn grass in the United States and Australia. It requires a minimum rainfall of 30 inches per year.
United States
Types of Tropical Grass
An example of a clumping, tropical bamboo, Mexican weeping bamboo (Otatea acuminata aztecorum) grows 15 to 20 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide in USDA zones 9 through 11. A third tropical lawn grass commonly used in coastal warm winter areas, St. Augustine...
United States
How Are Grasses Pollinated?
The importance of grass to humans probably cannot be overstated. They do not have all the flowering structures or the flowering structures grasses do have are smaller than flowering plants that draw insect pollinators.
United States
Examples of Grass Plants
There is a spike of plumes at the top. To plant, choose a moist soil with full sun but it will tolerate dry soil and partial shade conditions. After flowering, black or white berries occur.
United States
Facts About Zoysia Grass: Zoysia Grass Problems
A zoysia grass lawn is frequently touted as the cure all for the homeowner's lawn cares. But if you are in a cooler climate, planting a zoysia grass lawn is just asking for trouble.
United States
Zoysia Grass Plugs: Directions For Planting Zoysia Plugs
The zoysia grass plugs should planted in a checkerboard pattern as you continue on.After all the zoysia grass plugs are planted, water the grass thoroughly.After planting zoysia plugs, keep watering them daily for a week or two until they are established.freestar.queue.push(function()...
United States
Centipede Grass Maintenance And Planting Tips
Centipede grass' ability to grow in poor soils and its low maintenance needs make it an ideal grass for many homeowners in warmer areas. If desired, fertilize the area with a high nitrogen fertilizer.Using centipede grass sod is the fastest and least...
United States
No Fuss Lawns With Zoysia Grass
Zoysia grass is very susceptible to cold conditions and is, therefore, best suited to warm climates. Some people choose to start by seed; however, most prefer to, all of which can be acquired at most nurseries or garden centers.
United States
Buffalo Grass Lawns: Information About The Care Of Buffalo Grass
It is a warm season grass that goes brown and dormant in fall when cold temperatures arrive and only awakens in spring as the air and soil warm up. The blades are slightly curly and the flowers are both pistillate and staminate.
United States