Fertilizing any more than this can lead to problems with your centipede grass lawn.Water your centipede grass only when it starts to show signs of water stress during times of drought.
Any of these methods is fine and up to the individual.Laying sod results in a more immediate lawn and usually requires several weeks before it is able to withstand any foot traffic.
Use a weed and feed at fertilizing time and hand weed when possible to remove competing pest plants. The plant has a history of being expensive and hard to establish but planting buffalo grass from the newer cultivars have minimized these traits.
Let's learn more about how and when to plant Bermuda grass.Bermuda grass is a cold tolerant, warm-season grass that will grow as far north as Virginia. This attractive, dense grass, also known as “South Grass,” is an adaptablethat many people use...
The usual herbicides may be toxic to the wanted species, so managing Bermuda grass when it invades the lawn takes some special steps. Useinstalled 6 inches into soil to prevent the grass from spreading into and competing with your shrubs and flowers.Vigilance...
It also helps to limit the amount of fertilizer used on zoysia grass.If you find sections of zoysia dying, this could be attributed to grub worms. Although fungal spores of brown patch cannot be fully eliminated, keeping zoysia healthy will make it less...
While herbicide treatments usually begin in late summer, to achieve the best results, apply the herbicide while the grass is still green and actively growing.Also keep in mind that non-selective herbicides still have the potential to kill other plants...
It is a warm to temperate zone grass that requires sun and dry earth but tolerates a range of soil types, from rocky to sandy, with moderate to alkaline pH levels.About the only condition it cannot stand is boggy or overly wet sites.
It is the most shade tolerant of all turfgrasses.The plant prefers difficult soil conditions such as rocky, sandy or clay situations. The delicate leaves are an indicator as is the superior performance in shade locations.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Also known as carpetgrass, St. Augustine creates a smooth even turf which is tolerant to extremely high temperatures and low moisture. Fertilize with 1 pound of nitrogen every 30 to 60 days during spring through fall.and sod worms are the most common...
Seed needs to be pressed into soil. The grass has deep widely set roots. The grass is a perennial bunch grass which establishes quickly and is low maintenance in appropriate locations.
Read on to learn more about red fescue grass.) is a perennial lawn grass in USDA planting zones 1-7 and an annual grass in zones 8-10. Plant 1/8 inch deep and keep mowed at 3-4 inches high.While red fescue will grow fine on its own, it does much better...
The grass needs to be vigorous, hardy, resistant to disease and pests and able to withstand foot traffic and frequent mowing.Of concern is also the amount of water and resources required to sustain the lawn.
Although the grass looks uniform and close together, the blades really are spread apart for the size of grass blades. A couple of easy solutions present themselves. The care for indoor-quality grass seeds is minimal.
Consider indoor stadiums and soccer fields and you will see that it is not only possible, but they flourish. Just sprinkle the seed over the surface of the soil and cover with a fine layer of sand.
Because of its short statue, it is ideal for the foreground of the bed. One-quart container. Never jarring or obtrusive in the landscape, the sedge is a foil for the brightly colored caladiums that join the grouping in summer and an interesting contrast...
Even though we call this equisetum "scouring rush," it is not a rush at all. Gardeners are urged to grow this very aggressive plant in containers to restrain its creeping rhizomes.
Read on to learn how to grow rattlesnake grass and take advantage of this fun plant.What is rattlesnake grass? Use no more than one-fourth to one-half cup per plant. Once established, the plant self-seeds readily.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
These plants benefit from being divided every three or four years. Most of the problems associated with flopping ornamental grass is because of gardeners taking too much care of the plants, not too little.The most common cause of ornamental grasses falling...
In all cases, keep competitive weeds from around the root zone and add a layer of organic mulch to protect roots and rhizomes in cold temperatures and conserve moisture.Divided plants may grow in containers or in ground.
The feathery inflorescences persist in winter, turning beige and dry, seed heads of interest to several species of wild birds.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });This plant prefers full sun to part shade.
A decorative, low growing plant, this plant looks best when grouped together but sometimes there may only be a few plants available. This way you can plant dwarf mondo grass that is exactly like the parent and you will have a much more uniform look to...
As a warm season grass, older fountain grass growth responds by dying back. Remove old growth to 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) from the ground.In cooler climates, you can mound this trimmed plant material over the root zone as a mulch to prevent any cold...
These plants perform well in almost any soil and lighting condition. The components of the name are derived from the Latin words for snake and beard, a reference to the spiky flowers.As a lawn substitute in shady to partially sunny locations, it is a...
Soil for this grass is ideally sandy and loamy, but it should do well in most soil conditions. It works well as a backdrop in beds with shorter plants in front of it, or along walkways and edges as a tall, grassy hedge.freestar.queue.push(function() {...
Zebra ornamental plants have long arching leaves with appealing stripes across the width, like dappled foliage in the sun. They may get someor small leaf damage from chewing insects, but for the most part the plant is quite strong and hardy.Provide a...
You'll need to wear leather gloves, long pants and a long sleeve shirt to avoid getting cut.Pampas grass pruning is much easier when you have proper tools for the job. Waiting until the end of winter allows you to enjoy the plumes all year.Every once...