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Types Of Evergreen Trees For Landscaping

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Building A Formal Rose Garden Part 1
I love to add this soil, once pulled free of weeds, to my compost pile if I have the room.Have your soil tested well before you do anything else. These will be with you for a long, long time so get what you love --- or save a little while until you can
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Blue Hollies: Premier Evergreens for Northern Gardens
The newest introductions, developed in Germany, are ‘Castle Wall' (male) and ‘Castle Spire' (female) which exhibit a fastigiate to pyramidal habit not unlike Hick's Yew. Uses include foundation plantings, informal hedges and spiny barriers.
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Building A Formal Rose Garden Part 2
The third and outer circle will have room for twelve roses beyond the climbing roses that will cover the arbors. Do not put the mulch up to the plants themselves but leave a little room there for them to grow.
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Popular Christmas Tree Varieties: Which One is Right for You?
They can be more labor-intensive for the grower, however, as the trunks are sometimes not straight, and they require more shearing to develop a desirable shape.Dark to medium green, with 1.5-3" stiff, firm needles in pairs.Very firm branches, good for...
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The Siberian Cedar
Fill each half with combined ingredients. Sow the seed in individual pots in a cold frame as soon as the seeds are ripe, usually in September. In the current best-selling Russian book series, "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" by Vladimir Megre, there is...
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Growing your Christmas Forest, One Tree at a Time
You are likely to find that they already anticipated your visit and have various Christmas pines available for purchase. This means that you need to take extra special care to be sure that the tree doesn't come out of dormancy.
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Memories of a Longleaf Pine
That pine still stands today. I think of it now , and I am struck with delight. When I was lonely, I played with my dogs and cats in its dappled shade. As a child my silly imagination would run wild on those walks.
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Magnolia - Southern Garden Queen
The roots of the grandiflora are unlike any other tree but other magnolias. These are among the survivors of this and countless other harsh storms that might break the tree but, from the ruins that remain, it will rise again and once more be the strong...
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Firs and Spruces
Serbian spruces are common on the U.S. Eastern coast, especially in sites where space is at a premium because of its small spread. The Korean fir is at home with heavy rainfall, cool and humid summers, and heavy snowfall in winterThe most striking feature...
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White Pines and the role they played.
If one aspirin made a headache disappear, two aspirin would keep it away for the rest of the day. The bark is gray or dark brown with a grayish tint on its rough surface. Since the white pine is no longer used for these medicinal purposes, there is no...
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Florida Anise, An Uncommon Evergreen Shrub
Soil high in organic matter is preferred. Florida anise fits well into naturalistic landscapes in damp, shady areas.Yellow anise is easily rooted from cuttings, and it occurs naturally in wet areas in southern Georgia and Florida.
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Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
They're little, but they are mighty!Azaleas and rhododendron-dwarf species: 1 to 3 feet, many colors. For the homeowner with a small piece of land or condo plot, or the gardener who wishes to spend more time enjoying the landscape than pruning it, dwarf...
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The Hanging Gardens of Campione d\'Italia
All balconies were bursting with so many blooms! I even saw a bottlebrush plant in one of the private gardens, which I knew from seeing one growing in my friend's garden in Florida.Other evergreens growing in the Meditarranean climate of this beautiful...
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Putting the Holly in Hollywood
My largest plants are immediately downhill from the neighbor's lawn, which of course they need to water regularly. Plants can be grown from tip cuttings taken in late summer. It is reported that fresh seed will germinate right away, but seed that is not...
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Black Gum - Another Great Native Tree for Landscapes
By October, the tree is quite colorful and its leaves are beginning to fall.Another interesting aspect of its appearance is the right angle at which the limbs emerge from the straight but tapering trunk.Coming straight out as they do and even drooping...
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Siberian Cypress - Groundcover of the Future
So far only one cultivar has been selected. And to think it was only introduced to Western gardeners in the 1970s! Read on to learn more about this versatile shrub. This one is called ‘Fuzz Ball' and has softer, fuzzier foliage than is typical of the...
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Boxwood ~ the Versatile Landscape Shrub
You must take care not to cultivate too closely around them. The point to all of this personal interaction with boxwoods is that you need to know the plant, it's proposed use and the location where you intend to plant it before you buy it.
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The fine for chopping down a consecrated yew in 10th century Wales was one pound, a staggering sum at the time.The reverence with which the yew was regarded by pagans appears to have seamlessly transferred to Christianity.
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Christmas Trees: Which One is Right for Your Family?
Feel free to breathe deeply. Use a natural tree every Christmas so that this plantation can keep on making clean air." The choices are many when it comes to buying that all important centerpiece of the decorated Christmas holiday home.
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Winterberry Hollies: \'Rhett Butler\' Meets \'Scarlett O\'Hara\' and the Results are Explosive
Frosts have touched many of our beautiful blooms and even stalwart, hardy perennials are worse for wear as the colder winds of winter draw near. The beautiful reds, yellows and oranges of sugar maple and beech have finished their seasonal show.
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Evergreens - Beyond Christmas Trees!
As the temperature drops further, this effect gets more pronounced, and in the low teens the leaves are completely closed, and they droop down as if trying to hide from Jack Frost.
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Dogwood Trees: Great Autumn Color
These are understory trees that usually flourish on the edges of hardwood forests and in the deep south, can benefit from a bit of afternoon shade. Your trees should bloom 5 to 7 years after they sprout new growth.Dogwoods make great garden trees because...
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Outdoor Winter Decorating
White pine, Scotch pine, any kind of pine will do. We refreshed our hanging baskets, preparing them for the long winter ahead. Be careful, this native of Western North America has very sharp needles.
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Evergreen Shrubs by Size
Best results are achieved when given average water and grown in well drained, average garden soil in full sun to partial shade. Hardy in USDA zones 5a to 9b. Best results are achieved when given average water and grown in well drained, average garden...
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Japanese Plum Yew Excels in the South
The photograph at the left will help with visualization and make the description clearer. For upright forms, be sure to take tip cuttings from upright growth and not from side branches.
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Colorado Blue Spruce: A Blue Conifer in All Sizes
If you prefer tall but narrow form, then 'Fastigiata', 'are your best choices. They will eventually reach 6 to 10 feet, but they are slow growers. These may seem small when first purchased but can get quite large over time, both in width and height.
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Sweet Olive, an Evergreen Shrub with Fragrant Flowers
Serrulatus, and O. Sweet olive (Osmanthus fragrans, Zones 8-10) is one of the horticultural treasures that Southerners enjoy in their gardens. However, it is likely not a first choice of the gardener who must have perfectly shaped plants.Sweet olive blooms...
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