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How to Figure Tree Weight
Now, calculate what percentage of the picture is a tree, and what percentage is not a tree. The second method is to use an algorithm built for precisely this purpose. If the accuracy of your estimate is important, you should consult with a forester or...
Santa Monica
Land-strapped Farmers Turn to Mob Grazing
In rotational grazing, pastured cattle are moved to a new paddock every few days. Led by Jim Russell, cow and calf nutrition specialist in ISU's Department of Animal Science, the researchers are comparing three management-intensive grazing systems : rotational...
How Long Do Stargazer Lilies Take to Sprout?
If you buy frozen bulbs, thaw them before planting.Several factors determine when the bulbs will sprout, such as the density of surrounding bulbs, amount of sunlight, temperatures and planting time.
Santa Monica
Can a Refractometer Help Me Grow Tastier Food?
The results from the refractometer are compared to Brix charts to find out the crop's rating (poor, average, good, excellent). (The Brix number is the measurement where the light fields intersect on the prism.) Compare the Brix measurement to the Brix...
5 Weeding Strategies You\'ve Probably Not Considered Yet
Be aware that certain allelopathic plants could hinder germination of your direct-seeded crops, though established crops and transplants are less likely to be affected. Living Mulch A living mulch makes use of the high-density planting concept to provide...
Winter Weather Basics for Farmers
Water Offer a plenty of fresh water — find ways to keep it thawed — take unfrozen water to animals or use and frost-proof waterers will ensure than livestock get enough to drink.
The Best and Worst Trees for Firewood
The wood of hemlock trees (not to be confused with the poisonous plant of the same name) features very, very hard knots that make them difficult to split into burnable logs. White ash weighs less than most other types of quality firewood and is easier...
Use Row Cover To Increase Sales
Buying row cover is an expense, and it can be a headache to pull on and off for cultivations and to get to your crops, but in our experience this product has proved invaluable. Protection From Cold Then, of course, is the obvious reason most of us already...
Seascape Berry Info – What Is A Seascape Strawberry
Their shallow root systems make them suitable not only for the garden, but for container growing as well. Strawberry lovers who want more than one crop of the delicious sweet berries opt for everbearing, or day-neutral cultivars.
Thryallis Shrub Care – How To Grow Thryallis Plants
Find a location in your garden with full sun to help this bush grow best and produce the most flowers. If you're looking for year-round blooms and an ornamental shrub for your sub-tropical garden, look no further than the low-maintenance and gorgeous...
Macaw Palm Info: How To Grow Macaw Palm Trees
Growing a macaw palm in zone 9 is possible, but the young plants need to be protected from frost until they are established. However, it will grow fastest in well-drained soil that is kept moist.To propagate macaw palm, scarify seeds and plant in warm...
Endangered Tropical Rainforest Plants
The tree is endangered as a result of rainforest development which has all but destroyed the habitat of the dawn bat -- the animal primarily responsible for pollinating durian trees.Mangrove trees form large forests on the saltwater shorelines of rainforests...
Santa Monica
Chitalpa Information – How To Grow Chitalpa Trees In The Garden
They are deciduous and lose leaves in winter. These plants tolerate some shade but they develop foliage diseases that make the plant unattractive. The flowers appear in spring and summer in various shades of pink.According to chitalpa information, these...
Softwood Tree Information: Learn About Softwood Characteristics
Softwood tree species generally have softer wood than hardwood varieties.Conifer wood contains only a few different cell types. In fact, a few hardwood trees have softer wood than softwoods.
Understory Planting Tips: Information On Using Understory Plants In The Garden
Quite simply, it is a shrub or tree that is small enough and sufficiently shade tolerant to thrive under the canopies of other, taller trees. Tips about which understory trees and shrubs to use will depend on the size of the large trees already in your...
Dense Shade In Gardens: Exactly What Is Full Shade
Fullcan also be found under patios, decks or other garden structures.Plants for full shade don't generally display the brilliant colors of those that receive full sunlight; however, there are many interesting and attractive options to choose from.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Olives To Olive Oil
They also need moderate and fairly dry conditions during bloom in order to set fruit well. Alternate bearing can be ameliorated with careful management aimed at supplying the tree with plenty of resources when it's supporting a large crop and pruning...
Wind Injury To Plants – How To Fix Wind Damaged Plants
Cut the branch back to the collar, or the thickened area next to the trunk.Plants with a constant stream of wind blowing over them may develop wilted leaves and brown edges from. When you tackle these tasks right away, the plant recovers quickly and more...
Firebush Information – How To Grow Hamelia Firebush Plants
Firebush will even tolerate some salty spray from the ocean.To grow firebush in your garden, plant it in late spring or early summer. These bright, coppery-red blooms also attract pollinators to the garden, includingFirebush also comes in a compact or...
Why Carrots Crack: Tips For Preventing Cracking In Carrots
Carrot roots need moist soil, but don't like to be waterlogged. If you are seeing split carrot roots, you may be wondering how to prevent cracking in carrots crops.If your carrots are cracking, the malady is likely the result of inadequate environmental...
Heading Cuts In Pruning: Learn About Heading Back Plant Branches
Here are some uses for heading cuts:To improve the shape of the plant by refocusing growth into a different directionTo increase the density or bushiness of the plant by encouraging the growth of side stemsIn addition, you can influence the flowering...
Plant Obesity: How Our Food Is Getting Bigger And Less Healthy
By choosing a natural perspective towards agriculture we can grow more using less, we can consider what the plant wants rather than what we want to get out of it. If you boil it down to its essence, organic growing is about feeding microbes, but the microbes...
Reducing Soil Erosion: Using Plants For Erosion Control
There are many types of erosion control plants, but preventing erosion with native plants complements and accents the natural landscape. Using plants for erosion control is an excellent biological method to safeguard the landscape and the shape of the...
Berry Leaf Shrub Identification
Berry leaf shrubs can range in height from 3 feet tall to 7 feet tall. Noting the length of the stem may also be helpful in identifying a berry leaf shrub.One significant identifiable feature among berry shrubs is berry color.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Okoume peels and slices easily and evenly, and this combines with its good acceptance of glue to give it wide use as veneer and in plywood.Outside of its native range, most Okoume is sold as veneer or plywood.
Santa Monica
Ramps... Not for the Faint-Hearted!
The Native Americans knew ramps well and besides making a spring tonic, made a poultice from the bulb juice to put on bee stings. The ramp is a wild leek, smelling strongly of garlic, and people either love 'em or hate 'em.
El Segundo
No-till Fields Capture More Snow
Huggins calculated that the greater storage of soil water in no-till systems could increase winter wheat yield potential by 13 bushels per acre on ridge tops, six bushels per acre on south-facing slopes and three bushels per acre in valleys.