Some indoor gardeners shy away from growing the frilly and elegant African violet () because they are intimidated by African violet care. African violet plants with dark green foliage usually need somewhat higher light levels than those with pale or medium...
Unfortunately, the roots are hidden underground, so you won't be able to notice this telltale symptom. One very common problem is crown rot. If the fungus spreads too far (and the wetter it is, the quicker it spreads), it will kill the plant.Crown rot...
For instance, with age,can develop long bare necks between the soil line and their lower leaves. Continue reading to learn what you can when African violets are leggy like this.New growth on African violets grows from the plant tip.
Problems like spots on African violet leaves seem to come out of nowhere, turning a beautiful plant into a nightmare overnight. Watering from the bottom is the secret to African violet success.You can buy self-watering planters designed specifically for...
Are a beautiful flower to add to any room in your home. The petiole should be trimmed to about 1 ½ inches for best results. African violet propagation can be done from leaf cuttings, or they can be grown from seed.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
A pup grows from the plant's main stem – not from a leaf or from the crown. You can also use a clean plastic milk jug with the “spout” end cut off. Push the leaves apart gently to find the pups.
For an introduction to this wonderful African violet form, see "Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms." Although many trailing varieties will do their thing with little or no help from you, an occasional grooming session can be...
Imagine leaves so lovely that blooms are a bonus... The developing plantlets need the green chlorophyll in the mother leaf to provide energy. If you're used to seeing the plain green leaves of African violets on grocery store shelves, the contrasting...
Seek out one or two trailing African violets to add to your houseplant collection. Or you could find a suitable container andGrowing trailing African violets isn't much different from growing their non-trailing cousins.
African Violets are the simple and easy answer! With a few simple steps you can grow this wonderful and almost ever blooming plant. You see that east facing window each and everyday and you just know there is a reason it lives there with that perfect...
Plastic "clamshell" takeout containers with holes in the top (for ventilation) and bottom (for drainage) make great propagation trays for the tiny leaves or suckers of miniature AVs. Plantlets can potted up initially in 1 inch plastic condiment cups with...
It's simple enough. The first registered violet to exhibit this leaf type was'Blue Girl', hybridized from 'Blue Boy' by Ulery in 1941.Later hybridizers included "girl" in the names of many new cultivars with girl foliage like 'Peppermint Girl', 'Silly...
The surface of the potting mix also stays on the dry side, discouraging fungus gnats, algae and a method using a wick to draw water up into the potting mix from a reservoir.
Before you water, stick your finger down into the soil to check for moisture. Letting the reservoir go dry for several days every month or two helps keep the roots healthy. Adding one part horticultural perlite to one part good quality soil-less potting...
I was so afraid I was going to lose it! I had already lost its "twin" before, so I was determined to watch the only one of this variety I still had. Helplessly, I watched it lose all its older leaves, one by one.
Maybe it?s seasick because I?ve overfilled the water tray. Am I seeing things, or does that African violet blossom look a little green today? His ‘Irish Flirt' is a personal favorite, with its rose-like double blooms and bright green leaves.
Suffering under the delusion that all flowering plants needed lots of light, I frequently allowed the poor things to sunburn. Now that I know most gesneriads don't like direct sunlight, I move them around at the outer edges of my fluorescent grow-lights...
Kamstra for the use of the pictures of Jankaea. These hardy African violets are not easy to find. And like African violets, they may also be grown from leaf cuttings. That is just a fantasy...or is it?
This is your drainage. Your newly created paradise will not need to be watered as often as your other houseplants. Any of your favourite cleaners will work for this. That perfect blend of humidity and warmth, a mini tropical paradise.
Try to make a compromise and both sides of your brain will be happier.You will know when your home is finally decorated the way you want it.The best way to find the best look is to experiment.If moving a bulky sofa is out of the question, try shifting...
Their small stature was perfect for my petite giveaways. On the inside I photo copied different quotes that my husband and I liked. Often times I could find AV's in not-too-bad-a-shape for just a dollar.
This will generally give you a leaf cutting with a much longer stem than you need for propagation., this is the point where you'll want to pop your cutting into a zip-top bag. Firm the soil mix around the leaf lightly, just enough to make the leaf stand...
Many trail down the sides of hanging baskets. Your reward is an elegant, indoor flowering specimen.There are several cultivars of the flame violet plant. If the water is absorbed quickly, try adding a little more, but don't exceed the 30 minute limit.Water...
The Persian violet blooms for about three or four months; after that, it can be difficult to get it to bloom again. These plants can be grown indoors, but they also flourish outdoors inThis violet is usually purchased in full bloom and the flowers are...
It is not widely available in nursery catalogues, but if you do run into someone with the plant, you can start your own with summer cuttings or ripe fruit seeds.Collect seeds from orange healthy fruits and plant them immediately in a moist flat.
Violets are one of the cheeriest little flowers to grace the landscape. The categories have further been divided into subgroups:None of this is very important unless you are a breeder or botanist, but it serves to indicate the huge array of varieties...
These plants enjoy light shade but will also thrive in sunny locations. Some varieties also have white or yellow blooms. They also make excellent choices for instant ground cover in aBoth the leaves and flowers (which bloom in late winter and early spring)...