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Tulip Leaves

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Summer Showers Mix F1 Hybrid Geranium Seeds
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 25-seeds

(Pelargonium) Annual. Needs even moisture with warm water. They are tolerant of heat and humidity and perform beautifully in containers and window boxes. (12-15”) Summer Showers Mix F1 Hybrid Ivy Leaved Geranium features beautiful, heavy blooming plants...
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Colorful Copperleaf: Acalypha Brings Bold Foliage to the Garden
Gardeners in Florida and other southern zones may know and love Copperleaf already, as a shrubby perennial. This plant is used as a pseudo-shrub in frost free gardens, and is now appearing as an annual in middle to cooler zones.
El Segundo
Growing House Plants for Better Health
The green spots are stomata, and the inset is a close-up of a single stomate.Particulate matter that comes into contact with the potting soil is removed by the microorganisms living in it.In both cases, plants break down the polluting substances into...
El Segundo
Apricot Beauty Tulip
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

Apricot Beauty Tulips have sturdy stems that keep them erect in gusty spring winds. SHIPS IN FALL Apricot Beauty Tulips are the ultimate tulips for spring color! The unique soft apricot color will have everybody talking about these Triumph Tulips.
  • Max Height (feet): 16-18"
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Spread: 5-6"
Rembrandt Tulips
Prices start at : 11.19 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL The Rembrandt Tulip has Bright blooms that look as though the Dutch Master himself painted them. Every petal is streaked, striped, and splashed with contrasting colors, which will make these tulips a standout in your garden.
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Max Height (feet): 18-20"
  • Spread: 6"
  • Colors: Mixed
Snow Peak Tulip
Prices start at : 3.79 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Snow Peak Darwin Tulips are a pure crystal white that will highlight your landscape and add contrast to other tulips. Huge and hardy flowers stand on tall stems. Snow Peak Darwin Tulips are ideal for bouquets.
  • Spread: 5-6"
  • Plant Lighting: Partial Sun/Shade, Full Shade
  • Colors: White
  • Season Color: Spring
Joint Devision Tulip
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL A real jewel of a tulip, Joint Devision has bright orange flowers with a contrasting golden fringe. The durable flowers are very long lasting in the mid to late spring garden, and make great additions to arrangements.
  • Zones: 3-7
  • Colors: Orange, Yellow
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Spread: 5-6"
Queen of the Night Tulip
Prices start at : 3.79 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Queen of the Night is the perfect name for this stunning tulip because its color is such a deep, dark, velvety maroon that it looks black in some kinds of light. These tulips grow 22 to 30 inches tall and bloom in May.
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Colors: Black
  • Spread: 5-6"
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Holland Queen Tulip
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Golden yellow with bursts of red flames. Grows 16-18" tall.
  • Zones: 3-7
  • Deer Resistant: No
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
Merida Tulip
Prices start at : 3.79 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Meridas deep wine red flowers are a striking addition to the spring garden and are long lasting in bouquets as well. Grows 16-18" tall.
  • Spread: 5-6"
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Max Height (feet): 16-18"
Long Lasting Tulip Mix
Prices start at : 8.49 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Enjoy this new rainbow mix of early, middle, and late season tulips for color all spring long! Easy to grow! For a showy display, plant nine bulbs per square foot. Grows 16-24'' high in full sun to shade.
  • Max Height (feet): 16-24"
  • Spread: 5-6''
  • Season Color: Spring
  • Colors: Mixed
African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
The first time somebody told me about girl-leafed violets, I thought they were pulling my leg. Be sure to blot water carefully from the leaves with the end of a paper towel or a microfiber cloth, especially if water collects on the crown of the plant.
El Segundo
Plants of Many Colors - When Green is Just Not Enough!
Tissue taken from either variegated or non-variegated parts of a plant whose variegation is genetic will grow into plants that look just like the plant from which the tissue came. This phenomenon argues for both the viral hypothesis and for the agent...
El Segundo
Laurel Is a Keeper
Moreover, dried laurel leaves don't have a short expiration date - about one to three years. You may not believe it, but I still have laurel dry leaves from my store! Whithin a year, we decided it wasn't convenient to pursue the business, since we were...
El Segundo
Apeldoorn, Tulip Bulbs
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / 10 Bulbs

A bright red Darwin Hybrid tulip! Apeldoorn red tulip is a Darwin Hybrids that offer big, beautiful blooms that stand out in spring gardens. Flowers can reach 6 inches in diameter when fully open! Because of their long stems, lovely pyramid shape, and...
  • ? Dimensions
  • ? Weight
  • Sow Depth: 5"
  • Size: 10 Bulbs
  • Form: Seed
Red Apeldoorn Tulip
Prices start at : 3.79 USD / each

Magnificent planted in masses. SHIPS IN FALL Brilliant red Darwin Hybrid Tulips are the backbone of any spring garden! Exceptionally long-lasting blooms are a spring delight. The Red Apeldoorn Tulip is one of the finest perennial tulips available.
  • Max Height (feet): 2
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Season Color: Spring
Orange Emperor Tulip
Prices start at : 3.79 USD / each

Just as it's name implies, the Orange Emperor Tulip is a majestic orange beauty that is a smashing addition to your spring landscape. Large, vividly colored blooms appear in April and May.
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Max Height (feet): 2
  • Zones: 3-9
  • Colors: Orange
Aloe vera leaves supplier
Price : CALL

We also ready to supply you in bulk quantity. 600 to 800 gr., 2. 1200 to 1500 grams per leaf weight. We are supplier of aloe vera in three categories; 1. 800 to 1200 gr., 3. Also we interested to supply regularly with grade A quality.
Flaming Flag Tulip
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Unique purple patterns on every bloom. Weather resistant and sturdy. Grows 12-16" tall.
  • Spread: 5-6"
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Season Color: Spring
Sunlover Tulip
Prices start at : 7.00 USD / each

SHIPS IN FALL Sunlover is never boring! This large, peony flowering tulip is an ever changing display of the colors of the sun. As the flower matures, the streaks and broad strokes of golds, oranges, and yellows change so each bloom appears a little different...
  • Max Height (feet): 14-16"
  • Spread: 5-6"
  • Colors: Orange, Yellow
  • Season Color: Spring
Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
Sometimes the punishment was sweet, especially if my friend was eating some candies or cookies at the time! I remember how I always tried to run and get something "green" if I didn't have anything in my pocket, before a friend would say the magic words...
El Segundo
Since it was something I would need to know for the next time I was asked, I went straight to a science book to find the answer. The air is crisp, the sky is blue and you are surrounded by more brilliant colors than you could have imagined.
El Segundo
Think Green: Foliage as an Alternative to Flowers
Most of the more exotic foliage plants require shade and moisture or warm climates, but many will grow in otherted. Veryone loves a beautiful rose, or a mass of color in front of the house, or a grassy bank filled with wildflowers, but what about those...
El Segundo
Autumn Comes
Most likely, a Canadian high pressure zone will push a cold front down with an accompanying low pressure zone and some rain. We in the western part of New York State, often find ourselves enjoying mild weather the first couple of weeks of September, but...
El Segundo
Fox Trot, Tulip Bulbs
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / 10 Bulbs

  • Sow Method: Direct Sow
  • Zones: 2
  • Form: Seed
  • Size: 10 Bulbs
  • Weight: N/A
Darwin Hybrid Mix, Tulip Bulbs
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / 10 Bulbs

A colorful blend of Darwin Mix Tulips! A mix of reds, oranges, yellows, pinks and bi-colors. Extra large, bold blooms are great for yard borders, in front of shrubs or companion planting.
  • ? Dimensions
  • ? Weight
  • Botanical Name: Tulipa
  • Sow Method: Direct Sow
  • Sow Depth: 5"
Long Lasting \'All Season\', Tulip Bulbs
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / 10 Bulbs

A stunning array of long lasting tulip mix! This mix is made up of over 100 varieties of stunning tulips. Designed to provide constant color throughout the spring season.
  • categories: Flowers
  • Botanical Name: Tulipa
  • Weight: N/A
  • Form: Seed
  • Size: 10 Bulbs