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Tuberous Begonia Varieties

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Bada Boom Mix Begonia Seeds
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 100-seeds

Do not cover seed. The plants do well in full sun and partial shade. Semperflorens) Annual. The flowers are shades of pink, rose, white and scarlet; they bloom early and profusely.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Nonstop Mix Begonia Seeds
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 100-seeds

On a hot, sunny day uncover flat for a few hours. Semperflorens) Annual. (Pelleted Seed) 2,000,000 seeds/oz.; 14-21 days, 75-80°F. Use sterilized soil. Do not cover seed. 14-16 weeks to bloom from seed.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Inchellium Red Garlic
Prices start at : 95.00 USD / inch 5 lb. seed

Our happy little ranch uses all aspect of organic and biodynamic farming practices to achieve the highest quality food, or medicine, as we like to think of our garlic as. It gets huge and has a great robust garlic flavor.
Santa Cruz
Organically Grown Italian Purple Garlic Table
Prices start at : 16.00 USD / 1 Lb

Rocamboles grow better in cold winter gardens. I will refund you shipping overage charges. They were grown using all organic methods. Dirt Goddess Super Seeds and Garlic Farm has Italian Purple garlic available for planting and eating.
Santa Cruz
Groundnut (Apios americana)
Prices start at : 69.00 USD / package of 12 tubers

Boiled, they were unexpectedly quite dry, and though in this instance a little strong, had a more nutty flavor. I dug some ground-nuts in the railroad bank with my hands this afternoon, the vine being now dead.
Santa Cruz
Alpinia calcarata rhizome
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / 3 rhizomes

Browse my store for additional items. Try something new in your garden this year! In cold climates these can be container-grown and protected during the winter. You are buying bare-root rhizomes with the canes cut short for shipping.
  • Sun: Sun or shade. In tropical zones they like a little shade in the summer.
  • Water: drought tolerant once established, but growth will be more vigorous with steady moisture
  • Container Planting: yes
  • USDA Zones: 9 to 11
  • Propagation / Germination: Plant immediately and keep slightly moist. New growth will emerge from eyes along the rhizome.
  • Flowers: showy clusters on tips of canes
Santa Cruz
Organically Grown Day Lilies
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / 6 root divisions

Daylilies are useful in the perennial flower border, planted in large masses, or as a ground cover on slopes, where they form a dense mat in just a few years, from just a few plants.
  • Soil: grows well in poor soils
  • Sun: Partial shade to full sun
  • Container Planting: yes
Santa Cruz
Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke)
Prices start at : 45.00 USD / bulk_10 lb.

This photo was taken of washed tubers to better view the outside texture...almost like ginger. We ship these tubers after a frost. A week (without washing) in a plastic container. A great substitute for potatoes if you have a restricted diet.
Santa Cruz
Organically Grown Zemo Garlic
Prices start at : 36.00 USD / 2 Lbs Planting Garlic

Its flavor is very strong and robust and sticks around for a long time. I will refund you shipping overage charges. Zemo is a beautiful and well-formed porcelain garlic similar to German White.
Santa Cruz
Organically Grown Garlic Sampler
Prices start at : 85.50 USD / 5 lbs. Planting garlic

It will contain a combination of German Red, German White, Russian Purple, Music, Spanish Roja, Italian Easy Peel, Vietnamese Red, Red Russian, Zemo, Metechi, and/or Elephant Garlic, each individually labeled based on availability.
Santa Cruz
Chives, Garlic - Seed
Prices start at : 3.50 USD / Chives_garlic

I also sell live herb, veggie starts and perennial plants - locally only - if interested, please contact me for more information, as I do not ship live plants! Most of my plants are priced from $1 (veggie starts) and up...I will be at the City of Dallas,...
Santa Cruz
Garlic, Chrysalis Rose
Prices start at : 214.00 USD / 12 lbs.

Our seed garlic is selected for the larger bulbs. It is a favorite at our farmer's market. All our seed is open-pollinated and many are heirloom varieties from many parts of the US and Europe.
  • Lifecycle: 0 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Heirloom: yes
Santa Cruz
French Grey Shallots, Organically Grown
Prices start at : 360.00 USD / 20 Lbs

I will refund you shipping overage charges. They have a distinctive, rich, earthy smell, and mild, delicious flavor. Shallots are widely used not only in French, Indian, and Thai food, but also Central Asian cooking, where they reportedly grow wild.
Santa Cruz
Iris Mix Grab Bag
Prices start at : 30.00 USD / iris mix, large box

The bulk box is a medium flat rate box filled with iris. We have dark purple and light purple, and one with both dark and light purple (my favorite), small and large yellows, some ruffles, some bearded and some not.
Santa Cruz
Bogatyr Garlic
Prices start at : 99.00 USD / Bogatyr 5 lb. seed

Brix Rating - 40.5% Our happy little ranch uses all aspect of organic and biodynamic farming practices to achieve the highest quality food, or medicine, as we like to think of our garlic as.
Santa Cruz
American Ginseng Roots
Prices start at : 39.50 USD / 8, 2-year old roots

Note: Medicinal uses of herbs mentioned in our store are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please see a qualified medical practitioner for diagnosis if you have a health problem.
Santa Cruz
Walking Iris
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / 5 fans

Browse my store for additional items. Excellent container plant in any zone. In cold climates keep inside in winter months. Grower Jims Plants and Produce has been farming the same land for 30 years.
  • Lifecycle: 2 (0: N/A, 1: annual, 2: perennial, 3: biennial)
  • Spacing: 8 to 10 inches
  • Height: 12 to 18 inches
  • Pests and Diseases: No serious pests or diseases
  • Container Planting: yes
  • Foliage: fan-like foliage, typical of iris, but more flexible
Santa Cruz
Eygyptian walking onions
Prices start at : 6.00 USD / about 25 bulbs

Bears green onions in the spring then has a flowering stalk that forms small bulbs that then fall over and sprout thus "Walking Onions " . I hand pack each order and drive from the farm to the post office to ship your order.

4 to 6 inches

    • Water: water when dry , drought tolerant
    • Pests and Diseases: none
    • Foliage: green spears, succulent
    • Spacing: 4 to 6 inches
    • USDA Zones: 7 to
    • Diameter: 4 to 6 inches
    Santa Cruz
    Chinese Wild Yam seed/ Dioscorea batatas
    Prices start at : 25.00 USD / Lg WILD YAM se 100

    They are easy to grow in sun and part shade -just plant them when danger of frost is past You can cook the tubers or use them for animal food . I like to sautee them in a bit of olive oil in a cast iron pan .
    Santa Cruz
    Ginger Rhizome Fragrant White Butterfly
    Prices start at : 9.99 USD / Butterfly Ginger

    � Plant results depends on many factors & skills. Refrigeration is recommended! USPS first class unless otherwise indicated. Damage in transit issues (Photo required) Go to: USPS to file a claim.
    Santa Cruz
    False Unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum)
    Prices start at : 59.00 USD / package of 15 divisions

    Traditionally, it was used to prevent miscarriage and has a reputation for improving fertility. Chamaelirium luteum is native to North America with a natural range stretching from Florida north to New York and west to the Mississippi River.
    Santa Cruz
    Organically Grown Elephant Garlic
    Prices start at : 275.00 USD / 20 Lbs

    It's also frequently used to give a hint of flavor to soups and stews. Treat it as a "similar but different" ingredient when creating or experimenting with recipes. It has been described as "garlic for people who don't like garlic".
    Santa Cruz
    Garlic Sampler Assortment
    Prices start at : 27.00 USD / 1 lb. sampler

    PD farms is a small family farm. I will send the varietys that will grow well where you live. And also grow a variety of produce here on our farm. We raise all natural grass fed beef.
    Santa Cruz
    Organically Grown Music Garlic
    Prices start at : 272.00 USD / 20 Lbs Planting Garlic

    Garlic used for seed is generally 2" or greater, while eating garlic can be any size. Originating in Italy, it was discovered and brought to the Americas in the 1980s. It has a sweet lasting flavor that can be described as a pungent "medium hot".
    Santa Cruz
    Organically Grown Purple Russian Garlic
    Prices start at : 144.00 USD / 10 Lbs Planting Garlic

    Purple Russian 's bulb wrappers are sleek and parchment-like and the outer ones are very, very white. Thank you! Please inquire about larger quantities. Purple Russian are excellent for raw eating or in pesto as they have a clear, crisp texture and a...
    Santa Cruz
    Strawberry Geranium Information: Strawberry Geranium Care In Gardens
    Like all plants that spread through runners, there's a slight worry about them getting out of hand.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The spread is relatively slow, though, and can always be slowed more...
    Strawberry Begonia Care: Growing Strawberry Begonias Indoors
    This tough little plant sends out runners similar to a strawberry plant, hence the common name. Let the soil dry out between waterings to an inch deep and feed with a balanced houseplant food.Promote spring flowering by letting strawberry begonia plants...