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Truffle What Is It

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Is That Bug What I Think It Is?
First, the legs of these particular insects were too short and dark in color. At first glance, I thought I was looking at several immature assassin bug nymphs on the hunt. They often can point you to a entomological expert who may be able to look at a...
When You Don\'t Want It.. Where Is It Needed??
As the harvesting is coming to a close for this season, many of us have long since begun the process of pickling, canning, and freezing our excess vegetables. So I carried one bucket of leftovers and passed over's out to the chickens.
El Segundo
Sherry--What it is, How it\'s Made, and How to Use it
Unlike fancy investment quality wines, for which you need to build a wine cellar, sherry should be stored upright in a cool dark place. Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan (who famously spent more on sherry than he did on weapons) and other explorers...
El Segundo
Is it my Fault or is it the Plant? A Guide to Perennial Longevity
It may not be your fault. Once you know the longevity of the plant, you can plan your garden (and your finances) accordingly.Thanks to the following DG members for the use of their photos:Questions?
El Segundo
Horticulture Therapy: What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?
That can boost your sense of accomplishment.Unlike other hobbies like shopping, going out of town, or investing in expensive sports equipment, horticulture therapy doesn't require much financial investment.While you can make horticulture therapy as expensive...
El Segundo
Grey Water: What is it and how to use it
I also include evaporate from your air conditioner or humidifier in this category. Simple systems last longer, require less maintenance, require less energy and cost less money.Match the amount of greywater your plants will receive with their irrigation...
El Segundo
Is It OK To Mate A Chicken With Its Offspring?
A friendly and protective rooster is likely to produce more friendly and protective roosters. Pros Of Linebreeding Linebreeding is a genetics game, but it's what's given us our favorite breeds: the Australorp for her prolific egg laying; the Orpington...
Wonderberry Plant Info: What Is Wonderberry And Is It Edible
If you live in a warm climate with no late frost, you can plant the seeds directly outdoors.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Wonderberry belongs to the highly poisonous nightshade family.
When common is not ordinary, even if it is \
The big picture of the Plane tree is as impressive as the details. With that kind of lifespan, they have silently watched human history, as humans have humbly noted the trees' enduring beauty."American sycamore root system tracery along a creek bank,...
El Segundo
I Say Love It Is a Flower
It was just reluctant to bloom.Everyone turned to look at the rose and sure enough there were beautiful yellow blooms. The rose bush itself was very healthy and received the same amount of care and attention as the others.
El Segundo
Is Joining A Farmers Market Worth It?
The farmers market has become a stalwart symbol of the local food movement—a place that works hard to bind the community with the people who grow their food. The farmers market is special, there's no doubt about that.
Is it a Huckleberry or a Blueberry?
This is erroneous thinking, however, for some blueberries are very dark colored, and some huckleberries are very blue. They were the main ingredient in many tasty dumplings, cobblers, pies, pancakes, and jellies.
El Segundo
Is it a Petal or a Sepal?
Hydrangeas and clematis, for instance, do not have petals. In cases where only one whorl exists within the perianth, the whorl is made up of sepals and the petals are missing.In some double flowers, such as roses, camellias, and others, the stamens and...
El Segundo
Poop Is Awesome—Except When It\'s Not
Can't get enough about poop? But the comparison of lovely, crumbly manure to a tiny log of kitty dung is like comparing a delicious ribeye steak to, well … kitty dung. I believe Pudding returns my high regard; she follows me everywhere I go, trailing...
Is Basil Still Good After It Flowers?
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an annual herb that's part of the mint family. You can also plant basil in ornamental gardens -- wherever there is a spot in the sun. These hybrids have a columnar habit, but do not flower, so you don't have to worry as much...
Santa Monica
If the world is getting warmer, why is it so cold?
As observent gardeners, we know in the summer, cloudy days are sometimes warmer and more humid. So I would have to take worldwide precipitation and winter storm activity into account before I really start complaining.of the Pacific and Indian Oceans show...
El Segundo
Clematis Wilt: What It Is, and How to Treat and Prevent It
Following good sanitation procedures such as these will remove much of the infectious fungal spores and minimize any future problems. Clematis are big feeders, so use an organic fertilizer to keep the soil fertile and rich.
El Segundo
Molasses in January--Just How Slow Is It?
Incredibly, more(Even President Wilson caught a case of the Spanish Flu during cease-fire negotiations inNew Governor of Massachusetts: Calvin Coolidge had just been inaugurated on January 2 of 1919.
El Segundo
Citronella Geranium: Is It Really a Mosquito Repellent?
The Herb Society of America publishes a Pelargoniums Guide in pdf format, which provides these telling details about the supposed mosquito-repelling citronella geranium: "The plant's oil composition was very similar to rose geranium, including only .09%...
El Segundo
The Mulberry Tree: Is it a Friend or a Foe? Is it Wonderful Fruit or Free Bird Food?
Some people report that they have allergies to the mulberry pollen and/or to the berries. They also grow in Oklahoma. Most of the other mulberry trees have been significantly smaller.
El Segundo
Midsummer Country Living: Is This Really Worth It?
It's a yellow variety called Z'oro, and the plants have humongous upright leaves that boost your confidence, making you feel like you are doing something right. Once the plants get a little bigger, I'll consider making pesto , but for now, they're not...
A Weed Is Just a Weed, Or Is It – Weeds That Are Herbs
Are adapted to conditions in the area where they grow. Plantain was commonly referred to as “Whiteman's Foot” by Native Americans, as it was thought to spring up wherever the white men went.
Seven Million Spring Blooms: How is it even possible?
The spring weather doesn't always cooperate. That seemed heartless and wasteful to me, until Andre' explained. The growing beds in the Willem Alexander pavilion need additional preparation.
El Segundo
Golden Rice--what it is and why the controversy
In the poorest corners of the world are places where rice is a subsistence crop and not supplemented with animal protein, fresh greens, fruits and vegtables or vitamin pills. We knew that DDT had made birds' shells too thin and that Agent Orange was defoliating...
El Segundo
Burning Question: Is It Really Better To Buy Local?
I believe that the astonishing number of choices presented to consumers often feels overwhelming and removes the special quality of seasonal living. Now, with advances in transportation, everything is available all the time.
The Requirements for Growing Truffles
Irrigation may be required in periods of drought, otherwise small and distorted fruits may result.Ideal soils are well-drained and porous. Cultivated truffle crops require a good water supply during their early stages to establish the host trees.
Santa Monica
For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
Place the sponge out to dry in the sun for storage, or start using them immediately.If you cut your straightest luffa gourds lengthwise into strips, the dried sponge can be laced together in a parallel manner to create doormats to wipe off muddy garden...
El Segundo