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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
If you need to bring home lumber or other supplies, what's simpler than driving them straight to the site of your project? It doesn't matter if it's old and rusty—in fact, that might be part of the charm.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Transportation laws and regulations should not saddle farmers with additional regulatory hurdles simply because they farm closer to a processor in another state than a processor in their own state,” says NFU president Roger Johnson.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Shutterstock Transmission Manual transmissions have long been favored for pickup trucks and 4-by-4s with the tough, macho image of a truck ready to take on the roughest trail. Most farm trucks have receiver hitches, so you can lend your trailer to a neighbor—or...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
I suggest spreading 1/4 to 1/2 inch on the lawn once or twice per year. It's free, after all, and very good stuff. And don't forget, compost is good for the lawn, too, especially if you can screen it first.
Traveling with Livestock
If they're really tame and you're sure they won't panic, haul them loose but with a dog-type barrier screen in place to keep them out of the front seat. If it's cold or wet, wrap the top, front and sides with a plastic tarp; tie it securely so it doesn't...
Took a mental note of the nearest intersection, and roughly how deep into the swamp I had been, memorized a few landmarks, prayed the old swamp maple didn't blow down in the coming winter months.
El Segundo
The early 17th century English puddings were either savory meat based concoctions, or were made of flour, nuts and sugar. The old folks who were the recipients of our nonmelodic voices graciously opened their doors and we piled inside for hot chocolate...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
In addition to selling fresh produce, Mobile Market provides shoppers with simple, inexpensive recipes to prepare their farm-fresh foods. “Not everyone goes to the farmers market and buys a week's worth of food, says Bradley Taylor, farmer and co-founder...
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
Their perky brightI think these days at the big box stores, they actually get tominiature roses that didn't open and daffodils that dried out. But if you have an opportunity to pick up a lot of these once-flowered beauties on the cheap, do it! I'm planning...
El Segundo
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
Not bad for 4 days worth of work. Well it isn't as easy as taking the truck down to your local home improvement store and loading up several hundred (or thousand) dollars in lumber, or for that matter paying a contractor to build it for you.
El Segundo
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Mistakes are expensive.Calculate the cost of ground transportation. When farmers take their product to market they pay a transport cost. Determine the amount of taxes (road and/or shipping taxes), cost of personnel or workers.Multiply the ground transportation...
Santa Monica
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
For full coverage, which includes comprehensive, collision and theft, you can expect to pay somewhere between $100 and $500 annually, depending on the value of the trailer and your location.” This article first appeared in the May/June 2004 issue of...
How to Sell Pine Straw
Also ask if they will rake and bale the pine straw for you or if you should deliver it to them raked.If you must rake the needles yourself, use a standard garden rake. Avoid using a rake with metal prongs because they are more likely to damage the soft...
Santa Monica
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
“We needed this truck and would have figured out a way to purchase it eventually, but thanks to this new microloans program, we were able to do it quicker and take advantage of terrific terms and interest rates.” For more information, contact your...
UF Hack: Save Your Autumn Leaves
The reward is a garden that is host to a wider range of local life, and in a couple years, the leaf mold becomes an excellent addition to garden soil. Land snails snuggle just beneath the soil to hibernate behind a door of slime.
Old Patio, New Patios
Turns out, there's a small market for used pavers! Who knew? She's going to put in a patio where her pool used to be. I was having a hard time feeling good about sending all those pavers to the landfill in order to have the new patio put in, so I asked...
Frac-sand Mine to Open Across Wisconsin High School
The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration states that “Inhalation of respirable crystalline silica particles has long been known to cause silicosis, a disabling and sometimes fatal lung disease.” The U.S. National...
How Are Oranges Harvested?
Up to 96 percent of all Florida oranges are harvested by hand using this traditional method.The canopy shake method of mechanical harvesting for oranges refers to a self-propelled machine that shakes the oranges free from the orange tree.
Santa Monica
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
Snow Plow Vs. Snowblower If simply plowing the snow into a pile won't work, which could be the case if clearing a path to you barn door, don't worry—you can also purchase snow blower attachments that will slice through the snow with an auger and blow...
Watch Out! Rams And Bucks Are In Rut
He charged her, knocked her down and then continually bashed her. Instead, reach out and grab his beard, then yank. She could have been killed! Bucks in rut can be dangerous, too. And here's a trick about goats that you might not know: If an aggressive...
Snow Blower, Snow Plow or Both: Which Do You Need?
On the other hand, if a long driveway is your main concern, and clearing paths to different buildings and pastures is less important, then a plow truck (or a snow plow-equipped ATV or UTV) is the better choice.
Water: The Fuel Frontier?
It's conceivable, but we're not there yet.” This article originally appeared in the January/February 2011 issue of Urban Farm. “The result is a better combustion generally improving, somewhat, the fuel economy but drastically reducing emissions,”...
The Plant I Cherished Is Gone
The ivies did look okay. I opted to trim both down as far as I could and repot them in fresh new pots. The plants that seemed to thrive were the ivies. One morning I woke up and I noticed white spots all over Andrew's Ivy.
El Segundo
Evergreen Shrubs by Size
Shrub tends to sprawl and may be used as a groundcover.12 to 18 inches tall and wide. Hardy in USDA zones 5a to 8b. Hardy in USDA zones 5a to 9b. Give Hebes full sun to light shade.
El Segundo
A Cheap Fix to Cover Up Dirt in a Backyard
Choices include crimson clover (Trifolium pratense), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or hairy vetch (Vicia villosa). The most common ones are annuals. Wood shops can be a source for free sawdust.For long-term coverage and weed control, applying mulch...
Santa Monica
How to Ship Avocados
This will seal in the freshness and prevent the avocados from fully ripening and possibly going bad.Pack the avocados in cartons called lugs. If this form of carton is not available, pack the avocados in a way so they will not shake, move around and become...
Santa Monica
The Secret To Free Firewood
It also helps me resist the tendency to hold the saw so that it lines up with my face. Stay focused, use safety gear and be prepared for the worst. But it can have some challenges, too.