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How to Oven-Dry Figs
Use tongs to turn the figs every few hours to ensure that the figs dry evenly.Check the figs every one to two hours, as drying time varies from six to 12 hours, depending on the temperature in your oven and the size and moisture content of the figs.
Santa Monica
How to Keep Flowers Fresh by Freezing
They contribute their variety of colors, shapes, sizes and scents to any environment in which they are placed, making it more pleasurable and beautiful. Fill them with cool, fresh water.Slice ½ to 1 inch from the bottom of the flowers' stems with a florist's...
Santa Monica
What Is a Bleeding Tree?
These gummy substances can seep from large wounds in the bark or something as small as a hairline crack. A fungal infection that goes unchecked can continue to rot wood and will eventually kill the tree.
Santa Monica
Diseases of Weeping Willow Trees
Willow scab then makes its way into the branches and the twigs of the tree. Willow scab attacks the fresh foliage on the weeping willow. Another fungal disease, leaf spot, is a problem cosmetically for the foliage of the weeping willow.
Santa Monica
Spiral Bamboo Plant
Water when the soil feels dry up to an inch deep. Too much sunlight causes the leaves to burn. Brown-tipped leaves may be a sign of fluoride burn; filter the water before use.Plants that are successful in water may eventually need to be re-potted in soil.
Santa Monica
Does the Wood of Lilac Bushes Make Good Firewood?
Cut or break them into the right size for the fireplace and allow them to dry until there is no green under the bark.Lilac wood also carries a slight scent similar to the lilac flowers.
Santa Monica
Cause of Yellowing Leaves in Ficus Trees
If your ficus plant is under watered, its leaves will turn bright yellow all over the plant and then drop off. Leaf yellowing and drop caused by moving a ficus tree are often temporary, and the leaves will grow back after the plant adapts to its new conditions.A...
Santa Monica
How to Ripen Avocados Immediately
Yet, if harvested too soon, no amount of time will be sufficient to ripen the avocado. Those who want immediate results look to the microwave.Place the unpeeled avocado on a microwave safe plate and set in the microwave.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
The taller the trunk the harder it will be to create slabs of equal width throughout.Starting at the top, cut off the four sides of the trunk downward so that you have a tall, box-looking piece of wood left.
Santa Monica
Natural Spider Control Herbs
Vanilla beans or vanilla extract will work with this method. Remember that vanilla extract will last a shorter time than a few vanilla beans in preservatives such as vodka or vinegar.
Santa Monica
Colourful Ireland, Part 2
Although this will not go on for a long time and sun will soon dry up both tourist and landscape the coloured doors and walls seem to stand guard so as to remind one that even under the worst heavy shower life and its procession of colours are still there!Now,...
El Segundo
Small Black Flying Bugs in the House
The insect flies around houseplants and scurries across the soil when you water. These tiny, mosquitolike insects are a common indoor pest often seen flying around houseplants and near windows and doors.
Santa Monica
Why Does Wood Spark in the Fireplace?
Be aware that this type of wood burns hot and throws sparks more easily than other woods. Check the chimney for cracks or deterioration. Allow green wood to dry for at least 6 months, as this reduces moisture.
Santa Monica
The Advantages of Living in the Countryside
But there are other perks.If you like privacy, living in the country works well -- particularly if your home is situated in a remote area and you don't have neighbors for miles. Space is at a premium in urban areas, which is not the case in the countryside.
Santa Monica
Fruit Trees That Will Grow in Wisconsin
McIntosh is the result of a chance seedling of unknown parents in Canada in about 1870. The best pears for Wisconsin are the European pears and the Asian pears. The trees prefer a slightly neutral to acidic soil and full sun for at least ¾ of the time...
Santa Monica
Is the Wood From the Banyan Tree Useable?
If the wood is carefully seasoned and only the hardest heartwood is used, it can be made into furniture. The soft, spongy wood has no value in construction and cannot be burned as firewood.
Santa Monica
House Plants That Keep Spiders Away
Do not eat hedgeapples, as they can make you ill.Pennyroyal is a type of mint that is native to Europe and sometimes seen in Asia. The spiders that you might find indoors are adapted to living inside, no matter what the weather outside --and many even...
Santa Monica
Carnivorous Plants in the Tropical Rainforest
Trigger hairs surround the sac, and when touched by a passing water insect, spring into action. The tropical pitcher plant compensates for the lack of food by trapping -- and eating -- its own.
Santa Monica
A Companion Plant for Watermelon
The American Society for Horticultural Science confirms that companion plants help increase watermelon yields.Just as some plants can help your watermelons, others can hurt them. If you have enough space in your garden, growing your own watermelon puts...
Santa Monica
Outdoor Plants That Repel Ants
Since its dried purple-colored Lavender flowers are a primary ingredient in potpourris, the plant can serve double-duty as an ant deterrent when you dry cuttings and add to your indoor potpourri mixtures.Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a popular...
Santa Monica
How to Design a Floral Shop Layout
They can communicate everything from love to sympathy, and enrich virtually any environment with their myriad colors, scents and shapes. Place a small table and chairs in this meeting area.Separate the front portion of the shop from the back portion with...
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Palm Plant
Make sure the plant does not receive direct unfiltered light to avoid leaf burn.Provide a consistently warm temperature. Mix a well-draining, rich potting soil with sand in a 3 to 1 ratio.
Santa Monica
Shrubs That Provide Home Security
Plant them more closely for quicker coverage. Low bushes allow neighbors to spot suspicious movements and you to see out. It flowers in winter when garden color is scarce, with yellow flowers followed by black berries.
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of Gnats in House Plants
Using a shovel, remove about one inch of the soil's top layer. Gnats and other insects are known to invade house plants and outdoor gardens. Spray the chemical on the house plants.Remove the top layer of the soil.
Santa Monica
How to Make Dried Rosemary Sachets
Turn the sachet right-side out.Tie the bag tightly closed with the ribbon. Use the sachet to freshen drawers and closets and to repel moths. You may have to turn the pan once or twice to ensure even drying.
Santa Monica
My Ivy Is Losing Leaves
Insecticidal soap applications treat the infestations.Plants afflicted with anthracnose or bacterial leaf spot experience leaf dieback and leaf drop. Treat the ivy with fungicide and remove all discolored shoots.Rhizoctonia root rot and aerial blight...
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
Climbers can flower just in spring, or flower repeatedly, giving a color show well into fall.Roses in older gardens are often cultivars that don't exist anymore. Sea Foam is a moderate climber that only gets 3 feet tall and then cascades downward.
Santa Monica