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Tropicals Houseplants For Sale In United States

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White Bird of Paradise
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 10" POT 3-4' tall

White Bird of Paradise is named for it's regal, white bird-shaped flower. Not prone to insects or diseases, it's very low maintenance. Flowers form when these plants are kept outdoors in full sun and are mature enough.
United States
Arbequina Olive Tree
Prices start at : 99.95 USD / 10" pot 4-5' tall'

Regular potting mix works well for plants potted in containers, some sand can be added to the potting mix to prevent the tree from staying too wet. Try to avoid an area with clay soil if planting outdoors to encourage better drainage.
United States
Desert Rose Plant
Prices start at : 34.95 USD / 6"

Adenium obesum is the Latin name for Desert Rose. Desert Roses loves bright, direct light when grown indoors. Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid quick release, and granular, slow release fertilizers.
United States
Eugenia Two Ball Topiary
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 6" pot 2 feet tall

Watering well and misting the wood frequently can help Eugenia Topiary bud more quickly. Eugenia Topiary benefits from a fertilizer which can help raise the acid level of the soil such as by Espoma.
United States
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree (REAL) (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 119.95 USD / 3' to 4' Tall

The standards are grown with a single trunk at the bottom without leaves, and produce foliage near the top of the plant. If kept outdoors, Fiddle Leaf Figs can handle dappled shade to full sun, but will need to be transitioned.
United States
Roebelenii Pygmy Date Palm
Prices start at : 119.95 USD / 10"

Outdoors, they can handle part sun but prefer full sun, and well draining soil that isn't allowed to dry out completely between watering. In cultivation, however, these palms have lost the ability to sucker, and instead are planted usually 3 to a container...
United States
Variegated Shell Ginger
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 10" pot

All of these fertilizers may be used when planting Variegated Shell Ginger indoors or outdoors. Shell Ginger will bring the tropics to you. Variegated Ginger needs a well draining soil, and prefers to have slightly moist conditions.
United States
Zebra Plant (Aphelandra)
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 4" Pot

Plants need bright indirect light, but avoid direct sun. It likes to be kept moist but not wet. It's definitely a showstopper on desks or tables in bright where you can display zebra plant like a living sculpture.
United States
Burgundy Ficus (Rubber Plant)
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6"

Watch out for sooty mold that can grow on leaves. Burgundy ficus is a low to bright light loving houseplant that likes to dry out a little between watering and is extremely low maintenance.
United States
Little Fiddle Fig Standard (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 109.95 USD / 3-4' Tall

Stems have a milky sap. In colder climates, this is a popular houseplant that typically grows to 2-10' tall. This tough plant adapts easily to conditions and once acclimated it can grow to 6 feet or taller but is perfect for those with less space.
United States
Fiddle Leaf Fig Bush (Ficus lyrata)
Prices start at : 22.95 USD / 12 to 18" Tall

Potassium is the major element required for fruit trees to produce fruit. The second number in the fertilizer equation is representative of Phosphorus. It creates a barrier between the roots of the plant and fungi and pathogens that can cause root rot.
United States
Ficus Benjamina Braid, Weeping Fig
Prices start at : 109.95 USD / 12" 5-6' tall

This is a perfectly normal process as the tree adjusts to its new situation. A relatively smooth, brownish gray trunk gives way to a sphere of tear drop shaped leaves. These versatile trees can even be placed outside in full sun if hardy.
United States
Ocean Forest Potting Soil
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 12 Dry Quarts

Aged forest products, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest and watch your plants come alive! The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag.
United States
Bontone II Rooting Powder
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 1.25 Oz Bottle

Bontone II Rooting Powder comes in a plastic, cylindrical bottle with fold out paper instructions attached to the bottle; 1.25 ounces of powder are included. Simply follow the directions on the package for both the Rooting Powder and the .
United States
Fishtail Palm
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / 10" 3-4 feet tall

Fishtail palms are large tropical houseplants that do well outside or in very bright light indoors. They like to stay on the dry side and would prefer to be fed regularly during the summer.
United States
Bonide Leaf Shine and Moisture Guard 12 OZ
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 12oz

United States
Wandering Jew Plant
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 4"

On the other hand, Indoor/Outdoor is an option as a granular, slow release fertilizer that can be applied while potting and planting. Wandering Jew happily trails in any space. These plants prefer to dry out some between watering.
United States
Ornamental Pineapple Plant
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 6"

Mulch the soil to reduce evaporation, even if you are growing the miniature pineapple in a container. Ornamental Pineapple Plant makes a unique living gift for someone with a taste for the exotic.
United States
Norfolk Island Pine
Prices start at : 12.95 USD / 4" POT 10-12" tall

Plant food works well as a powder, quick release fertilizer that is mixed with water to quickly provide nutrients to a plant that has been in a container for an extended time. It is important not to water the foliage of these plants, or to over-water...
United States
Fatsia Spiders Web
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6" pot

Not all Nitrogen deficiencies result in stunted growth. Most of the water you put on the plant at first will run away from the plant until the soil is soaked. It is a naturally occuring beneficial fungus that colonizes on the new growing roots of plants.
United States
Variegated Ficus
Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 4"

Ficus benjamina is a low maintenance houseplant that originates in Asia. Any change in light conditions will cause weeping figs to drop their leaves. Outdoors, the trees can handle full sun to part shade.
United States
Rabbits Foot Fern
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 6" Hanging Basket

This upright airy fern, about 16”-18” tall and 18”-20” wide makes a unique and beautiful houseplant. As a Rabbit's Foot Fern matures it develops furry creeping rhizomes (fleshy roots) that grow on the surface of the soil and cling to the edges...
United States
Ficus Ruby (Rubber Plant)
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6"

Watch out for sooty mold that can grow on leaves. Ficus Ruby is a low to bright light loving houseplant that likes to dry out a little between watering and is extremely low maintenance.
United States
Kangaroo Paw Fern
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 6"

Iron-deficient foliage usually turns green within a month after application, and doesn't require re-application for several months if at all. Between deep waterings, water lightly every day if needed to keep the soil evenly moist if the air in your home...
United States
Blue Hares Foot Fern
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 6"

It does best in low to bright indirect light. Blue Rabbits foot Fern (Hares Foot) is a low light houseplant named for the Silvery blue fronds that sprout golden-orange furry rhizomes that will circle in baskets or pots.
United States
Anthurium Tickled Pink
Prices start at : 19.95 USD / 6"

Many colorful varieties can be found today as a result, including: red, orange, white, green, purple, black and bicolor. They produce aerial roots that like higher humidity, and it's normal for these roots to grow above the soil level and absorb extra...
United States
Anthurium White Heart
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / 8"

Many colorful varieties can be found today as a result, including: red, orange, white, green, purple, black and bicolor. They produce aerial roots that like higher humidity, and it's normal for these roots to grow above the soil level and absorb extra...
United States