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Pepper Turnpike F1
Prices start at : 22.65 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

Turnpike packs a strong punch in the fight against key diseases. The 22-26" plants have a concentrated set and offer good protection to the fruit. Turnpike is a beautiful blocky bell pepper that offers resistance to Bacterial Leaf Spot (0-5, 7-9), Phytophthora...
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 10 - 20 days
  • Maturation days: 75 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Pepper Sweet Sunset
Prices start at : 12.45 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

A hybrid sweet banana pepper that is vigorous, disease resistant and sets big yields on upright, compact plants. The sweet, tapered fruit ripen from light green to red.
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 85 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Tomato Tomatoberry Garden F1
Prices start at : 18.05 USD / Seed/50 Seeds

Fruit on later sets have more of a point at the tip end. High yielding indeterminate plants produce heart-shaped 1" x 1" fruit that resemble the shape of a strawberry. This is the most unique tomato variety to come along since the grape tomato.
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 60 days
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Beet Eagle F1
Prices start at : 6.75 USD / Seed/2,000 Seeds

The dark green, red-veined tops grow approximately 14-16” tall and are attractive when bunched. Its smooth, uniformly round roots have small crowns and strongly attached tops. This attractive hybrid beet is early to mature and offers dark red root color.
  • Seeding depth: 0.5 - 1 inches
  • Maturation days: 50 days
Puerto Rico
Cucumber General Lee F1
Prices start at : 9.20 USD / Seed/500 Seeds

General Lee cucumber has the ability to handle stress well and has resistance to Powdery Mildew, scab, and intermediate resistance to CMV. It is a uniform, white-spine hybrid with consistent, straight, dark-green fruit.
  • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 66 days
Puerto Rico
Pumpkin Warlock F1
Prices start at : 33.75 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

Warlock pumpkins also carries homozygous tolerance to powdery mildew, making it one of our more tolerant varieties to this disease. Its fruit average 20 to 30 lbs. Its semi-hard shell gives it better storage capabilities than standard type fruit but it's...
  • Maturation days: 115 days
Puerto Rico
Pepper Torero F1
Prices start at : 30.10 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

Intermediate resistance to TMV. The fruit ripen from green to a deep orange at full maturity and have a sweet taste when fully ripe. Torero is a makes a beautiful orange bell pepper, that add color and interest to your sweet pepper offering.
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 10 - 20 days
  • Maturation days: 75 days
Puerto Rico
Squash Sweet Meat
Prices start at : 3.00 USD / Seed/Packet

And the flesh is extra-thick. Consumers appreciate the smooth, fine texture of its golden-yellow flesh. This distinctive squash has a loyal following throughout the country. Round and quite flattened with a hard, slate-gray rind, these high quality squash...
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Maturation days: 103 days
Puerto Rico
Pepper Tiburon F1
Prices start at : 19.35 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

This Ancho Poblano type has been noted for its excellent yields. The mildly pungent fruit ripen to red quite late and are great for stuffing. Tall, sturdy plants produce dark green 5" long x 2-1/2" wide fruit that taper to a point.
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Maturation days: 75 days
  • Weeks indoor: 6 - 8 weeks
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Bean Caprice
Prices start at : 11.25 USD / Seed/1,000 Seeds

Caprice yields well under virus pressure, has resistance to bacterial brown spot and has good heat tolerance. Caprice has straight, smooth pods that have slow seed development, a fine eating quality and an attractive medium dark green color.
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
Puerto Rico
Gourd Mini Red Turban
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seed/Packet

The vigorous plants produce good yields of this striking ornamental. The fruit average 3-6" in diameter and weigh from 1/2 to 1 lb. With its smaller fruit size and fiery color, this miniature turban squash complement your fall ornamental offering.
  • Soil temperature: 70 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
Puerto Rico
Pumpkin Munchkin
Prices start at : 4.40 USD / Seed/Packet

Munchkin is a fascinating novelty for dried arrangements and other decorations. It yields fruit per plant and remains firm for a long time. Children love it, and it's perfect for fall decoration.
  • Germination days: 6 - 12 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Tomato Big Beef F1
Prices start at : 4.90 USD / Seed/Packet

Intermediate resistance to V (race 1), F (races 1 & 2), Alternaria stem canker, gray leaf spot, RN, and tomato mosaic virus. The Big Beef tomato is rated high for quality and flavor, and it does best when staked or caged.
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Pepper Gemini F1
Prices start at : 32.00 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

Gemini offers excellent virus protection with intermediate resistance to TMV, ToMV, PMV and PVY (0,1). The fruit measure 5-1/2" long x 3" wide, are sweet when mature, and taper to the blossom end.
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Weeks indoor: 6 - 8 weeks
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Watermelon Mini Love F1
Prices start at : 5.85 USD / Seed/Packet

The fruit hold well and the plants offer intermediate resistance to Anthracnose. Mini Love has a Crimson Sweet rind pattern and sweet, crisp, red flesh, with few seeds. Mini Love is a personal-size seeded watermelon and a 2017 All-America Selections award...
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
  • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 4 - 14 days
  • Maturation days: 70 days
Puerto Rico
Beet Touchstone Gold
Prices start at : 2.75 USD / Seed/Packet

Compared to other golden beets, Touchstone Gold offers a better germ, more uniformly round roots, and much smoother shoulders. The deep green tops are appealing for bunching, and the golden interior retains its color when cooked.
  • Maturation days: 55 days
  • Germination days: 7 - 14 days
Puerto Rico
Tomato Golden Rave F1
Prices start at : 6.10 USD / Seed/Packet

What makes the Golden Rave tomato so unique is its excellent flavor. Medium sized, indeterminate plants yield distinctive 2 oz. The Golden Rave tomato is a baby, golden Roma type that is in a class of its own.
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
  • Weeks indoor: 5 - 6 weeks
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Tomato Piccola Rouge F1
Prices start at : 41.95 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

Its indeterminate plants have resistance to Fusarium (race 1), Verticillium and Tomato Mosaic Virus. The round to oval shaped fruit measure 3/4 to 1" in diameter, are red in color and have a firm, rich texture.
  • Maturation days: 70 days
  • Weeks indoor: 5 - 6 weeks
  • Germination days: 6 - 14 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Bean Crockett
Prices start at : 3.25 USD / Seed/Packet

Intermediate resistance to BCMV (BV-1 and NY 15), Bean Rust, Halo Blight (race 2) and Curly Top Virus. Its round, slim pods hold well at maturity and measure 6" in length. Crockett is a high yielding green bush bean that produces a high percentage of...
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 60 days
Puerto Rico
Gourd Speckled Swan
Prices start at : 3.20 USD / Seed/Packet

Speckled Swan gourds are a great item for selling to craft stores, painting or dressing up and displaying at your roadside market. The bulbed base measures 6 to 8" in diameter and has a flat bottom for ease of display.
  • Maturation days: 125 days
  • Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
  • Soil temperature: 70 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Tomato Ruby Crush F1
Prices start at : 5.65 USD / Seed/Packet

Ruby Crush has deep red fruit that are very smooth, uniform, and firm with excellent flavor. The determinate plants are vigorous with great yield potential and high resistance to Fusarium Wilt (1,2), Fusarium Crown/Root Rot, and Tomato Mosaic Virus (0-2)...
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Weeks indoor: 5 - 6 weeks
  • Soil temperature: 75 - 80 degrees fahrenheit
Puerto Rico
Pepper Habanero
Prices start at : 3.15 USD / Seed/Packet

Use care in handling seed and fruit! These peppers are roughly 2"L x 1-1/2"W and are used both fresh or dried. One of the pungent hot peppers and late maturing. The productive plants support large numbers of thin-fleshed, wrinkled fruit that turn from...
  • Germination days: 10 - 20 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Maturation days: 90 days
  • Weeks indoor: 6 - 8 weeks
Puerto Rico
Cilantro Santo
Prices start at : 3.30 USD / Seed/Packet

Stems are strong for bunching and flavor is pungent for Mexican and Asian cooking. A fast growing, yet remarkably slow bolting strain of cilantro, the broad, celery-like leaves are deep green and have notched margins.
  • Germination days: 7 - 10 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
Puerto Rico
Watermelon Troubadour F1
Prices start at : 46.20 USD / Seed/100 Seeds

The strong vines have shown good yield potential and resistance to Anthracnose. Fruit that have a classic Crimson Sweet rind pattern with dark green stripes. Troubadour is a seedless variety that has shown to be a consistent producer of 14-17 lb.
  • Grow on temperature day: 65 - 70 degrees fahrenheit
  • Germination days: 4 - 14 days
  • Maturation days: 87 days
Puerto Rico
Melon Accolade F1
Prices start at : 30.55 USD / Seed/250 Seeds

Its strong and vigorous vine has resistance to powdery mildew (1,2) and Fusarium wilt (0,1,2), intermediate resistance to Cotton aphid and powdery mildew (3.5) and tolerance to sulfur burn.
  • Maturation days: 73 days
  • Seeding depth: 0.5 - 0.75 inches
  • Weeks indoor: 2 - 3 weeks
Puerto Rico
Pepper Large Red Cherry Hot
Prices start at : 3.15 USD / Seed/Packet

Large Red Cherry hot peppers produce large numbers of smooth, dark green to cherry red fruit. Fruit measures 1-1/2" to 2" across and are hot.
  • Grow on temperature day: 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit
  • Weeks indoor: 6 - 8 weeks
  • Seeding depth: 0.25 - 0.5 inches
  • Germination days: 10 - 20 days
Puerto Rico
Bean Amethyst
Prices start at : 4.20 USD / Seed/Packet

The attractive and straight pods also have a uniform color. Amethyst is a purple podded specialty bean that is produced on a vigorous bush plant. The striking purple color of Amethyst draws attention at farm stands and farmers' markets.
  • Germination days: 6 - 10 days
  • Maturation days: 55 days
Puerto Rico