4 Box - 7" Flighting - Wireless Remote - Red, Green or Black - Scales, Talc Available Call for DISCOUNT PRICES!! Low rate financing available. ■Self-aligning box guides that lock seed containers in place ■40 degree slope for absolute cleanout (no...
Very well made unit. New Travis Seed Cart. Hydraulic with auger reverser. LED lights and brakes. 6" Poly cup auger. Honda motor with electric start. Wireless remote.
Wireless Remote, Auger Reverser for clean out. Green and Black available. All hydraulically driven auger and fold. Travis Seed Cart HSC2000 Built to last with HD frames and powder coat paint.
Poly- Cupped Flighting with a 3 Stage Telescoping Downspout, Rubber Torsion Axle and 40 Degrees Slope for Absolute Cleanout and the Auger Reverser Eliminates Any Seed Loss. *Truck Load Pricing, Other Sizes Available, Pricing is Limited to Early Order...
Very well made unit. New Travis Seed Cart. Hydraulic with auger reverser. LED lights and brakes. Poly cup auger. Honda motor with electric start. Wireless remote.
Green, Black and red in stock! Optional Scales, Talc applicator and liquid inoculator are also available. Call us for more info! New 2 Box Seed Tender, Electric Start Honda, Poly Cup Auger, Heavy Duty Construction, Electric Brakes Wireless Remote, Aluminum...
Nice wagon Has a Briggs and Stratton gas motor on rear with hydraulics to run the auger It is a 13.3 horsepower motor Everything runs on it Number of Boxes: 1, Unloading Type: Auger