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Poison Oak: How to Identify It, and What to Do if You\'ve Been Exposed
All rights reserved.Western Poison Oak, Fall Colors: Flickr Creative Commons, by ilya_ktsn, some rights reserved. The two have fairly distinct ranges within North America, with T. To see the picture in full size, click on it.
El Segundo
Poison Ivy: Identification, Treatment, and Removal
I have been very fortunate thus far, as I have never had a reaction, even though I know I have been repeatedly exposed to poison ivy. They are reportedly often found growing near established clumps of poison ivy.
El Segundo
Poison Sumac: How to Identify It, and What to Do if You\'ve Been Exposed
Inhaling the airborne particles in the smoke can cause a potentially fatal reaction inside the lungs, or a widespread rash over any exposed skin that the smoke drifts across.Just like with poison ivy, it is critical to remove the urushiol oil from your...
El Segundo
Watch Out for the Corncockle
Fortunately, modern agricultural methods won't allow corncockle to spread. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, pale green. Bumblebees seem to like their nectar!All parts of the plant are poisonous because of the saponins it contains.
El Segundo
Weed Wars: Killing Poison Ivy, without getting killed by poison ivy allergy
Cover up with long pants, long-sleeved shirt, and socks. I'm allergic enough that a reaction could send me to the hospital, but everybody should be cautious around poison ivy. I discovered I could walk along both sides of my fence row and reach most of...
El Segundo
Unbelievable! Cashews and Poison Ivy
Inside this interesting double shell is not only the chemical urushiol but also, encased in a thin brown wrapper, is the seed: the prized and expensive cashew nut. Cashews are a favorite for many people, including my mother.
El Segundo
Snakes in the Garden- the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Photos from WikipediaSo now next time you happen upon a snake in the garden, you will be able to recognize that it is most likely a harmless and helpful garden friend, and not set out to kill or maim it able to recognize and dangerous snake...
El Segundo
White Snakeroot and Milk Sickness: The Toxic Plant that Killed Nancy Hanks Lincoln
I can imagine how they must have helped their parents with the hard work of clearing the land and building the cabin. Some sources attribute more than half of the deaths that occurred early in the 19th century in Dubois County, Indiana, to milk sickness.
El Segundo
EPA Releases Air Toxin Stats
“I think that maybe the reason for this is these schools are located in neighborhoods where the children live, so it's more of a community problem than a school problem,” Chapman says.
The Invaders: Virginia Creeper
Both plants produce berries that are attractive to birds, which then propagate the plant widely via their droppings. Virginia creeper gets points for being a native plant and for its berries as a source of food for birds (although they can be toxic if...
El Segundo
Poisonous Peppers
Touching the fruits and foliage may result in skin irritation and inflammation in both humans and animals. Poisonous peppers may be growing in your garden or in your home right now.Some of the most common garden peppers are poisonous.Hot peppers, Capsicum...
Santa Monica
Poisonous Evergreens
Its berries contain mildly toxic illicin that is poisonous only if consumed in large quantities. Lily-of-the-valley (Pieris japonica, USDA zones 4b through 8), also called Japanese andromeda, grows 4 to 8 feet tall and just as wide, yields drooping clusters...
Santa Monica
Poisonous Broccoli Flowers
Wild and tansy mustard, field pennycress, yellow rocket and Virginia pepperweed are among the brassicas found as pasture weeds. Nitrates in the rumen can also cause vitamin A deficiency.
Santa Monica
Poison Oak Appreciation
As one might expect, it is common in shady, dampish areas, like in the habitat type known as Southern Oak Woodlands. Around here, poison oak can be drought deciduous. However, in one particularly dry year, much of the poison oak turned red at the same...
El Segundo
Poisonous Grape Vines
Grapes are easy to spot, and no part of the plant is poisonous to humans.Grape vines and other parts of the grape vine such as leaves and roots are not poisonous to humans. Some poisonous plants, such as Canada moonseed, look similar to grape vines.
Santa Monica
Poison Sumac Information: Learn About Poison Sumac Control
You may be able control poison sumac by pulling or digging the plant, but be sure to get the entire root system or the plant will resprout.You can also cut the plant to ground level with pruning shears, but you'll need to repeat the task every two weeks...
Poisonous Flowers: Marigolds
If your dog or cat displays any of these symptoms after ingesting marigolds, contact your local emergency vet immediately.Many flowers, like the marigold, are poisonous without public knowledge.
Santa Monica
Sheep and Poisonous Plants
This week's question is from Sharon DeJonge, who asks, “We live in North Florida and are getting a few lambs. Send me your question! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags Ask Martok , goats , livestock , Mondays with Martok , pasture
Botulism Poisoning In Chickens
Where Does Botulism Come From? What Botulism Is Not Botulism spores and mold spores are not the same. Inside the intestines, the spores will reproduce, multiply and release botulism toxin that will paralyze the chicken, most often causing death—however,...
Are Jade Plants Poisonous?
It is a broadleaf evergreen with fleshy, water-storing leaves, and can grow to 6 feet tall with appropriate care, well-draining soil and a sunny location. Any person or animal suffering such symptoms should be taken immediately to see a health care provider.
Santa Monica
Are Japanese Anemones Poisonous?
If you notice symptoms in pets, take them to the emergency vet immediately. In pets, ingestion of Japanese anemone can cause stomach upset or shock, convulsions and death.If you see a response in a child or adult that seems like it could be poisoning...
Santa Monica
Control Poison Hemlock Early
If ingested, poisoning symptoms appear within 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the animal species and quantity consumed. “In addition, poison hemlock can crowd out desirable plants in areas where it becomes established.” Introduced to the U.S
Are Barn Spiders Poisonous?
They will only bite humans when overtly threatened or when an ill-advised human tries handled the spider directly. The smaller male barn spiders do not tend to spin webs and typically will spend most of their lives wandering, attempting to find a female...
Wisteria Vine & Dog Poisoning
Barring that, remove the flowers as soon as they fade to prevent the seeds and pods from developing.If you find your dog eating any part of the wisteria, get him away from the plant and call your veterinarian, ASPCA Poison Control Center or another pet...
Santa Monica
Is Lucky Bamboo Poisonous?
Lucky bamboo is not, in fact, related to true bamboo plants. The common names of plants can be a tricky area. Better known as Dracaena sanderiana, this plant is a fixture in many households.Connoisseurs agree that not all bamboo is created equally.Lucky...
Santa Monica
Poison Ivy Control: How To Get Rid Of Poison Ivy
If any of the root survives, the poison ivy plant will come back. Poison ivy can easily make a previously pleasant shade garden into a garden nightmare. This leads many gardeners to wonder about how to get rid of poison ivy.
Plants For A Poison Garden: Tips For Creating A Poison Garden
None of the plants we have listed are deadly poisonous simply by touch, though a few can leave a nasty rash if you touch the leaves or sap with your bare skin. Make it your own, like you would for a recipe.