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Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
No, it's..." the 2008 Iowa DG Roundup at Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids! He Iowa Roundup, now in its sixth year, continues to be the most popular and well-attended one in the U.S.Attendance at this year's May 3 event equaled that of the previous year.Two...
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Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
I buried my head deeper into this DG-thing only to find myself being drawn like an ant to sugar! Once this ant tasted the sugar cube, there has been no looking back.[Pictures below - clockwise, beginning from left: Royal elephants stepped in one day;...
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Its a Small World After All
How did you find this site? Bambi – well, enough said. There are dozens of them. We all enjoy the natural world as much as Aurora, Snow White and Bambi. Sing Zipp-a-dee-doo-dah, without envisioning birds and flowers, I dare you.In this day and age,...
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The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
But the absolute love of gardening that she instilled in my husband Michael and also passed on to me is something that will never end.Clare is the finest gardener I've ever known, mostly because she sees nature and just appreciates it.
El Segundo
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
He says, "the birds wasted no time moving in". The largest was over 9 feet wide and 8 feet tall. John stated, "Theyare usually mounted 8 feet in the air. Then, he created larger birdhouses; more people slowed down to stare.
El Segundo
The Love Garden: A lasting gift for your Valentine
Instead of giving cut flowers and chocolates that will be gone within two weeks, bring home a plant for the yard or patio that will last for many years to come.language of flowers lists.
El Segundo
I (heart) my garden , my garden (hearts) me
How many of these names are also the Latin genus of the named plant? "" will help you decide whether a potted orange tree is right for your situation.Delicous, nutritious sweet potatoes are another heat loving crop.
El Segundo
Woody Perennials Bring the Fall Border to Life
They rush hither and thither gathering up beautiful specimens and bedding pants. With just a bit of thought and preparation, the fall garden will rival the newness and beauty of the spring garden.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
Bird watching and bird feeding are growing in popularity every day and gardeners find these activities a natural extension of their other outdoor enjoyments. February, 1994 was the first National Bird Feeding Month.
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Limbaugh\'s Legacy: My Favorite Heirloom Tomato, \
Although he himself didn't eat tomatoes, Fred loved growing them to share with others.When his knees started getting creaky, Fred recruited help. Eventually, I discovered both its real name, ‘Potato Top', and its proud history as a Pennsylvania heirloom,...
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Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Of course, my daughter asked, 'What about your daylilies, mommy?' We also have 3 cats and 2 dogs. During the planting and preparation, aggiegrl added flower beds and improved the soil.
El Segundo
Meet Dave\'s Gardeners in Your Area: Throw a Plant Party!
Check the plant swap area for "orphans," too. To see if there are any upcoming events you could attend. Nametags with enough space for both "real" and DG names will help conversations run smoothly.
El Segundo
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The other consideration for towing is the tongue weight. Your vehicle's suspension should be able to handle a tongue weight of about 10 percent of the trailer's maximum gross weight.
Dutchman\'s Breeches, A Comedy of Errors
"Chile, I'm gonna start diggin' and whenever I find a clump o' them bulbs you come gather them up and put them in the bag. "They're Dutchman's breeches and they don't bloom more'n a day.
El Segundo
Italian Farm Trucks
One of my favorite features of the Italian small farmer scene is the way products get to market. There is one wheel in front and two wheels in the rear. As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise...
My Farm Truck
« More La Dolce Vita » He didn't even want me to unload the sacks, and proceeded to thread and connect a new clutch cable. I don't really have a farm, just an obsession with my Italian-style vegetable garden, and as much as I once loved my various cowboy...
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
The amendment would allow all states to exempt farm trucks from federal regulations, such as logging hours of service and performing vehicle inspections, without the state's transportation funding being terminated.
My Waterfall and My Truck
Photo by Rick Gush After years living in the desert, I delight in living next to this waterfall. My Waterfall My new studio is located on another little creek, so now I'll have one at home and one at work.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
But setting aside legal technicalities, when I speak of a farm truck, I'm speaking of any automobile that is frequently used in a wide variety of ways to aid with your farming tasks.
This Year\'s Farm Challenge: Gardening With Baby
So as hard as it is for me—the person who wants to grow all the things—to admit, I must limit myself this year if I want to accomplish some greater good for the garden. I've waged battle on cockleburs and spiny amaranth in particular.
Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
[1]Plants in this series have "Ever" in their names: ‘Optimara EverLove', ‘Optimara EverHarmony', 'Optimara EverGrace'. Some enthusiasts make a point of collecting African violets with green-accented blooms.Green is an uncommon color for African violet...
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Our Predictions for 2015\'s Top Food and Farming Trends
Here's what they had to say: Melissa Griffiths Farmer and Blogger at Bless This Mess “Gourmet popcorn! I've been growing organic heirloom popcorn that my late grandfather cultivated over 50 years ago.
Sow seeds in flats or pots in early spring or take three- to four-inch cuttings in midsummer and place in a moist but freely-draining potting medium. Rosemary or green santolina and gray santolina are evergreen subshrubs that typically grow from 12 to...
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Take Advantage of Free Compost
Many municipalities make leaf compost from leaves collected off of streets each autumn. I learned that the majority of our group (six out of eight) doesn't take advantage of the free leaf compost given away by our municipality.
The U. S. National Arboretum - Gardens for all, 85 years young
One of the oldest plantings is the Azalea Collection, dating from the 1940s. The site also contains acres of educational material, and spotlights the many accomplishments of Arboretum scientists.
El Segundo
Traveling with Livestock
You don't need a livestock trailer to transport small animals like sheep , goats , pigs and calves , but it's trickier to haul them in a truck or van. If it's cold or wet, wrap the top, front and sides with a plastic tarp; tie it securely so it doesn't...
Planting Seven Million Bulbs: A Gardener\'s Perspective on Holland\'s Keukenhof
I was envisioning huge tractor trailer trucks backingup to the gates, but Andre laughed and told me that seven million bulbs didn't take up quite that much space.Gardeners use motorized carts to bring the boxes of bulbs to each bed.
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