Helps reduce bleeding and speed healing. Use when dehorning and castrating calves. For post surgery incisions on dogs and cats, or where licking is a problem. Contains povidone-iodine (2% available iodine), ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, lidocaine...
Made of all-natural ingredients for use on newborn calves of first calf heifers or orphaned, unclaimed calves. Down calf's back and rub into hair. Repeat 2-3 times daily if required.
Barrier II Wound Care Spray with Pain Relief is an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral formula. Use on piglets after castration and tail docking. Use when dehorning and castrating calves.
The soothing aloe-based cream absorbs easily, helping provide relief for sunburned, chapped, chafed, or cracked skin. Horseman's Dream Rapid Relief Veterinary Cream is an effective first aid cream for a variety of skin conditions including minor wounds,...
A non-drying topical antiseptic for use as an aid in the treatment of cuts, wounds, abrasions, or burns of horses or mules. Apply freely with pump sprayer, dauber, or gauze to affected parts.
It quickly kills the fungus, repairs the skin and regenerates hair growth. Sullivan's FungALL is a paste that is topically applied to kill ringworm. Simply apply directly to the ringworm spots for 3 to 5 days, twice per day.
Ring Out Ringworm & Fungus Control Spray Concentrate is an all-natural spray for topical treatment and prevention of ringworm, wool fungus, thrush, rain rot, foot rot, and for wound care.
Also used for ringworm, footrot, teat sores, minor cuts, bruises and abrasions. Use as topical antiseptic prior to surgical procedures such as castrating and docking. May be applied to the navels of newborn animals.
Sprinkle a liberal amount of Orphan-No-More down the backline of calf to be adopted. Orphan-No-More Calf Claimer Powder helps assure calf fostering by natural or foster mothers. If the calf is dry, dampen area for better adhesion.
Shut-Eye for Pinkeye treatment is a protective eye patch that completely covers the infected eye. Kit includes 10 patches and 1 tube of adhesive. Easily applied with special adhesive.
Betagen Topical Spray is used for the treatment of infected superficial lesions in dogs. Recommended dosage of Betagen Topical Spray is 2 sprays administered 2 to 4 times daily for 7 days.
Neo-Predef with Tetracaine may be used as a dusting powder following amputation of tails, claws, and dew-claws; following ear trimming and castrating; and following such surgical procedure as ovariohysterectomies.
Instill as the final lavage prior to surgical closure of abdominal incision. Ichon is sterile polysulfated glycosaminoglycan, PSGAGs. Ichon is used for sterile post-surgical lavage, to prevent adhesions, and to strengthen post-surgical scars.
For the support of healthy upper respiratory function and effective relief for snuffles, pneumonia, ear mites, or ear canker. Repeat again after 36 hours. The scab should eventually be shaken off by the rabbit.
Each 1000 grams of SSD 1% Silver Sulfadiazine Cream contains 10 grams silver sulfadiazine. SSD 1% Silver Sulfadiazine Cream is an anti-bacterial burn preparation. SSD 1% Silver Sulfadiazine Cream may be used for the prevention and treatment of wound sepsis...
Chondroprotec contains polysulfated glycosaminoglycan . Chondroprotec is a sterile solution used to aid in the treatment of wounds, lesions, burns and other trauma in horses, dogs and cats.
Gentle to the skin, non-toxic to animals and humans. Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria and fungus that cause itching and lesions on contact. Apply as often as needed. Contains Benzalkonium choride.
Advanced scientific formula allows the skin to breathe freely and heal correctly in beneficial moist conditions, helping to reduce healing time of minor cuts, scratches, and abrasions.
With Sun Protection Factor 30 from zinc oxide and citronella oil to naturally repel insects. EquiShield SB SPF 30 Sunblock is formulated to help protect horses from sunburn. Contains aloe vera and 1% chlorhexidine, a topical antiseptic, to soothe the...
Clear Eyes is a sterile eye care solution for horses and ponies. Thoroughly flush and irrigate the eye. It helps soothe, cleanse, and brighten sensitive eyes. Clear Eyes helps relieve irritation caused by dirt, wind, and dust.
Actual sweet itch is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of small biting flies that are attracted to the tail base. A combination of natural botanical oils, including witch hazel and coconut oil, that are known to have antihistamine, anti-inflammatory,...
Actual sweet itch is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of small biting flies that are attracted to the tail base. A combination of natural botanical oils, including witch hazel and coconut oil, that are known to have antihistamine, anti-inflammatory,...
Provides topical anesthetic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. EquiShield IBH Spray is formulated to address Insect Bite Hypersensitivity allergic dermatitis. For use on horses, dogs, and cats.
Safe for all farm animals. Relieves symptoms of ringworm, thrush, scrapes, saddle sores, bites and many more skin disorders. Same great product as Tea Tree Care ointment, only in a quick and easy spray.
Does not sting. Coli, salmonella, staphylococci, streptococcus, EHV-1, and numerous other viruses. Use on infected wounds, cuts, abrasions, ringworm, cinch sores, and saddle sores.
Formulated with the same active ingredients found in Cetyl-M joint supplement. Advanced Cetyl-M Joint Action Cream for Horses provides greater joint relief, faster recovery time and superior performance for your horse.