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Topaz Fungicide

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Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Diseases associated with this pathogen include: Sudden oak death (SOD) Downy mildew Pythium (in ornamental plants, bed plants, and turf) Root rot It also controls fire blight on apples, pears, and ornamentals.


    • Active ingredient is Mono- and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid, 45.8%: Specs
    • Ship Wt: 3 lb
    • Available in quart, gallon, and 2.5 gallon: Specs
    Biophos Pro Broad Spectrum Systemic and Contact Fungicide
    Prices start at : 18.39 USD / each

    It is quickly absorbed by plant foliage and roots. Once inside the plant, it turns on the natural defense mechanisms of the plant to resist invasion by disease-causing pathogens. If diseases are already present, Biophos Pro controls many pathogens while...
    • Size: Tip-n-Pour Quart
    • Ship wt: 3 lbs
    MilStop Fungicide
    Prices start at : 63.99 USD / each

    MilStop provides 1 to 2 weeks of residual protection. Use MilStop at or before the first signs of disease. It also alters the pH levels on leaf surfaces. This potassium bicarbonate-based, foliar fungicide kills powdery mildew on contact.

    Product Features

      • Fully dissolves in water: Product Features
      • Compatible with many beneficial insects.: Product Features
      • Does not restrict plant growth: Product Features
      • University tested and proven effectiveness: Product Features
      • Cost-effective: Product Features
      • Active ingredient approved by the FDA as G.R.A.S. (Generally Regarded as Safe): Product Features
      70% Neem Oil Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide
      Prices start at : 23.99 USD / each

      Use on roses, flowers, houseplants, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit and nut trees and vegetables. But our higher quality, cold-pressed neem oil is far superior and you will appreciate the effective control you see from this all-natural spray!
      • Description: 16 oz Refill Concentrate
      Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide 1 Pint Concentrate
      Prices start at : 57.99 USD / each

      This liquid is all you need to prevent a wide range of tough diseases! Protects your turf, fruiting trees, nursery and landscape ornamental plants from: Powdery Mildew, Rust, Scab Ascochyta Blight, Poinsettia Scab, Black Spot and many turf diseases.
      Plant Doctor Systemic Fungicide, 32oz Concentrate
      Prices start at : 23.29 USD / each

      Ship Weight 3 lb. Systemic fungicide for the effective control of various plant diseases including fire blight, black spot or apple scab, root rot, bud rot, downy mildew, anthracnose, late blight, phytophthora, pythium, fusarium and canker blight.
      • Increases plant metabolism so plants grow faster, bloom more and have an increased yield while providing a nutritional boost of potassium and phosphorous: Product Features
      • Active ingredient: Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorus Acid 45.8%. Other ingredients 54.2%, contains 5.17 lbs/gallon of the active ingredients. Equivalent to 3.35 lbs Phosphorous Acid/gallon: Specs
      TKO Phosphitetm 0-29-26
      Prices start at : 91.99 USD / each

      TKO can be use on all crops, including, but not limited to - leafy vegetables, legumes, tubers, and fruit and nut trees. It is highly water-soluble and it is rapidly absorbed into plant tissue through leaves and roots with excellent movement in both xylem...

      Product Features

        • Growth-stimulating effects: Product Features
        • Highly Systemic via xylem and phloem: Product Features
        • 2 & 1/2 gallon jug: Specs
        • Strengthens plant immune systems: Product Features
        • Application rate for turf is generally 3 to 5 oz per gallon of water minimum, per 1,000 sq ft. Greenhouse and nursery applications vary, see label for details: Application Rates
        Rootshield Plus Water Soluble Powder
        Prices start at : 125.99 USD / each

        Rate of application is 3-8 oz per 100 gallons of water (1-2 tbs per 5 gallons) as a soil drench. Provides a huge cost savings by reducing or eliminating chemical fungicide applications.

        Product Features

          • Application rates depend on crop, see label for details: Application Rates
          • For food crops and for ornamental and evergreen trees: Product Features
          • Not for use on sugarcane, pechay (bok choi), rice, mushrooms, kiwi, tobacco, barley, oats, lemon, apple, and chickpea: Product Features
          Badge SC Copper Fungicide
          Prices start at : 94.95 USD / 1 Each

          The copper hydroxide releases copper ions fast for immediate plant protection, while the copper oxychloride slowly releases copper ions for extended residual control plus excellent wash-off resistance for the best protection possible during and after...
          New York
          Surround WP 25 lb.
          Prices start at : 70.95 USD / 1 Each

          The clay material is porous and allows leaves to preform gas exchange even when well coated. Not available for sale to DC. The natural clay repels insects by causing irritation and provides a barrier preventing feeding and egg-laying.
          New York
          Fungicide Safer 3 In 1 Concentrate
          Prices start at : 72.95 USD / 1 Each

          Made from a unique formulation of insecticidal soap and sulfur based fungicides. OMRI listed for organic use. Safer 3 in 1, 1 Gallon Concentrate Insecticide and fungicide in one! One of the most effective multipurpose garden sprays.
          New York
          Nova Green Companion Fungicide
          Prices start at : 34.95 USD / 1 Each

          It can be used throughout the growing season on all types of crops to control diseases such as Phytophthora, Fusarium, Pythium, Sclerotinia, and on foliar diseases such as Alternaria, Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum graminicola and Xanthomonas.
          New York
          Fungicide Actinovate 2 oz.
          Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 1 Each

          The active ingredient is a patented bacterium that grows around the root system or foliage. When applied to soil, Actinovate organic fungicide also breaks down minerals and micronutrients making them more readily available to plants, resulting in stronger...
          New York
          Greencure Organic Fungicide 8 oz. Concentrate
          Prices start at : 18.95 USD / 1 Each

          One gallon covers approximately 450 square feet. Don't lose your crops to fungal diseases. GreenCure is a safer alternative to cure and prevent mildews, blights, molds, and other plant diseases.
          New York
          Actinovate SP Fungicide
          Prices start at : 128.95 USD / 1 Each

          This powerful product controls and suppresses a wide range of soil borne diseases and foliar diseases. Control stubborn soil borne diseases like Phytophthora, Verticillium or Fusarium.
          New York
          Neem Oil Insecticide, Miticide and Fungicide, 32 oz Ready to Use
          Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

          Use on roses, flowers, houseplants, ornamental trees and shrubs, fruit and nut trees and vegetables. But our higher quality, cold-pressed neem oil is far superior and you will appreciate the effective control you see from this all-natural spray!
          Liqui-Cop Liquid Copper Fungicide, 1 Pint
          Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

          Copper pesticides are considered preventative, not curative of plant diseases. Use every 2 weeks during disease period. Controls Many Diseases Attacking Citrus, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables and Ornamentals.


            • For use on citrus, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals: Product Features
            • 1 pint concentrate: Specs
            • Active ingredient is Copper diammonia diacetate complex...27.15%: Specs
            Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide, 2-1/2 Gallons
            Prices start at : 143.99 USD / each

            Diseases associated with this pathogen include: Sudden oak death (SOD) Downy mildew Pythium (in ornamental plants, bed plants, and turf) Root rot It also controls fire blight on apples, pears, and ornamentals.


              • Active ingredient is Mono- and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid, 45.8%: Specs
              • 2.5 gallon: Specs
              Monterey Complete Disease Control Biofungicide/Bactericide Concentrate
              Prices start at : 12.89 USD / each

              Monterey Complete Disease Control makes your plants healthier. Mix at a rate of 1/6 ounce (1 teaspoon) per 64 ounces (1 gallon) of water. An all-natural way to protect your plants from deadly diseases! Monterey developed their Complete Disease Control...


                • Approximate coverage area per bottle (square feet): Varies: Specs
                • Size: 8 ounce
                • Mix rate: 1 teaspoon (1/6 ounce) per 1 gallon of water: Specs
                • Approximate mixture coverage area (square feet): 500: Specs
                • Volume (ounces): Varies: Specs
                • All-natural biofungicide/bactericide: Product Features
                Actinovate SP Biological Fungicide and Bactericide
                Prices start at : 106.99 USD / each

                As a powerful spray, it controls and suppresses foliar diseases including powdery and downy mildew, botrytis, alternaria. When used as a drench, it controls soilborne diseases including pythium, rhizoctonia, fusarium, phytophthora, verticillium, and other...


                  Product Features

                    • Controls lawn diseases such as Brown Patch, Dollarspot, Take-all Patch, Pythium Blights: Product Features
                    • Safe for pets, people and the environment: Product Benefits
                    • 1 lb bag: Specs
                    • Active ingredient: Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108: 00.0371%: Specs
                    • Controls root diseases in ornamentals such as Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium, Fusarium, Late Blight: Product Features
                    Chlorosel Pro 720 Contact Fungicide with Surfactant
                    Prices start at : 70.99 USD / each

                    A high quality, cost-efficient chlorothalonil fungicide that contains proven super surfactant and wetting agents for superior wetting and sticking on plant surfaces! Use for over 100 plant, turf and crop uses including control of botrytis, rust, anthracnose,...
                    • Application rates varies entirely on crop and disease - see label for details: Application Rates
                    Rootshield Plus Granular, 10 Pounds
                    Prices start at : 198.99 USD / each

                    It contains the active ingredients Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22 and Trichoderma virens strain G-41, which grow on the roots of plants inhibiting and attacking root-damaging fungi pathogens so plants can grow uninterrupted by the harmful effects of...

                    Product Features

                      • Not for use on sugarcane, pechay (bok choi), rice, mushrooms, kiwi, tobacco, barley, oats, lemon, apple, and chickpea: Product Features
                      • For food crops and for ornamental and evergreen trees: Product Features
                      • 10 lb box: Specs
                      • Application rates depend on crop, see label for details: Application Rates
                      Companion® Powder Biological Fungicide 2-3-2
                      Prices start at : 30.39 USD / each

                      Use Companion on all your outdoor field-grown crops including vegetables, herbs, small fruit plants, berry bushes, and fruit/nut trees. It also works in greenhouse plug production and hydroponics operations.

                      Product Features


                          • Activates quickly: Product Features
                          • Prevents and controls soilborne and foliar diseases: Product Features
                          • Analysis: Nitrogen (2%), phosphorus (3%), potassium (2%), calcium (trace), magnesium (trace): Specs
                          • Volume (ounces): 8: Specs
                          • Active ingredient: Bacillus Subtilis GB03 (4.263%): Specs
                          • Broad-spectrum fungicide: Product Features
                          Fungicide Champ WG Copper 20 LB
                          Prices start at : 154.95 USD / 1 Each

                          For late blight Champ WG copper fungicide is best used as a preventative measure before possible outbreaks, but can be used at first sign of the disease to slow spreading. Per gallon of water or 1-1.5 lb per acre in 100 gallons of water.
                          New York
                          Actinovate Fungicide 20 grams
                          Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 1 Each

                          It can be used as a soil drench or as a foliar spray. 20 gram package makes up to 10 gallons of spray or drench. The active ingredient is a patented bacterium that grows around the root system or foliage.
                          New York
                          Fungicide Copper Dust/Spray 4 lb.
                          Prices start at : 14.95 USD / 1 Each

                          Apply as a dust, or mix with water for a spray to cover larger areas. Not for sale in AK, CA and DC. For use on potatoes, tomatoes, fruit, flowering shrubs, shade trees and vegetables.
                          New York
                          Fung-Onil Fungicide
                          Prices start at : 27.95 USD / 1 Each

                          Containing 29.6% chlorothalonil, Fung-Onil controls numerous diseases on roses, flowers and vegetables, fruit and shade trees. Not for sale in AK or HI. Controls virtually all fungal diseases including leaf spots, rust, blights, fruit rots, mildews, scab,...
                          New York