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DIY Goat Feed
As with all things goat , there are many strong feelings and no one right answer, so I'm going to give it to you from our farm's point of view. All of these are available at most feed mills.
It Just Isn\'t the Holidays Without Goats Singing Christmas Carols
It's the festive album for those who are tired of the same old songs. The album features goats singing (OK, not quite singing, but you get the idea) traditional Christmas songs, such as “Holy Night,” “Jingle Bells,” “Come All Ye Faithful”...
How to Grow Potatoes in Tires
It should be 10 to 20 weeks after the last tire is stacked and planted with potatoes. Maincrop potatoes take longer to mature, while first earlies mature quickly. Although gardeners can use buckets, bags or planters, containers made from old tires are...
Santa Monica
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
Here are some steps you should take when looking to replace, patch, tube or acquire tires for an old tractor. Tractor tires, and standard tire sizes, have changed a bit over the years, so sometimes finding the right tire size for the right tractor can...
Catnip: It\'s Not Just For Cats
My kitchen herb garden was especially difficult for me this year. We certainly share ours with the cats who live on our farm and perform mouser duties, but our main focus is its use for humans.
3 Creative Ways To Keep Mint Contained
I also use a lot of Cuban mint ( Mentha x villosa ) in the summer to make mojitos, a refreshing alcoholic beverage that combines white rum, lime juice, simple syrup and soda water with muddled mint leaves.
Yoga for Gardeners: 7 Yoga Poses to Relieve Aches & Pains
Setting the feet closer to the body will stretch your groin and inner thighs, while placing them farther from the body will give a better stretch in the hips and low back. In the end, gardening is good for you , but it comes with its own set of aches...
Beat the Winter Blahs with a Visit to Your Local Nursery
The vast selection of indoor tropicals at Dutch Plant Farms can make me forget all about ice and slush and winter exhaustion.The moment I walked in the door, that warm "green" feel enveloped me.
El Segundo
24 Disease-Resistant Crop Varieties & Strategies Improve Their Vigor
Look through your garden notes to see what diseases you've battled in the past, and talk to your local extension agent about what' diseases and pests are common in your area. Deep Watering Good watering practices are key to growing healthy plants, which...
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
(On a side note, I'm excited about the possibilities offered by these beautifully weathered old bricks.) However, after loading up 30-some bricks on to my cart, I quickly discovered that the load was quite heavy—and the tires clearly needed more air.
Use Squash Rings To Grow Your Best Squash Crop
End-Of-Season Maintenance When fall arrives and the last of the squash have been harvested, simply lift the wire rings and spread the now fully decomposed leaves around the garden.
Pot Potential
We all have many items laying around that can be used as pots for our house plants. Just because we keep plants in the house doesn't mean we have to use plain old plastic pots. Tired of plain old plastic pots?
El Segundo
Why You Need an Air Compressor on Your Farm
I've come to learn pros and cons of the various sizes of compressors, and in order to have the perfect air compressor for every need you might want more than one. Even a brief look at the available options can be confusing, because plenty exist on the...
This Toad Will Become Your Fall-Flowering Prince
When l did track him down, I discovered he was apparently spending his days lounging underneath a nearbyLuckily, toad lilies also seem to be resilient; my ‘' is currently covered with brilliant speckled blooms...although its leaves still look a bit...
El Segundo
Rainy Day Crafting: Polymer Clay Butterflies
Roll gently back and forth until the clay layers meld into a solid-feeling cylinder. For the brand I use (tm), 15 minutes in a 275 degree oven generally does the trick, although thicker pieces will need a little longer.After the pieces have hardened and...
El Segundo
The Mid-South Forum\'s 2012 Road Trip
The one in front of mine belongs to Terry, our other DG admin. Once again, the gardeners from our Mid-South Forum gathered in west Tennessee to greenhouse hop, visit and enjoy the day together.
El Segundo
Theme Gardens
Add a vase or large pot or two in the garden with dead sticks to mimic the floral arrangements in their home. Have fun with your favorite family in this easy and eerie garden.So have fun and add one of the above gardens to your yard, or take a look at...
El Segundo
Incredible Edible Flowers
Tired of the same old meat and potatoes? Just looking for something a little different to dine on? Edible flowers have been used for hundreds of years as flavoring and garnishes. Edible flowers add a unique taste to various dishes.
El Segundo
Henry Mitchell
"There are no green thumbs or black thumbs. These books are the research tools of my trade.Who, for instance, could write an article about a woody plant without consulting? Defiance, on the other hand, is what makes gardeners."I knew that, and had experienced...
El Segundo
I'm sure you are all familiar with the words homesick and seasick. Meanwhile, I hold on to my $1.79 package of seeds and dream of bloom time.Photo credits thanks to palmbob, doss, gardenmart, Kelli, and the Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum.
El Segundo
Pot Ideas for Succulent plants
One rarely uses hanging baskets for succulents, but they are actually probably better suited for succulents than most other plants as these dry out so fast it is sometimes hard to keep other types of plants happy in such containers...
El Segundo
Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup with Crabmeat
Yield: 4 servings Ingredients Soup 6 small parsnips, peeled 6 medium carrots, peeled 1 small onion 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth 1 stalk lemongrass 1-inch knob ginger, peeled 1 bay leaf juice of half a lime salt and pepper, to taste Crabmeat Garnish...
Making the Most of Supermarket Bouquets
Tulips used to be a bargain as well, though I notice that their price has gone up.I purchased a $5 bunch of mini-carnations for myself recently, and was careful to re-cut the stems, strip off the lower leaves, and add the packet of flower food to the...
El Segundo
Thinking Ahead 102: Planning Now for Fall Color & Winter Interest
Early spring months are the ideal time to plant or transplant shrubs and trees while they are still dormant. The trick is to find specimens that also provide winter interest long after the colorful foliage has gone.
El Segundo
Make-over Your Old Flowerpots: A Face-lift For Weathered Plastic
As many gardeners do, I have a growing collection of less than beautiful plastic flowerpots. Some may want to leave just a small amount of the original paint showing, others will prefer to just highlight the edges with the contrasting color.When a satisfactory...
El Segundo
Thinking Ahead 101: Following the Sun
Are they shade-loving plants, or do they just happen to be planted there? A western exposure will have very little summer shade, except in early morning and early evening.Now, assess the plantings that fall within the shady spots in your photographs.
El Segundo
14 Trailer Safety Tips
Ensure the electrical connection is plugged in and secured. It's inevitable. Although your vehicle may pull and stop the trailer, in an emergency situation, the tow vehicle needs to mange the weight and the forces put upon it by the trailer, and not let...