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DIY Goat Feed
With any feed, you should still allow your goats free access to a high-quality loose mineral. Then, silently, the company reformulated the feed. Goats need lots of copper. My main concern is that we grow too many of these crops that have no nutritive...
It Just Isn\'t the Holidays Without Goats Singing Christmas Carols
December brings us the holiday season and with that a plethora of Christmas songs. The album features goats singing (OK, not quite singing, but you get the idea) traditional Christmas songs, such as “Holy Night,” “Jingle Bells,” “Come All Ye...
How to Grow Potatoes in Tires
Place the shoots or eyes of the potato facing up, and cover the seed potatoes with compost.Water the potatoes regularly, giving them 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Place three to four seed potatoes in a circle around the center of the tire, pushing...
Santa Monica
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
That being said, if you can see the tube through the tire, then the tire should probably be replaced. These numbers aren't always in the same order, but there will always be a width and rim size.
Catnip: It\'s Not Just For Cats
It's a treat grown specifically for the family cat. I shouldn't have worried. My concept of “weed” is much more fuzzy than it is for the average gardener. I have seen catnip be successful in just about any kind of soil and any sun exposure, though...
3 Creative Ways To Keep Mint Contained
It's definitely one of the best ways to grow mint while keeping it contained. That way the roots won't escape out the bottom, but the lower side pockets still allow for ample drainage to keep the soil from staying waterlogged.
Yoga for Gardeners: 7 Yoga Poses to Relieve Aches & Pains
Repeat this movement three to five times, or as many as feels good to you. Low Lunge Rachael Dupree When you've been squatting and bending forward in the garden, your hips and side body can tighten up.
Beat the Winter Blahs with a Visit to Your Local Nursery
Take time to learn and explore. I seldom give them a second look as I head toward the big plants at the back of the store, but today I realized what a remarkable variety they stocked.
El Segundo
24 Disease-Resistant Crop Varieties & Strategies Improve Their Vigor
Thinning Plants need adequate airflow to fight off disease. We've all been there. In areas where wilt and other diseases are common, a four- to five-year rotation is recommended. Using disease-resistant plants in conjunction with other planting strategies...
Why You Need To Check Tire Air Pressure
With its tires back to their optimum pressure levels, my yard cart returned to its peak form, easily rolling across the ground even when weighed down by similar loads. I actually encountered a perfect example just a few days ago.
Use Squash Rings To Grow Your Best Squash Crop
I plant three to five seeds per squash ring, pushing each seed down into the decomposing leaves with my thumb and spacing them about 6 to 8 inches apart. I grow primarily winter squash varieties, like butternut , acorn and delicata, in my squash rings,...
Pot Potential
I only drill holes in the inexpensive, thrift store stoneware, ceramics and the candles. They also come with their own matching saucer!! The one pictured was my Grandmothers. Makes a pretty display for miniature African violets.
El Segundo
Why You Need an Air Compressor on Your Farm
They're better suited to small tires such as those found on lawn mowers and yard carts. A quality air compressor is a must-have tool for high-level carpentry and construction projects, for example, because they can power nailers, staplers and similar...
This Toad Will Become Your Fall-Flowering Prince
So you can see, there is quite a variety to choose from!Know that toad lilies are not without some problems, however. I recently planted the gorgeous variegated 'Imperial Banner' (shown below right) in a dark spot of my front yard and it really lit up...
El Segundo
Rainy Day Crafting: Polymer Clay Butterflies
Take your remaining clay, including any scraps or slices that didn't quite turn out right, and roll it all up into a big multi-colored wad. Roll the clay into a snake about twice the length of your butterfly.
El Segundo
The Mid-South Forum\'s 2012 Road Trip
The one in front of mine belongs to Terry, our other DG admin. Everyone grabbed a shopping cart and started loading them with plants.Note the jackets and hoodies. The inverted pyramid coir planters really gave the display a tropical feel.The selection...
El Segundo
Theme Gardens
Put a few bushes of pussy willow around the edge of the garden and you can enjoy it in the spring before everything else in the garden comes out and grows. Make sure you have catnip, both the low and the high old fashioned growing.
El Segundo
Incredible Edible Flowers
Just looking for something a little different to dine on? Looking for something to spice up that romantic dinner for that special someone? Research has shown that edible flowers have been used by the Roman, Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indian cultures...
El Segundo
Henry Mitchell
"There are no green thumbs or black thumbs. It is extremely important for the gardener to think it is a fair substitute for Eden.March is a chancy time in the garden, with temperatures from severe freezing to summer heat, but of course to go from winter...
El Segundo
But it's cheaper thancollecting jewelry (I remind my husband), and takes up less space than collectingto assemble myself. Local flower shows are smaller and have fewer crowds than the big regional shows.
El Segundo
Pot Ideas for Succulent plants
One rarely uses hanging baskets for succulents, but they are actually probably better suited for succulents than most other plants as these dry out so fast it is sometimes hard to keep other types of plants happy in such containers...
El Segundo
Roasted Parsnip and Carrot Soup with Crabmeat
Yield: 4 servings Ingredients Soup 6 small parsnips, peeled 6 medium carrots, peeled 1 small onion 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth 1 stalk lemongrass 1-inch knob ginger, peeled 1 bay leaf juice of half a lime salt and pepper, to taste Crabmeat Garnish...
Making the Most of Supermarket Bouquets
For much of the year, we gardeners don't need to purchase our bouquets. We can pick them, fresh and dewy, straight from the source. That allows us to sneer at the tired and tinted appearance of the blooms we pass at the supermarket.
El Segundo
Thinking Ahead 102: Planning Now for Fall Color & Winter Interest
Color is not limited to leaves; look for varieties with colorful stems, berries, or seed pods. (This article was originally published on 3-11-2008)Look out the windows. With several months of warm growing weather, they'll be ready to put on a show for...
El Segundo
Make-over Your Old Flowerpots: A Face-lift For Weathered Plastic
Wash thoroughly with the cleanser and the scrubber. The company had many good suggestions for using this product. They slink by them with averted eyes, as the faded and weather-worn plastic sits unloved and unused in a corner of the basement, or garage.
El Segundo
Thinking Ahead 101: Following the Sun
Shade loving plants wilt and, by summer's end, have all but dried up. Many "full sun" plants can tolerate morning shade, and some will appreciate a respite from hot afternoon sun. One drawback to getting an early start on spring planting is that the sun...
El Segundo
14 Trailer Safety Tips
“Those are worth their weight in gold,” he says. Secure and latch all trailer doors. They only hurt once, and that's when you buy them. “Good tires are like good shoes. Test to ensure the brake controller is working properly.