Add a master suite, or a few more bedrooms and another bath. The Sellers have cultivated a small bluberry farm, and have sold their bounty in the past. Do you have a growing family?
Nicole Champagne Fair Realty This property offers a 2100 sqft home, large high ceiling 32 x 35 feet workshop, chicken coop and small barn on 2.3 acres. Parking for your RV. The handy person of the family will find the perfect 32 x 35 workshop here with...
There is a second dug well used for the green house and garden. Nestled in the Nova Scotia woods is this 120 acre operating alpaca farm. (There is an environmental farm plan and nutrient management plan in place.
We are a hedgefund currently looking to invest about $2 million in Canadian timberland that can be used for commercial logging. We prefer softwood land.
Do not want vacant land with scrub timber harvest timber only Wanted standing timber ready to harvest in 10 years. Vacant land only no house or buildings must have road access cannot be landlocked.
Part-time bowhunter deer hunter looking for hunting land to lease anywhere in the upper half of Illinois (or NW Indiana). Size of the property isn\'t really important as long as the land contains a good population of deer.
Extremely interested in the northeast mississippi area. Investor looking for reasonably priced 20-30 acre tracts of standing harvestable pine within the southeast region, also included here is Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, West Virginia, Virgina and North Carolina.
We are interested in purchasing timberland in East Texas and Louisiana. Please contact me with any potential land sales. We are interested in larger tracts of land but all will be considered.
Please email me as soon as possible with any prospective timber land available for purchase. Please email me as soon as possible with any prospective timber land available for purchase
We would like it close to Darmstadt/Dieburg area But big enough to clear a small area for for hut or tent. A place to relex for the week end. Small wooded area to use as a getaway.
We are looking to land to ride horses on-hunt-4 wheel. Want the western part of the state. Wanted Timber for Horseback riding, hunting, 4 wheeler Buildings on property are fine too.
I am looking to lease 100-400 acres in Franklin, Stephens, Hart, Banks, Madison, Elbert, Jackson, Barrow, Walton, Clarke, or Oconee counties. I am interested in the general northeastern part of the state.
Hardwoods, select cut pines. I am looking for land to lease to deer hunt, turkey hunt, duck hunt, etc... Would like there to be access through the land, or allow to make access if needed.
Wanted acreage to hunt in the lower penninsula of Michigan south of M-57 and north of I-94. Somewhere between Grand Rapids and Lansing would suit me best but I am not being too picky.
On the north side 175 acres of solid timber connected to over 1,000 acres of state ground consisting of solid hardwoods. (will divide timber land) There is approx. Property has great set-up for bow hunters.
Woodlands tax assessed $600 per yr. For more info contact Tommy. This trophy property is truly a Sanctuary! It has 2 streams, 2 ponds, dense swamps, and the largest concentration of White Cedars left in Salem County
Tract 1: 76 acres - has 64 acres of high volume loblolly pine plantation age 32, 9 acres of loblolly pine age 12 and 3 acres in r/w. Most in planted pine, most of 76 acres is age 32 Loblolly Pine.
Will divide: Front 80 acres for $6,250 per acre. Owner financing. Cruise estimates 10,000 tons large pine sawlogs, 14\"min dbh, + 10,000 tons of other logs. $300,000 for the timber alone.
30 Acres of Prime hunting land in Mecosta County Michigan. Perfect location to build hunting camp. 30 acres Prime Hunting, Perfect Location to build hunting camp, Land locks state land.
There are access roads to this property. It has been in my family for 30 years. Zoning allows only one home per 10 acres. This property is located off highway 19-just outside Altoona, Fl. This is located in Central Florida.
This is a beautiful, serene setting. Build your dream home-bring the kids, the grandkids, the dogs, cats and horses etc. Central part of the state. This quiet, beautiful setting is, unfortunately, becoming extinct in Florida.
Need hardwood and some pines. Per acre costs between $1,000 to $1,400 creeks and some bottom land if possible Need between 75 acres to 155 acres for hunting with hardwoods and pine timber--rolling land if possible
Need 100k acres in Florida. Would consider 10k acres tracts. Would like 100k acre continuous. Need for midigation. Wet Lands are good. Buyer will close in 75 days or less.