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Each tuft bears a single five-petaled, bright golden yellow flower in June through August, atop a 2- to 12- inch long leafless stalk. I was always afraid of being turned into a bug or a toad or heaven forbid, a slimy snail, so I was very careful that...
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Native Plants for Wildlife
Even though they are beautiful, none of them will benefit wildlife in the way my friend intends. She also wanted to provide food for butterfly and moth caterpillars. When their host plants are not present, no caterpillars will be found for birds to feed...
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Indian Pink: A Wildflower for Your Garden
It prefers partial to full shade and organically rich, moist but well-drained soils such as that found in well-established woodlands. Once a place is found to its liking, very little maintenance is needed.
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Ten Texas Native and Wild Plants
In an environment of unrelenting heat and drought of historical proportions in much of the state, Texans have not only survived but have thrived. Simply surviving the harsh Southwestern climate for centuries is a story in itself.
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Fiery Firebush
Large (about six inches long) elliptic to oval leaves with red veins whorl around the stem.Firebush loves the heat, and it thrives in full sun. What a show this Florida native plant puts on at this time of year!
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California Bay or Oregon Myrtle: Umbellularia californica
Now it is used to make novelties and souvenirs. The plant produces small yellow flowers in late winter or spring. They might be eaten raw, boiled, roasted, or ground into meal for cakes.This slow-growing tree casts a dense shade, so choosing what to grow...
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A Trip to Greenland - Part 2: the Gardens of Greenland
Us southern gardeners will recognized that these annuals are among the toughest and cold hardy so again, it should not be too surprising that Greenland gardeners would take advantage of these.
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The Plants and Trees of the Southern Prairie
These gardens give year round color, wild life refuges, and a wonderful garden design that is the best of the native worldthe native prairie at one tip ran from near the gulf coast to the northern sectors of Canada.
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Schisandra: Bay Star Vine
Also known as Bay Star-Vine or Climbing Magnolia is one of the twenty five plants in the Schisandra genus of the family known asNorth Carolina and Tennessee, it is listed as threatened.Japanese honeysuckle choking the vine out of its natural habitat.
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Indian Tobacco - Verbesina virginica
Soon I was headed for home with nine little frostweed babies to plant in my own garden.This plant is a wonderful plant that was only grown in areas where tobacco could not be grown.
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Calochortus, the Mariposa Lilies
In general they need well-drained soil with adequate moisture during the spring growing season but a totally dry summer and fall dormant season. The blooms can be literally hundreds of times more abundant in the years immediately following aMariposa lily...
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Plant Climbing Aster Now for Incredible Fall Color
If left unchecked, vines can grow from 12 to 20 feet tall. Although it can handle saturated soils, it adapts well to most landscape situations. A bit of extra watering during times of extended drought may be beneficial.
El Segundo
My New Obsession: Alaskan Lupines
It doesn't matter that they won't grow in KY. It is published by Alaskakrafts, Inc., P.O. Box 210087, Anchorage, AK 99504. It must be the legacy of Aunt Bett that creates an obsession within my soul for wildflowers.
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You Can\'t Grow That Here! Part II - Finding an Alternative
It brings back so many memories of childhood. Sometimes and perhaps more rewarding is seeking out native plants. The garden centers and nurseries are counting on you giving in to temptation and taking something home -- whether it will last or not.
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Focus on the Florida Native Lupine
The wonderful blue color of the blooms and the gray-green of the leaves, make it worth the effort. Once these plants ‘take hold' in your garden, they reseed every year thereafter.
El Segundo
Vernonia baldwinii - The Underused Ironweed
Really, any old soil you can give it will do. It does not look or act like any type of weed at all. If you are gathering from a legal place, you can gather the roots in the fall after the flowers bloom.
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A Visit to Greenland - Part 1: the Native Flora
The name is thanks to Eric the Red, the famous Norse Explorer who traveled across the North Atlantic all the way to Newfoundland, around the year 1000 AD. I really didn't know what to expect, other than ice and snow, however, I was pleasantly surprised.
El Segundo
Bluestars - Easy-to Grow Perennials
Are commonly available and are choice plants for gardens in most parts of the United States and other temperate regions of the world. Most are native to North America, but a few hail from Europe, Korea, Turkey, and China.
El Segundo
Lewisia: Alpines Gems of North America
This article will introduce you to the plant named after Lewis of the famous 'Lewis and Clarke expedition'. If growing in the open garden, nestle them between rocks facing north or northwest
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Mountain-ash - A multifaceted Tree
Bark canker is also evident but usually attacks older trees. In the meantime, whether you want a tree for decorative flowers, fruit or an attraction to wildlife, you can still enjoy the classical orange-red fruited species of mountain-ash commonly offered...
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Wild Clematis, an Unexpected Treasure
It was a lovely and picturesque drive up a one-lane mountain road, with wild flowers clinging to every bank, birds flocking to watch our progress almost as avidly as we watched them, and trees leaning precariously over an mountain stream unusually swollen...
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Southwest Adventures: The Desert Comes to Life
Before long, the whole ensemble performs quite magnificently as thecreate the most beautiful symphony of color your eyes could ever hope to behold. Their gift shop also sells nothing but native varieties of plants typically found within their grounds...
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Blue-eyed Grass
Combine it with other low-growing groundcovers like creeping thyme or dwarf sedum in more traditional settings.Like many other native plants, many medicinal uses have been found for blue-eyed grass.
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Planting a Garden in the Midnight Sun
The garden now is complete, and even more plants line the sides and the back of the garden, with the trees flanking its entrance and baskets hanging from the limbs of the alders.Carol had made many hypertufa planters, and had hollowed out logs.
El Segundo
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
The main rules are that the visitors stay on the trails and don't pick the flowers. Peak wildflower season runs from March 15 until when someone decides it is over in May. It seems to always be windy in the spring and the wind can range from a stiff breeze...
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Dodecatheon: Shooting Stars
The roots of mature plants can be divided in early spring, but it will be a year or more before the divisions bloom.Plants should get full sun in mild summer areas and afternoon shade in hot summer areas.
El Segundo
Red Wings in the Air and Garden: Cardinal Songbirds and Cardinal Flowers
They nest in low brush piles and shrubs. Some of these are ladybug beetles, lacewings and assassin bugs. You may also try a homemade insecticidal soap or garlic spray.enjoying these two completely different cardinals is one of the simple joys in life.
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