This disc has greaseable cast iron bearing hubs, 12 16" notched disc blades on 7.5" spacing, constructed of high carbon durable strength metal, etc. New 3pt 4.5' tandem disc harrow model WF1216 for sale.
Hours: M-F 8:00-5:00 Saturday: Appointment Only 20' IH 480 Disk - hydraulic fold, 18 3/4" front blades, 17 3/4" rear blades, missing wing harrows You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase.
10' Working Width. 23" Rear Blades. 9.5L-15SL Duals. Nationwide Delivery Available. Call With Any Questions. Front Disk Blade Size: 23, Rear Disk Blade Size: 23 Tufline Offset Disk.
NEW WOODS DHS80N DISK HARROW, NOTCHED, DISK SPACING 9" FRONT & 7.5" REAR, QUICK HITCH COMPATIBLE. Front Disk Blade Size: 18, Harrow, Rear Disk Blade Size: 18, Weight: 590