Bulk Seed Delivery with 3-Axle Chassis. Rollover tarp factory installed/ Two individual compartments each with independent shutoff. Will discharge from 500 to 900 lbs. Optional liquid inoculator available.
30' No Till Drill, Exclusive Wobble Slot Single Seed Placement Bored and machine faced with a sintered metal rotor of bronze alloy composition for friction-free motion. Parallel Linkage Opener Crustbuster's secret to planting success is keeping the pressure...
Now available with optional telescoping conveyor and standard rubber lined spout. The most important aspect of a CrustBuster / Speed King seed box tote or seed tender is that they all use Speed King belt systems that are gentle with seed.
Bulk Seed Delivery with 3-Axle Chassis. Rollover tarp factory installed/ Two individual compartments each with independent shutoff. Will discharge from 500 to 900 lbs. Optional liquid inoculator available.
Besides providing a time saving drilling width, this drill is supported with a heavier solid frame and tandem wheels. CrustBuster's new 4750 three-section 50' All Plant Drill will help you finish your planting season sooner by drilling fields in 50' widths...