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Thorny Vines

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Japanese Hydrangea-vine, Japanese Hydrangea Vine Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A climbing vine with 4" rounded, toothed leaves; climbs via holdfasts and produces lateral branches; flowers in 4" clusters, the sterile outer flowers to 1 1/2" long, white; resembles, and often confused with, Hydrangea anomala; native to Japan and...
  • Species: hydrangeoides
  • Height: 40 feet
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,816,000
  • Germination: 30%
  • Lot#: 080332
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
New York
Trumpet Vine Winter Care: Caring For Trumpet Vine In Winter
Trumpet vine care in winter is minimal. If you want to know how to winterize a trumpet vine, pruning is the simple answer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Do this pruning in late fall as part of your preparation...
Trumpet Vine Bud Drop: My Trumpet Vine Is Dropping Buds
Most garden centers have these available and they are pretty easy to use. The plant is native to eastern North America and has colonized regions to which it has been introduced. Both rarely diminish the vigor of the vines and health is minimally diminished.
Pruning Trumpet Vines: Learn When And How To Prune A Trumpet Vine
The following spring, it's time to select the best and the strongest vine shoots and prune back the rest. To accomplish this, you'll want to start pruning trumpet vines the year after you plant them.Since trumpet vine blooms in midsummer on current year's...
Transplanting Trumpet Vines: Tips On Moving A Trumpet Vine
Deciduous plants adapt better to a new site when they are dormant, without leaves and flowers. Likewise, if you are thinking of moving a trumpet vine that is mature, timing is important.
Trumpet Vine Feeding: Learn When And How To Fertilize Trumpet Vines
Your best bet is to make sure the plant is getting direct sun every day and avoiding high nitrogen fertilizers, since they encourage foliage growth and discourage blossoms. Also travels under the common name of its cousin trumpet vine, though is better...
What Is Moonseed Vine – Common Moonseed Vine Information
The vine requires no pruning, but cutting the plant to the ground every two to three years keeps it neat and healthy.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Although moonseed vine is an effective and attractive...
Trumpet Vines In Pots: Learn About Growing Vines In Containers
Keep reading to learn how to grow trumpet vine in a container.Trumpet vines in containers will not cascade delicately around the edge of a pot. , also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet flower, is a huge, prolific vine that produces deep, trumpet shaped...
Chocolate Vine Plants – Learn About Growing, Care And Control Of Akebia Vine Plants
Growing chocolate vine produces edible seedpods that taste similar to tapioca pudding. ), also known as five leaf akebia, is a highly fragrant, vanilla scented vine that is hardy in4 through 9.
Watering A Trumpet Vine: How Much Water Does A Trumpet Vine Need
If you're looking for a spot to plant your new trumpet vine, choose one that drains well. Are stunning flowering perennial vines that can completely cover a fence or wall in brilliant orange blossoms.
Chalice Vine Pruning: When To Prune Chalice Vines
You can trim them during these months as often as you need to keep control of the plant. Once you've seen a chalice vine, you won't need to ask how it got its a thick stemmed vine, offering large shiny leaves and amazing yellow flowers that look...
Trumpet Vine Problems: Common Diseases Of Trumpet Vines
These resilient flowering vines generally thrive with little care across a wide spectrum of climates, including U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10.Perhaps the most prevalent of the diseases of trumpet vines is.
Yellow Cross Vine
Prices start at : 9.99 USD

The Cross Vine is also known as: Trumpet Flower, Tendriled Trumpet Creeper, Smoke Vine, and Quarter Vine. Almost Eden's Yellow Cross Vine produces a huge mass of 2" yellow trumpets with orange throats in early to mid spring with some blooms throughout...
  • Deer Resistance: Rarely to Sometimes Bothered
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun, Part shade
  • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic, Neutral, Mildly Alkaline
  • Grows To: 30-50'H, easily trained to a 6'H fence or other support.
  • Native To / Origin: US - Central & Eastern
Red Cascade Climbing Rose
Prices start at : 12.99 USD

See the external info link below for more from Dr. Jerry Parson's of T A&M. Red Cascade is reported to be somewhat deer resistant according to a Master Gardener in Bexar County, Texas.
  • Outdoor Light: Full sun, Part sun
  • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11
  • pH Range: Slightly Acidic, Neutral
  • Native To / Origin: Gardens - 1976
Pandorea Vine Information: Tips On Growing A Bower Vine Plant
The flowers are very fragrant. It can grow to 15-25 feet (4.5-7.5 m.) in length.It doesn't grow especially dense, instead spreading out with a delicate, open structure. The plant is not at all frost hardy, but in hot zones it will grow vigorously.
Snail Vine Info: How To Grow A Snail Vine
Dip the cutting in. Snail vines also require regular water. Transplant Vigna caracalla snail vine in the fall before cold weather comes.Snail vines grow quickly, once established, and will rapidly cover a trellis or a wall.
Is Chocolate Vine Invasive: Getting Rid Of Chocolate Vine In Gardens
Pull out groundcover vines by hand, then dispose of them carefully.If your chocolate vines have climbed into trees, your first step is to sever the vine trunks at ground level. When a plant has a luscious name like “chocolate vine,” you may think...
Trumpet Plant Propagation – How To Root Trumpet Vine Cuttings
Make the cutting at an angle, using a sterile knife or razor blade.Remove the lower leaves, with one or two sets of leaves remaining intact at the top of the cutting. A small pot is fine for one or two cuttings, or use a larger container or a planting...
Care Of Angel Vines: Tips On Propagating Angel Vine Plants
They are frost sensitive and should be grown in a container and brought indoors in colder climates. , is a long, vining plant native to New Zealand that is very popular grown on metal frames and screens.
The Porcelain Berry Vine: Learn How To Grow A Porcelain Vine
Porcelain vines tolerate hard pruning, and you can cut them nearly to the ground in late winter or early spring. They easily escape into wild areas where they can crowd out native species.
Dutchman\'s Pipe Aristolochia debilis
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* This has anti-cancer properties and can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. * This very important medicinal plant was first identified by Thunberg as Aristolochia longa Linnaeus.
  • Height: 3-4 feet
  • Common Name: Dutchman's Pipe
  • Botanical Name: Aristolochia debilis
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 42
  • Seeds Per Pound: 47,216
New York
Chalice Vine Information: Tips On Caring For Chalice Vines
In time, the colors darken into deeper shades of gold.The flowers are night bloomers, and if you've ever smelled the heavy, coconut fragrance, you aren't likely to forget it. The vine grows better with regular water, but it flowers better when you don't...
What Is A Coral Vine – How To Grow Coral Vines In The Garden
Before you get too excited about growing coral vines in your garden, be aware that this fast-growing vine is invasive in some parts of the world, especially the extreme southern United States and the Pacific Islands.Once coral vine is established, it...
Trumpet Vine Seed Pods: Tips For Germinating Trumpet Vine Seeds
Sow seed on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkle more soil over them. To enhance germination, you can also cover the container with plastic wrap. Is a ferocious grower, often reaching 25 to 400 feet in length with a spread of 5 to 10 feet.
Trumpet Vine Pests: Learn About Bugs On Trumpet Vines
Ants love honeydew so much that they protect honeydew-producing bugs on trumpet vines from predators.First, get rid of the trumpet vine pests by blasting them off the plant with the garden hose.
Tetrastigma Voinierianum Info: Growing Chestnut Vine Indoors
Chestnut vine will grow in a well lit room or even in the shade, but not in direct sunlight. Some of the cuttings may not make it. A proper watering schedule may, again, require some trial and error.Too much water will cause the new shoots to drop and...
Tips On Growing Butterfly Vines – How To Care For A Butterfly Vine
Because the orchid-like blooms are soon followed by lime-green seed pods that eventually turn a soft shade of tan or brown. ) is a heat-loving evergreen vine that lights up the landscape with clusters of intense yellow blooms in late spring.