Is a native of temperate Europe and Asia. The plant is extremely toxic to cats, dogs and even horses. These are easily managed provided you know what you are looking for and how to treat the problem.
Planting lily of the valley should take place by late fall. Preferring partial shade and a moist soil, growing lily of the valley is easy if you know how and when to plant. That being said, these plants are adaptable and will grow very well in dry shade...
Leave this in place for at least one growing season, at which time the sprouts (and roots) should be dead. For this reason, it normally helps to become familiar with how to eliminate lily of the valley should the situation call for it.For those looking...
In crown rot, the fungal pathogen starts at the crown, causing leaves to emerge discolored and the entire plant to collapse in a few days.Both are practically incurable. These hardy plants can be used as small spotlights or huge mass plantings in your...
Dividing lily of the valley is simple, doesn't take a lot of time, and the payoff is a more attractive plant with large, healthy blooms. Allow 4 or 5 inches (10-13 cm.) between each pip.
It is also a “3” due to its often severe dermatitis.Experts recommend calling a Poison Control Center or calling 911 if any part of the plant is ingested. It doesn't matter if only the flowers are eaten or if the entire stem or roots are consumed.
Chances are pretty good that it could be transplanted in the summer with no ill effects, as long as you provide it with plenty of irrigation.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Divide lily of the valley when...
Waiting for the seeds to ripen can be an exercise in futility, because birds and other wild animals don't seem to mind their toxic reputation.To give them a chance to ripen, place small mesh or fabric bags over the stems where the berries are.
Hand picking, traps and slug baits are the easiest ways to deal with these pests. The true flowers are the tiny, green or yellow-tinged dots that line the spadix. Plant container-grown Jack-in-the-pulpit plants in spring or plant corms 6 inches deep in...
There are many lily of the valley varieties that produce pink blooms. “Bordeaux” and “Flore Pleno” will grow to a foot (30 cm.) tall. There's a lot more to lily of the valley than just its sweet scent.
If you're planting store bought rhizomes, you should just cover the tops of the buds with soil.Lily of the valley container care is easy. And since it can do well in anything from full shade to full sun, it's a versatile plant that can brighten up virtually...
Water only if the spring is dry and fertilize in early spring with a good bulb food. They produce a mass of lovely star-shaped flowers with deep green strappy leaves. Work in compost or leaf litter to increase porosity if necessary.
It will not do well in zones higher than 9, where it is too warm in the winter to give it an adequate dormant period. Thin out your bed late this summer or early in the fall and you will probably get more flowers next year.Lily of the valley plants like...
This fungal disease looks pretty serious, but if you catch it early, you can treat it with fungicide and it will clear up. Keep reading to learn more about yellowing lily of the valley plants.Everyone has their “pet” plant.
It is an exquisite display of natural beauty combined with human artistry. By the 1620s Tulipomania was in full swing and having tulips in one's garden was considered a status symbol equivalent with owning a Ferrari today
Leaf mold retains water well, and is packed with beneficial fungi, as well as calcium and magnesium. Leaves worked into a light, sandy soil, will improve water and nutrient holding capacity.Shredded leaves make excellent mulch for tender perennials such...
The plants spread by means of brittle underground rhizomes, and digging up unwanted plants often causes them to spread even more because broken bits of rhizomes quickly form new plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
After all, it's just as attractive. Unfortunately, you may not have much control over this phenomenon.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Variegation loss in bishop's weed may be more prevalent in shady areas,...
I thought for a long time that the park had been given to the city with the stipulation that dogs be allowed to be unfettered from their leashes. When they entered the park the leash was unhooked, and the dog was free to run.
And though Pliny did correctly identify amber as an exudation from trees, he also gave it many properties that it truly did not have. Also in his book, he gave instructions for rubbing radishes on the skin to stop venomous creatures from biting.
I'm sure you know the feeling, I'm taken back to my high school days and a certain cheerleader.When two full moons occur during the same calendar month (if you're keeping records, you'll want to mark December 2009 as a blue moon month), the second of...
The fruits are woody pods which can be as long as 60cm (2 feet), brown when ripe and contain elongated hard seeds about the size of a date stone. Note that there exists a yellow flame of the forest, quite rare in cultivation (I know of only one tree on...
When Narcissus stops to drink at a pool, he falls in love with his reflection and dies of unrequited love.Recently discovered manuscripts contain a poem that tells yet a different version, in which Narcissus spurns the love of another young man."In this...
I like to think of them as mountain magic. Even seeds had a purpose, and the only problem was in knowing what each plant cured. The realtor had no idea what he was missing.There is one other story that I would like to share with you; it is the strawberry...
If they are not removed entirely, however, every root of them, it is likely that they will return. Even when I am digging and hacking them out of the places where they don't belong, I would never quite rid myself of them entirely, even if I could.
It is now known as the caduceus.The image in the center shows Iris pouring out the water of the Styx from her golden pitcher.In some mythologies, the rainbow is considered a bridge connecting the realms of the gods with Earth.
What Is The Reduction Ratio? Chippers powered by gasoline engines and tractor PTOs are larger and require more effort to move around, but their power and ability to handle large branches can't be matched by electric chippers.