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The Best Perennials To Plant

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Chrysanthemums - the Wilderness Years
Every respectable 1950's garden had tidy rows of both, staked, so that they stood to attention like soldiers on parade. They need an image make-over, as, for me, they will always represent the suburban garden at its lowest point.
El Segundo
Mountain Magic
Here are some thoughts for you to ponder, things I brought with me straight out of the Appalachian mountains of southeast Kentucky. Each of the plants, even grasses and moss, agreed to furnish a cure for the diseases, either alone or together.
El Segundo
Christmas Gift Suggestions For The Gardener In Your Life
A tabletop model or a cart with shelves makes year-round gardening possible. In the $40-$50 price range. $29.95 from planting - Help your gardener start the season sooner by making it easier to propagate new plants from seeds...
El Segundo
University of Georgia Classic City Awards
Nurserymen who sell plants, people who plant them, and anyone growing so much as a container of annuals want to select high-performing plants that will last a long time in the landscape.
El Segundo
How to Water Sedums
An over-watered sedum is likely to flop over and die more quickly than an under-watered sedum.Sedums have fleshy leaves that store water for dry seasons.Water sedums in the garden only during hot, dry weather.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Papaya
Mexican papayas are huge in comparison, weighing up to 10 pounds. It is usually eaten raw without the skin, and is rich in potassium and vitamin A.Although papayas are large fruits, they grow on small trees that have a definite tropical look.
Santa Monica
Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
You can put your clump or divisions into a bucket, add a little loose soil over the roots, and water just so its all moist. Maybe its because daylilies (Hemerocallis) lend themselves so well to sharing.
El Segundo
Blue to Die For -- Delphiniums
Taking the plant's powers a step further, Larkspur was one of the herbs for the feast of St. John and was thought to ward off lightning! In Transylvania, the seeds' black color was thought to keep witches from the stables.'Blackmore & Langdon Hybrids'--white,...
El Segundo
Stunning Historical Iris
It needs to be noted there are no true black iris on the market yet -- just shades of dark purple and blue. Even among historical irises there are so many to pick from it can, at times, be a daunting task.
El Segundo
How to Cut Back a Dracaena Corn Plant
Use pruning shears and trim the dead flower section back to the foliage. The branch will sprout two to three new stems in cuts not made flush to the trunk or cane.Trim through thick cane sections using loppers.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Aphids on African Violets
Use a soft cloth or soft-bristle brush to gently wash the tops and undersides of leaves. Wash your plant whenever aphids reappear. Don't use dishwasher or laundry detergent because they may damage the African violet's leaves.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Tulips
Place the cut tulip flower on the sand. You don't want young, immature blossoms, nor do you want flowers that have been open for a while and are about to start wilting. Use a shoebox, just like you would with the sand method.
Santa Monica
How to Revive Ferns
Many ferns are tropical in origin and can only be grown indoors where they are protected from frost. Too little water causes the fern to wilt or drop fronds.Keep ferns in a 68 to 72 degree Fahrenheit room.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Horsetail
Clean pruning shear blades with rubbing alcohol, and prune escaping rhizomes and fruiting stems at ground level. Place bricks on the bottom of the planting site to provide a firm, level base.
Santa Monica
Types of Bird of Paradise
Bird of paradise is the common name for two genera: Strelitzia and Caesaplinia. Mandelas's Gold produces yellow blossoms instead of the typical orange. The white forms a tree 18 feet tall and the giant 30 feet tall.
Santa Monica
How to Divide Anthuriums
Division is the fastest method to propagate anthuriums and can be done by the average home gardener.Anthuriums are tropical plants often used in bouquets and floral arrangements.Examine the plant and look for offshoots that emerge from the ground near...
Santa Monica
Kangaroo Paw Plant Care
Daily drip irrigation from a soaker hose will prevent kangaroo paw from going dormant in summer but will also shorten its lifespan considerably. Snails hide during the day and feed at night.
Santa Monica
How to Deadhead Balloon Flowers
Deadleafing, or removing dead leaves, is closely related to deadheading and usually performed at the same time. Since balloon flowers bloom all summer long, they also benefit from severe deadheading and cutting back at mid-season, which encourages them...
Santa Monica
Native Perennials from Seed: Echinacea
Under ideal circumstances, Echinacea seeds begin germinating around 10 days after planting, but it can take up to 20 days if the area where you keep your seed starting trays is on the cool side.
El Segundo
The Little Healing Breads
My grandma told us that those seeds were edible and that they were called "little breads." Since we had so many marsh mallows everywhere on our playground, the "little breads" were perfect for cooking lunch for our dolls, especially when we could eat...
El Segundo
How to Grow Cattails
Choose a fertilizer with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (N-P-K) ratio of 5-10-5, 10-6-4 or 12-8-8, and apply at a rate of 4 ounces per 1 cubic foot of soil. The depth of standing water cattails will grow in varies by species.
Santa Monica
The Story of Iris Part 5 - Historical Versus Modern
This will be a short look into the case for both sides and a hope to give you a better idea of what you love and why. Grandmother always had an iris garden. They are not going to putter out, die out, or just up and give up on life one day.
El Segundo
In with the old... Pulmonaria
Pulmonaria is a rhizomatous plant. Humus rich soil tends to work extremely well, although the plant has shown to do well in soil enriched with black peat.It is best to purchase lungwort from a nursery in the spring.
El Segundo
The Story of Iris Part 11 - True to Name
This will tell you quickly if, in your area, this is the way the bloom looks. You have an imposter. Iris are not one of them. Take the time and not only find a good iris for your location but find a good seller to buy from to start with.I want to thank...
El Segundo
Hardy Euphorbias in the Garden - An Untamed Passion for \'Shrubby Spurges\'
With recent developments in breeding efforts, these plants have attained new heights and all I can say is WOW! The new palette of colors and textures now available offers enticing selections to lure you in?and I?m hooked!
El Segundo
Datura can be invasive if you let it
I couldn't help myself - I watched the plant all summer, waiting for the seeds to ripen. At first, it was a small capsule, but then it got bigger and bigger, and in the end it became a huge round spiny pod, with very sharp thorns which I felt on my hand...
El Segundo
How to Care for Foxgloves
These European natives are deer- and rabbit-resistant and attract hummingbirds. Water foxgloves in early morning, and avoid getting their leaves wet to prevent diseases.Dig a 1-inch-deep trench in a 3-inch diameter around each foxglove plant.
Santa Monica