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How to Use Frankincense Tears
In many spiritual traditions, frankincense is believed to have the power to protect, purify and aid in spiritual enlightenment. Breathe deeply and slowly and allow the vapor to loosen clogged sinuses.Place frankincense tears inside protective amulets...
Santa Monica
Job\'s Tears - A Fascinating Plant
You need to use your own judgment, since the timing will vary with each seed--some will be ready sooner than others."She also mentioned, "To prepare the seeds for use in jewelry, you must ream out the natural hole in the seed.
El Segundo
Queen\'s Tears: the Beginning of Beautiful Billbergia
Add a tablespoon of epsom salts per gallon of water used on the plants. I'd heard the exotic name "Queen's tears" years ago but never seen the plant. "Fundamental Bromeliad Care" linked above gives a more detailed description of this simple process.
El Segundo
A Tale of Two Hollyhocks: The Galena Hollyhock
There are tales of Italian immigrants waiting months for some herbs or perhaps a grapevine from the old country. Across a barren landscape, loneliness sets in and all you long for and desire is to have anything that can bring back that feeling of home...
El Segundo
What Is the Meaning of Lily of the Valley?
Some European countries believe lily of the valley prompts visions of heaven, aiding man to see a brighter future. In Holland, the flower is planted in a newlywed couple's garden as a symbol of the renewal of love.Other names for the lily of the valley...
Santa Monica
A Peony With a Past
Can you remember how proud you were when you took handfuls of flowers to teachers every spring? My Dad isn't usually the gift giver, but he realized how much I love those flowers. Call me sentimental, but tears well up as I divide my favorite plant, Grandma's...
El Segundo
Penciled In
Autumn came and went, as did winter. To top it off, it also prevents drainage so I dug down as far as I could go (using a pick ax) and I then mixed in some gypsum with quality soil and compost and little by little the beds came together.After the first...
El Segundo
List of Flowers Found in the Tropical Rainforest
Orchids have many different shapes and colors, but most share the same distinction of three petals and three sepals.The strikingly beautiful queen's tears plant produces long pink stems that feature swinging green and pink flower clusters filled with...
Santa Monica
Growing the tasty, exquisitely fiery hot Wasabi!
Doug Lambert, owner and founder ofhas a 75 acre farm in Collowhee, NC where they have promising field tests of growing Wasabi in the mountain streambeds. In fact, Clemson University has joined forces with North Carolina State University – both are agriculture...
El Segundo
3 Easy-to-Grow Houseplants to Boost Indoor Health
If you're not a fan of houseplants because you think they're fussy or you don't have time to stand over them with a mister and a bottle of fertilizer, it's time to rethink your stance on growing greenery indoors.
Sue Weaver Tells of Spring on the Farm
Long hours of pouring over pedigrees and plotting hypothetical matings, effort spent hauling those special mares, cows, does and ewes to their perfect mates pay off—or not—as a new crop of winsome babies hit the ground.
Goldenrod Legends and Lore
After the Boston Tea Party, when the rebellious American colonists had dumped all their tea into Boston Harbor, they discovered they had lost their favorite beverage. The stiff stem of the plant was historically used as a divining rod, but that was only...
El Segundo
What Is Cherokee Rose – Should You Grow Cherokee Rose Plants
Cherokee rose tolerates part shade, but it performs best in full sun. Still a common sight in the South, Cherokee rose is an easy to grow plant. For this reason, before growing Cherokee rose in your garden, it is a good idea to check with yourfor its...
The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
Start slow and do what you can afford to do. There is something great here.It is the best thing you can do, really… this is gold when you think about it! Every three years you can share your prized iris with friends, family, fellow DGer's, the list...
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Cheerful posts and sunshine were sparkling through the posts at Dave's Garden.Here are a few pictures of moving day. Please note: To protect the privacy of the individuals, recognizable pictures of the crew are not posted here.ell, I feel sick! I just...
El Segundo
Pulling Up Landscape Fabric: How To Get Rid Of Landscape Fabric In Gardens
Torn bits and wrinkles of degraded landscape fabric can make even a newly mulched bed look shabby.In addition to deterioration, the breakdown of mulch, plant debris and other materials that blow into landscape beds can form a layer of compost on top of...
How to Trim Queen Palm Tree Trunks
The Queen Palm, known botanically as Syagrus romanzoffiana, is a single-trunk tropical palm adapted to some temperate and sub-tropical climes. In addition to dead fronds, the fruit clusters also can be trimmed or removed to keep the tree looking tidy...
Santa Monica
Mad City Chickens: An Egg-cellent Documentary
Tags backyard chicken keeping , backyard hens , Chickens magazine , Mad City Chickens MCC will certainly cause you to smile and might even have you shed a tear (not this reviewer, but it certainly got to his wife).
Lost and Found
About a year ago, I had ordered a load of gravel. Last year, I lost my best spade. For all of the abuse it took, the spade is still in pretty good shape. As I was working there, moving bales in to act as retaining walls against the soon-to-be chip pile,...
How Does a Plant Convert Light Energy to Chemical Energy?
During the photosynthesis process, six water molecules and six carbon dioxide molecules are used to create one glucose molecule and six oxygen molecules. Light energy is crucial to the photosynthesis process.Photosynthesis involves a complex series of...
Santa Monica
How to Trim Dead Blossoms From an African Violet
If these are allowed to remain on the plant, they draw vital energy away from the plant's ability to produce new blooms.Grasp the dead, dying or unhealthy bloom in one hand. Continue to remove the dead, dying or unhealthy blooms as soon as possible to...
Santa Monica
Virgin Mary Garden Ideas – Creating A Mary Garden In Your Backyard
The following plants would be examples of this and appropriate for inclusion in this garden (you may even have many of them growing already): For example, according to legend, the Angel Gabriel was holding a lily when he told Mary that she was to be the...
Roses Have Holes In Leaves: Why Do My Roses Have Holes In The Leaves
In some cases, the wind whips the foliage so hard that the leaves will get puncture wounds in them from their own thorns. Most of these can be hand picked off and dropped into a bucket of water.
How to Trim Geraniums So They Bloom Again
Snip the flower stem at its base where it attached to the main branch with a pruners or a scissors. This is called deadheading and results in plants continually producing more flowers.
Santa Monica
When to Prune Poplar Trees
Pruning poplar trees is a way to direct their growth and improve their structure as they grow. Use this method to ensure that the bark does not tear as the branch falls away, which can cause a bigger injury to the trunk.Poplar trees generally need little...
Santa Monica
Wolfberry Grower\'s Guide
Best place to store before planting is in the vegetable crisper. If not dug up, they can become invasive.Wolfberries are generally pest free. Pruning promotes early summer growth for a heavy late summer berry crop.
El Segundo
5 Tools You Need For The Spring Thaw
Ice Scraper While it would be nice if snow could melt in a single day and speedily usher in spring, this is rarely the case. Rubber Boots Perhaps nothing is more essential to have on hand during the spring thaw than rubber boots ! When the snow starts...