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Tea Plant Medicinal Plant For Sale In Fayetteville

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Agrimony, Churchsteeples, Common Agrimony, Church Steeples, Sticklewort, Cockeburr, Stickwort Agrimonia eupatoria
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Perennial; small yellow flowers; source of a golden-yellow dye. It can be drunk hot or cold. It was formerly very popular either on its own or added to China tea, having a peculiar delicacy and aroma.
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Species: eupatoria
  • Germination: 91%
  • Common Name: Agrimony, Churchsteeples, Common Agrimony, Church Steeples, Sticklewort, Cockeburr, Stickwort
  • Purity: 98%
  • Quantity: 0.55 lb
North Carolina
Chinese Ginseng Panax ginseng
Price : CALL

* The German Commission E Monographs, a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine, approve Panax ginseng for lack of stamina. * Ginseng is characterized by the presence of ginsenosides.
  • Common Name: Chinese Ginseng
  • Botanical Name: Panax ginseng
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Genus: Panax
North Carolina
Kidney Cleansing Herbal Tea
Prices start at : 32.50 USD / 1 month chronic

The herbs will work better if the concentration is on just one area (such as Lymphatic, kidney cleans, detoxing, gallbladder, etc) at a time. This herbal blend also helps with bloody urine due to kidney infections; gonorrhea, kidney diseases, urethritis,...
North Carolina
Common Juniper Juniperus communis
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is dioecious , with male and female cones on separate plants, which are wind pollinated. The male cones are yellow, 2–3 mm long, and fall soon after shedding their pollen in March–April.
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Collection Locale: Italy
  • Species: communis
  • Height: 5-30 feet
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Genus: Juniperus
North Carolina
Bowel Regulator and Liver tonic / Detox tea
Prices start at : 19.45 USD / 24 tea bags

Allow to steep a minimum 30-40 minutes. * Please Note: This information is based on Traditional and Folklore Medicine which uses natural materials to support health. Our produce is grown without pesticides or herbicides resulting in highly nutritious...
North Carolina
Wintergreen, Eastern Teaberry, Checkerberry Gaultheria procumbens
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

* An evergreen groundcover, a source of wintergreen oil; 1/4" very light pink or pinkish white flowers in summer, scarlet fruit; wants acid, woodland-type soil; native to eastern and central North America south to Georgia.
  • Botanical Name: Gaultheria procumbens
  • Genus: Gaultheria
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Common Name: Wintergreen, Eastern Teaberry, Checkerberry
  • Quantity: 0.35 lb
North Carolina
Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle Urtica dioica
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

Seed density should be 6 kg/ha with row spacing of 30 cm and 42–50 cm in autumn and spring, respectively.The disadvantage of direct sowing is that it usually leads to incomplete plant coverage.
  • Genus: Urtica
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 595
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Germination: 75%
  • Purity: 99%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,816,000
North Carolina
Get Smart Tea
Prices start at : 37.95 USD / 16 oz.

This is for one infusion and we've had success with 2-3 infusions Order today and get free shipping, a free herb or herb blend, tea sampler or heirloom seed of our choice. Get Smart Tea, free shipping & a free gift when you order now! Our Caffeine free...
North Carolina
Lung Tonic Tea For  SMOKERS.
Prices start at : 43.71 USD / one month supply

This herbal tea acts as a tonic for your lungs and may enhance the healing your lung tissues. Herbs in this formula are: oatstraw, nettle, ginger root, lemon balm, hawthorn, mint Sold as one week supply and one month supply Come and visit my store for...
North Carolina
Lemon Stress - Away Tea
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 24 tea bags

Skullcap - has excellent nervine, calmative, and antispasmodic properties. Health benefits: Lemon Balm - relieves digestive disorders such as nausea, cramps and flatulence. * Please Note: This information is based on Traditional and Folklore Medicine...
North Carolina
Common Mallow Tea
Prices start at : 11.75 USD / Bronchitis 12 tea bags

Common mallow is used to combat colds accompanied by a sore throat, a dry, hacking cough and bronchitis. Several species have very similar constituents, and M. Sylvestris is used interchangeably with the less potent M.
North Carolina
Liver Cleanse Tea/ Organic Detox
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 24 tea bags

When your liver is not able to effectively cleanse your blood, all the toxins you ingest and that are also absorbed are then passed virtually unchecked back into your body systems where they can negatively affect every cell in your body.
North Carolina
Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle Urtica dioica
Prices start at : 2.95 USD / 1 packet

Seed density should be 6 kg/ha with row spacing of 30 cm and 42–50 cm in autumn and spring, respectively.The disadvantage of direct sowing is that it usually leads to incomplete plant coverage.
  • Purity: 99%
  • Genus: Urtica
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 595
  • Crop Year: 2016
  • Quantity: 1.16 lb
  • Germination: 75%
North Carolina
Nourishing - Daily Blend Tea
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / 24 tea bags

Good for bacterial infections, HIV and AIDS, inflamed lungs, inflammatory bowel disorders, kidney problems, liver disease, and skin disorders and weakened immune system. Tea contains: Burdock, chamomile, nettle,oat straw and red clover.
North Carolina
Birthwort Aristolochia clematitis
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

It is an aromatic tonic herb that stimulates the uterus, reduces inflammation, controls bacterial infections and promotes healing. It should not be used by pregnant women. * Birthwort has a very long history of medicinal use, though it has been little...
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Species: clematitis
  • Seeds Per Pound: 8,807
  • Quantity: 1.37 lb
  • Collection Locale: Hungary
  • Height: 2-3 feet
North Carolina
Girls Best Friend Tea
Prices start at : 9.50 USD / loose leaf

This can be drunk as a tea or made as an infusion and then applied topically or in a bath. If it can't be grown in our area of Ohio, we don't put it in our products. We have our own bee hives and are proud to live on "Organic Row" as there are several...
North Carolina
Black Bee Tea
Prices start at : 9.00 USD / Black Bee Tea

We are a family owned and operated farm and both grow and wild gather our own products. We have our own bee hives and are proud to live on "Organic Row" as there are several organic operations in our area.
North Carolina
Female  Fasting Herb Tea
Prices start at : 97.50 USD / 30 tea bags

If you are a female and want to cleanse your reproductive organs during fasting, this herbal tea is just the thing for you! This herbal combination specially for the female, help with heavy bleeding, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids; cleansing and purifying...
North Carolina
Cat Greenbrier Smilax glauca
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

Young shoots in spring - raw or cooked. * Succeeds in most soils in sun or semi-shade. Commonly inhabiting wooded areas and fences and often found growing with other species of Smilax.
  • Collection Locale: Waterloo, NE
  • Species: glauca
  • Purity: 99%
  • Height: 10-20 feet
  • Genus: Smilax
  • Seeds Per Pound: 6,645
North Carolina
Arthritis Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Tea
Prices start at : 79.99 USD / 16 oz.

This delicious tea opens with notes of curry and finishes with lightly herbaceous cardamom sweetness. Order now & get free shipping & a free gift! Caffeine Content: None - Caffeine Free 1 oz.
North Carolina
Salal Gaultheria shallon
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* A low, suckering shrub, member of the heath family; flowers white, resemble blueberry flowers; purple or black edible fruit; habit depends on growing conditions, scrambling up to some height in shade and rich soil, forming a low mat in full sun and...
  • Botanical Name: Gaultheria shallon
  • Genus: Gaultheria
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Purity: 98%
  • Quantity: 0.04 lb
  • Species: shallon
North Carolina
Black Maca, Peruvean Ginseng Lepidium meyenii
Prices start at : 10.95 USD / 1 packet

It was found at the Meseta of BomBom close to Junin Lake in the Andes. * Maca (Peruvian Ginseng) seedlings usually emerge about one month after sowing with the onset of the rainy season in October.
  • Common Name: Black Maca, Peruvean Ginseng
  • Family: Brassicaceae
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
  • Seeds Per Pound: 217,920
  • Germination Test Type: cut
North Carolina
Anti Inflammatory Herbal Tea
Prices start at : 14.10 USD / 15 tea bags

Sold as loose tea and in convenient tea bags. Dandelion, nettles, ginger, echinacea, chamomile, elder flowers, yarrow. These herbs possess antibacterial and spasmolytic (cramp relaxing) effects.
North Carolina
Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa     - Dasiphora fruticosa    , Pentaphylloides fruticosa
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Native to the cool temperate to subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere , often growing at high altitudes in mountains . * The leaves are astringent. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of indigestion.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 2
  • Quantity: 0.33 lb
  • Species: fruticosa
  • Height: 1-4 feet
  • Purity: 59%
  • Botanical Name: Potentilla fruticosa
North Carolina
Rusty Foxglove Digitalis ferruginea
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The leaves are cardiac, stimulant and tonic. They are often used in the treatment of certain heart complaints. * Yellowish flowers marked with rusty red, particularly on the inside; in spikes; biennial or short-lived perennial; full or part sun, dry,...
  • Height: 4ft
  • Seeds Per Pound: 567,500
  • Genus: Digitalis
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Lot#: 9701
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
North Carolina
To Flush the Urinary Tract - Healing Tea
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / 24 tea bags

We carefully select our produce varieties for excellent taste and quality. Prepare this medicinal tea , to stimulate urination and to flush crystalline deposits from the body, preventing a build-up that can lead to kidney gravel and stones.
North Carolina
Sinus Relief Herb Tea
Prices start at : 18.05 USD / 20 teabags

My delicious tasting herbal formula of elderflower, echinacea, thyme, hyssop,rose hips, lemon balm, ginger and rosemary, knock out infecting organisms , loosen the sticky mucus, relieve irritation of the mucous membranes, clear up nasal discharge, thus...
North Carolina