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Syzygium Aromaticum

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Sell more than 200 medicinal plants
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We sell more than 200 indian live medicinal plants like boswellia sandkle , aquilaria , cardamom nux vomica terminalia arjuna to many if you need full list please contact chek some of our plants cinnamomum zeylancium caesalpinia sappan nyctanthes arbor...
Planting Methods for Lilly Pilly
An article published by Australian Plants Online, the online magazine of the Australian Native Plants Society, suggests placing the seeds in a zip-lock bag with some water and setting the bag outside in the sun for two weeks, which results in fermentation...
Santa Monica
Research associate
Dated: Yours Faithfully, Place : (RAJKUMAR PAUL) • TRAINING COURSE : “Food Processing and Enterprise Management”-a certificate course (3 Months) from Jadavpur University(Kolkata) in 2004-2005.
West Bengal
Seeking for a manager/internship,assistant
U Performed stand up comedies in school functions and in events like Manthan 2010 in the college. Sugar industry (Niphad Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana) u Did six weeks of detailed study of sugar manufacturing, chemical equipment, flowchart, by-products manufacturing,...
Tropical Deciduous Forest Animals & Plants
In addition to southern beeches, tree species such as thatch screwpine (Pandanus tectorius) and queen sago (Cycas circinalis) are found along the mountain slopes and valleys of the island.
Santa Monica
 To learn estimating and calculating quotations for the services. Summary:  A highly talented Agricultural professional with experience spanning more than two years in Customer Service Executive.
United States
Research Scientist Position
In vitro conservation of Decalepis hamiltonii: A globally endangered species of medicinal importance In. Proceedings of Crop Diversity and Tribal Empowerment in XIII Swadeshi Science Congress.
New South Wales
Micropropagation specilist
Eganathan and M.S.Swaminathan. Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai - Overseas Travel Grant (2001) - to present paper at International Symposium on Mangroves: Evolution, Physiology and Conservation, Tokyo, Japan.
The Herbs and Spices of Thanksgiving
Herbs such as sage, thyme, rosemary and marjoram can be used either fresh or dried in a recipe. The European explorers who first discovered it in Central America thought the berries tasted like a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, and thus called...
El Segundo