Treat gilts on an individual animal basis by top dressing on each gilt's daily feed ration. Wear protective vinyl, neoprene, or nitrile gloves when handling ChronoMate. ChronoMate facilitates synchronization of estrus in sexually mature gilts that have...
Lincomycin hydrochloride. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. LincoMed 100 contains 100 mg lincomycin hydrochloride per ml; give 1 ml per 20 lbs.
Noromycin 300 LA is recommended for use in beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle, calves, and swine. Noromycin 300 LA is a broad-spectrum antibiotic containing 300 mg oxytetracycline per ml.
Stierwalt SuperFlex Joint Supplement with Hyaluronic Acid and Turmeric was developed to support normal joint function, flexibility, and ease of motion in cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and goats.
Dispensers: Add 1 tsp to one gallon of water. In Feed: Use at a rate of five pounds per ton of feed Bag in 128 gallons of drinking water. Directions for use: For medicators: Mix 1 lb.
Administer 2 ml (1 pump) orally. Includes pump dispenser. Keeps the gut in balance and promotes intake. Probiotics ensure proper digestive system function, while essential vitamins and electrolytes keep your pig hydrated.
Sweet Iron is a moist oral iron supplement with trace minerals for nursing pigs. Acceptance will be improved if weaned pigs had access to sweet iron while nursing. A small amount can be used to increase starter feed consumption immediately after weaning...
Explode provides extra nutrition to maximize the Paylean response. Show feed (min 16% protein) to obtain a level of 9 grams per ton of Paylean. Explode is designed for finishing swine weighing at least 150 lbs.
One day withdrawal for swine. Three days slaughter withdrawal for cattle. Prolate/Lintox-HD is a highly effective organophosphorous insecticide. Cattle rub: mix 1 gal/50 gal diesel.
Safe-Guard AquaSol for Swine is a suspension concentrate containing fenbendazole, an antiparasitic. Please use the following formula: Total estimated body weight [kg] of the pigs to be treated x 0.0.011 ml = ml Safe-Guard AquaSol/day
3FLEX is a combination vaccine used in swine to control Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). Requires mixing.
Estrus will be observed approximately 3-7 days after injection. P.G. 600 complements AI programs, returning most sows to estrus in 3-7 days. Gilts: Indicated for induction of fertile estrus in non-cycling gilts over 5 1/2 months of age and weighing at...
Once an animal has been tagged with an official PIN tag, it should not be removed or given a different official tag. Add $5.00 freight charge per order. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered...
Refer to product label for complete mixing instructions. Used in the treatment and control of swine dysentery, and as an aid in the control of ileitis (PPE) in swine; for chronic respiratory disease in chickens; for infectious sinusitis in turkeys; and...
Bo-Se should not be administered to pregnant ewes as deaths and abortions may occur. Bo-Se is recommended for the prevention and treatment of white muscle disease (Selenium-Tocopherol Deficiency) syndrome in calves, lambs, and ewes, and as an aid in the...
If your show pig has a harder look for topline issues, it is time to Flesh 'Em Up! Feed 2 to 4 oz. Per head daily. A soft, fresh look with added skin and hair pop and shine. Pigs take right to it and lick the pan clean due to its high palatability.
Denagard 12.5% Liquid Concentrate is a solution containing 12.5% tiamulin hydrogen fumarate. Mix 1 liter per 171 gallons for pleuropneumonia (7 day withdrawal). Mix 1 liter per 512 gallon for dysentery (3 day withdrawal).
Denagard 10 Type B Medicated Swine Feed is used to treat and control swine dysentery and to control ileitis. Denagard 10 contains 10 g/lb tiamulin hydrogen fumarate. Denagard per ton of feed; allow 2 days for slaughter withdrawal.
Repeat in 3-4 weeks. Booster annually or at the time of injury, regardless of interval. Give cattle and horses 1 ml IM. Give sheep, goats and swine 0.5 ml IM. For the vaccination of cattle, horses, sheep, goats and swine against tetanus.
Per ton of complete feed and feed for 3 days. Bag will deworm 330 pigs weighing 50 lbs. Highly effective against more internal parasites. Controls round, whips, nodular, lung, kidney, and stomach worms.
Once an animal has been tagged with an official PIN tag, it should not be removed or given a different official tag. Add $5.00 freight charge per order. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered...
Dosage Option 1: Give a single 2 ml dose IM to healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older. Dosage Option 2: Give 1 ml IM as early as 3 days of age, repeat in 3 weeks. Circumvent PCV G2 is the first PCV type 2 vaccine approved for piglets as early as 3 days...
Banamine-S Injectable Solution is indicated for the control of pyrexia associated with swine respiratory disease. Flunixin meglumine. Not for use in breeding swine. The recommended dosage of Banamine-S for swine is 2.2 mg per kg (2 ml per 100 lbs) body...
Mounting bracket for easy cleaning. 12" W x 6" D x 15" H. Durable high density polyethylene; includes feed flow adjustment pane, feed-saver lip, and trough divider.
And over at the rate of 3 ml per 100 lbs. One pint treats 32 swine (500 lbs. A ready-to use oil-based pour-on formulation for swine containing permethrin, a highly effective synthetic pyrethroid for control of mange mites, lice and flies.