Reliable hydration, antioxidants, and prebiotics improve the gut flora, absorption of nutrients, and strengthen immunity from stresses and other environmental factors. Swine Compleat is a water soluble formula that can be top dressed or mixed with feed...
In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. Lincomix 300 Injectable is used for the treatment of infectious forms of arthritis and Mycoplasma pneumonia in swine.
This helps to offset the results seen from aggressive, high energy show pig diets. Top dress one (17 g) scoop twice daily. This chemistry supports metabolic fat burning that targets specific areas of the body to reduce fat content, most notably in the...
Agrimycin 200 is effective in the treatment of pinkeye, footrot and pneumonia. Most animals show a noticeable improvement within 24 to 48 hours. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase.
Contains 19% crude protein and 5% crude fiber from grain, plant, forage, and roughage products, plus brewer's dried yeast, wheat germ meal, vitamin E, L-lysine, L-arginine, and DL-arginine.
Keeps the gut in balance and promotes intake. Show Gun Nutritional Supplement for All Classes of Livestock is formulated to keep your show pig healthy and growing. Administer 2 ml (1 pump) orally.
Glucose, high vitamins, minerals, amino acids in the bloodstream in minutes! Get back on feed fast. Maintain weight in hot nursery weak newborns, scours, ketosis, disease, shipping stress, weather stress all benefit form supplemental nutrition.
Body weight to water or milk replacer for 1-3 days. Oral-Pro Sodium Salicylate Concentrate 48.6% is used in the drinking water of swine over 3 weeks of age and poultry as an aid in reducing fever, pain, and inflammation: Add 8 to 16 oz.
Administer 1 to 3 days after birth. To prevent and treat anemia in baby pigs. Each ml contains 200 mg of dextran suspension of elemental iron. Double strength. Dosage: 1 ml per baby pig.
To produce the desired synchronization of estrus in a group of gilts, treat all of the gilts daily for the same 14-day period. For synchronization of estrus in sexually mature gilts that have had at least one estrous cycle.
Swine dosage: 1 ml SQ per 75 lbs. (Ivermectin) Highly effective for treatment and control of roundworms, lungworms, grubs, lice, and mange mites. Of body weight. Cattle dosage: 1ml SQ per 110 lbs.
Administer 6.8 ml ChronoMate (15 mg Altrenogest) per gilt once daily for 14 consecutive days. To produce the desired synchronization of estrus in a group of gilts, treat all of the gilts daily for the same 14-day period.
An effective treatment for swine dysentery associated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and swine pneumonia due to A. Denagard Liquid Concentrate is administered in the drinking water for 5 consecutive days.
Probiotics ensure proper digestive system function, while vitamins and electrolytes keep your pig hydrated and at peak performance. Bobby Listen's Bac Attack is specially formulated to keep your show pig healthy and growing.
Convenient two-setting sprayer: stream for spraying roosts, and fine mist for spraying directly on poultry. Martin's Pen & Poultry Insecticide Spray is used for control of lice and mites on poultry and in and around animal housing.
For swine dysentery treatment, add 20 lbs. For swine dysentery control and ileitis control, add 3.5 lbs. Denagard 10 contains 10 g/lb tiamulin hydrogen fumarate. Denagard per ton of feed; allow 2 days for slaughter withdrawal.
Hyopneumoniae (M. The unique one-bottle formulation of Fostera PCV MH allows the convenience of a one-dose protocol or the flexibility of a two-dose protocol. It may be administered in either of two ways: a single 2 ml IM dose, or two 1 ml IM doses given...
Sum Pig Supreme contains Oxy-Gen's exclusive CircQLate technology, with added proprietary enzyme blends and the latest in digestive aids, as well as the latest advancements to help prevent ulcers.
Revaccinate annually. Protects healthy swine against Cl. perfringens Type A. Repeat in 2-4 weeks. Administer 2 ml IM to pigs and piglets that are at least 6 weeks old.
Overall length 6". Made specifically for clipping sharp needle teeth of suckling pigs. Spring operated handles, made from surgical quality stainless steel. Diagonal steel jaws, smoothly ground.
Circumvent PCV G2 is the first PCV type 2 vaccine approved for piglets as early as 3 days of age. Circumvent PCV G2 is for use in healthy swine as an aid in the prevention of viremia, aid in the reduction of virus shedding, and aid in the reduction of...
Controls round, whips, nodular, lung, kidney, and stomach worms. Mix at the rate of 20 lbs. Per ton of complete feed and feed for 3 days. Bag will deworm 330 pigs weighing 50 lbs. Highly effective against more internal parasites.
Semi-annual booster is recommended for breeding swine. Ingelvac MycoFLEX is recommended for the vaccination of healthy, susceptible swine 3 weeks of age or older as an aid in the reduction of enzootic pneumonia of swine caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.
No withdrawal requirements. Show Pig Paste is an aid to calm pigs for easy handling. Give 1/3 of tube orally 2-3 hours prior to showing. Contains tryptophan, magnesium and thiamine.
Administer 2 ml IM per animal. Boost with 2 ml dose in 2-3 weeks after first. Breeding stock: vaccinate susceptible animals or breeding stock of unknown status with 2 doses given 2-3 weeks apart prior to introduction into herd.
For vaccination of healthy, susceptible swine in PRRS virus-positive herds or seronegative pigs deemed at risk to exposure to PRRS, or in preventing disease associated with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus.
PIN tags provide visual reference of your farm's PIN, allowing buyers pre-harvest traceability. Made from polyurethane, making them completely waterproof, tough, durable, and snag proof.