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Swine Health Livestock Supplies For Sale In Peoria

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Show Pig Paste
Prices start at : 14.50 USD / each

No withdrawal requirements. Contains tryptophan, magnesium and thiamine. Give 1/3 of tube orally 2-3 hours prior to showing. Show Pig Paste is an aid to calm pigs for easy handling.
Swine Nutri-Drench
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / each

Maintain weight in hot nursery weak newborns, scours, ketosis, disease, shipping stress, weather stress all benefit form supplemental nutrition. Glucose, high vitamins, minerals, amino acids in the bloodstream in minutes! Get back on feed fast.
Kleen Front for Swine
Prices start at : 75.00 USD / each

Safe, no withdrawal period or hindered breeding. Kleen Front is designed to keep your pig show-ready and in top dietary condition while achieving bloom, growth, balance, and freshness as well as muscle mass and definition.
Iron Dextran Injection 200
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Double strength. To prevent and treat anemia in baby pigs. Dosage: 1 ml per baby pig. Administer 1 to 3 days after birth. Each ml contains 200 mg of dextran suspension of elemental iron.
Pulmotil AC Aqueous Concentrate for Swine
Prices start at : 73.95 USD / each

When using a medicating pump with a 1:128 inclusion rate, add one 960 ml bottle of Pulmotil AC per 2.5 gallons stock solution. Include Pulmotil AC in the drinking water to provide a concentration of 200 mg tilmicosin per liter.
Lincomix 300 Swine Antibiotic
Prices start at : 51.99 USD / each

In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. Lincomix 300 contains 300 mg lincomycin hydrochloride per ml; give 1 ml per 60 lbs. Give intramuscularly once daily for three to seven days, as needed.
Swine Compleat Flavor Enhanced Electrolyte
Prices start at : 56.95 USD / each

Includes a full spectrum of proteins, amino acids, and polypeptides and fortified with lysine, methionine, and glycine. Mix 45 gm per 1/2 gallon water, or top dress 90 gm per 10 lbs.
Denagard 12.5 Liquid Concentrate for Swine
Prices start at : 44.95 USD / each

An effective treatment for swine dysentery associated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and swine pneumonia due to A. Denagard 12.5% Liquid Concentrate is a solution containing 12.5% tiamulin hydrogen fumarate.
Porcilis Ileitis Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 99.95 USD / each

With a 20-week duration of immunity for long-lasting protection. Porcilis Ileitis is a ready-to-use injectable vaccine for healthy pigs 3 weeks of age or older. Administer 2 ml IM to pigs at 3 weeks of age or older.
Stainless Steel 16\
Prices start at : 79.95 USD / each

Using a stainless steel feed pan in your feeding operation can help stop the spread of disease in your show animals. These feeders are corrosion and heat resistant and help provide a more hygienic environment.
Ready Pak DT
Price : CALL

To neutralize chlorine, pre-treat lines with Ready Pak DT.
Gentamicin Piglet Antibacterial
Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

For the treatment of scours caused by E coli sensitive to gentamicin. Inject a single 1 ml. Dose to piglets up to 3 days of age.
Mega Pro Oral Drench for Swine
Prices start at : 34.49 USD / each

Give 2 ml orally daily to pigs up to 20 lbs. Electrolytes help pigs overcome dehydration. Give 4 ml to pigs over 40 lbs. Mega Pro is an oral drench to reduce scours and enhance immunity in nursing and young pigs.
Sweet Iron
Prices start at : 16.19 USD / each

Highly palatable and helps control anemia. Sweet Iron is a moist oral iron supplement with trace minerals for nursing pigs. A small amount can be used to increase starter feed consumption immediately after weaning by mixing 12.5 lbs of Sweet Iron per...
Porcine Pili Shield + C Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 39.99 USD / each

Dosage is 2 ml IM given 5 and 2 weeks prior to first farrowing, with a single booster to be given 2 weeks prior to subsequent farrowing. Coli with K99, K88, F41, and 987P pilus antigens.
Lepto Shield 5 Cattle & Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 6.29 USD / each

For swine, repeat in 3-4 weeks. Protects against 5 strains of Lepto in cattle and swine. Safe for pregnant cows. Annual booster is recommended.
Liquamycin LA-200 Antibiotic for Use in Animals
Prices start at : 23.99 USD / each

In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. For use in beef cattle, dairy cattle, calves, and swine. LA-200 is effective in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including pinkeye, footrot and pneumonia.
Bobby Listen\'s Bac Attack for Show Pigs and Goats
Prices start at : 44.50 USD / each

Feed Bac Attack daily to promote appetite and proper digestion. Bobby Listen's Bac Attack is specially formulated to keep your show pig healthy and growing. Per head daily. Probiotics ensure proper digestive system function, while vitamins and electrolytes...
Magestic 7 with Spur Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 45.99 USD / each

Administer 2 ml IM to sows and gilts. Protects against porcine parvovirus and 5 strains of Lepto plus erysipelas in healthy breeding age swine. Revaccinate with a single dose prior to each subsequent breeding.
Fostera PCV MH Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 89.95 USD / each

Hyopneumoniae (M. One-bottle, one-dose convenience! Fostera PCV MH is indicated for the vaccination of healthy pigs 3 weeks of age or older as an aid in preventing viremia, lymphoid depletion, and colonization of lymphoid tissue caused by Porcine Circovirus...
Suvaxyn Respifend MH/HPS Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 26.79 USD / each

Administer 2 ml IM per animal. First combination Mycoplasma-H, parasuis Bacterin. Feeder pigs: 2 ml at time of arrival and boost 2-3 weeks later. Breeding stock: vaccinate susceptible animals or breeding stock of unknown status with 2 doses given 2-3...
Ingelvac HP-1 Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 67.95 USD / each

Repeat every six months in breeding swine. Give a single 2 ml IM dose to pigs 3 weeks of age or older. The duration of immunity for Ingelvac HP-1 is at least 132 days. Ingelvac HP-1 is for the prevention and control of Glasser's Disease and polyserositis...
Essential 3+T (CD&T) Cattle, Sheep, Goat & Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 6.79 USD / each

Give cattle, sheep, goats and swine 2 ml SQ or IM. For the immunization of cattle, sheep and goats against enterotoxemia (overeating disease) caused by Clostridium perfringens types C & D and tetanus.
ER Bac Plus Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 74.95 USD / each

ER BAC Plus is for vaccination of healthy swine 3 weeks of age or older as an aid in preventing disease caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae for a period of 20 weeks following the second dose in the vaccination regimen.
Home Fresh Pig Grow & Finish
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / Each

It's a 16% protein pellet: free of animal products and fully fortified to support maximum efficiency in various types of operations. A premium complete pig feed designed for growing and finishing pigs.
  • Size: 50 lb.
  • Weight: 50.0000
  • Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein: min 16.0%, Lysine: min 0.85%, Crude Fat: min 3.0%, Crude Fiber: max 3.7%, Calcium (Ca): min 0.4%, Calcium (Ca): max 0.9%, Phosphorus (P): min 0.5%, Salt (NaCl): min 0.3%, Salt (NaCl): max 0.8%, Selenium (Se): min 0.3 ppm, Zinc (Zn): min 125 ppm
Super-Tet (Tetanus Toxoid) Livestock Vaccine
Prices start at : 8.49 USD / each

Give sheep 0.5 ml IM. For the vaccination of cattle, horses, sheep and swine, 6 months of age or older, against tetanus. Booster annually or at the time of injury. Give cattle, horses and swine 1 ml IM.
Swine Bluelite
Prices start at : 8.39 USD / each

Very economical, only 2-6 cents per day for pigs up to 70 lbs. Often doubles daily weight gains in newly weaned pigs. One pound mixes with 64 gallons of water, or add 6 lbs. A palatable buffered electrolyte acidifier for use in water and feed.