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Swine Health Livestock Supplies For Sale In Laredo

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Fresh & Feminine for Show Pigs
Prices start at : 96.50 USD / each

This helps to offset the results seen from aggressive, high energy show pig diets. As a result, your show pigs have a more feminine, attractive physique. Fresh & Feminine for Show Pigs is formulated for eye appealing show animals.
Sky-Lytes Buffered Electrolytes for Swine
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / each

The highly palatable formula, with its unique aromatic flavor, is especially useful during times of stress such as weaning, weather change, and disease. The pH-buffering ability of Sky-Lytes maintains a healthy digestive system by lowering the pH of the...
  •  Helps mask bitterness of medicines in water
  •  Promotes water uptake
Noromycin 300 LA Oxytetracycline for Use in Animals
Prices start at : 46.69 USD / each

Noromycin 300 LA is a broad-spectrum antibiotic containing 300 mg oxytetracycline per ml. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase. Indicated for the treatment of pneumonia, shipping fever, pinkeye, wounds, infections,...
Quik-Up Vitamin and Energy Supplement for Swine
Prices start at : 23.95 USD / each

Give 2 ml (1 pump); over 2 lbs. Give 4 ml (2 pumps). Quik-Up is a non-medicated nutrient and energy source to help newborn and weak pigs recover quickly. Do not give more than 4 ml every 24 hours.
  •  Contains organic forms of selenium and choline
  •  Contains a complete source of fat soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K.
  •  Contains naturally derived essential oils with antioxidants
  •  Berry and natural herb flavoring for a pleasant taste pigs love.
First Pulse D Oral Drench
Prices start at : 43.19 USD / each

Highly available energy promotes vigor to get weak pigs up and eating. Synergy Essence provides an exclusive blend of essential oils including oregano oil for antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties to improve gut health and stimulate the...
Banamine-S for Non-Breeding Swine
Prices start at : 23.95 USD / each

Do not administer more than 10 ml per injection site. The recommended dosage of Banamine-S for swine is 2.2 mg per kg (2 ml per 100 lbs) body weight given by IM injection in the neck.
FarrowSure Gold Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 48.99 USD / each

Healthy swine should receive two doses, 3-5 weeks apart, with the second dose given 2-4 weeks prior to breeding. Protects swine against 5 strains of Lepto, porcine parvovirus and provides 18 weeks duration of immunity against erysipelas.
Essential Paylean 705 Pellets
Prices start at : 44.99 USD / each

Of complete feed containing at least 16% crude protein. Feed for the last 45 to 90 days prior to slaughter. To achieve 9 grams per ton of ractopamine, mix 2 scoops of Paylean 705 with 5 lbs.
Sum Pig Supreme
Prices start at : 95.00 USD / each

Sum Pig Supreme does more than make your pigs bigger; it will make them grow more efficiently to get the look judges are after. Sum Pig Supreme was formulated to help your pigs grow faster and more sound, improve the top lines, smooth them out, and make...
Nipple Waterers For Hogs
Prices start at : 5.79 USD / each

Nursery size is designed for the nursery and has adjustable flow orifice to regulate water flow. Hog size has adjustable flow orifice for use on gravity or pressure systems. Piglet size is designed for the baby pig.
Parvo Shield-L5E Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 32.89 USD / each

Inject 5 ml IM to sows and gilts 4-6 weeks prior to breeding and again in 3-4 weeks. Revaccinate with a single dose 4-6 weeks prior to each subsequent breeding. Protects against porcine parvovirus and 5 strains of Lepto plus erysipelas.
Ready Pak DT
Price : CALL

To neutralize chlorine, pre-treat lines with Ready Pak DT.
Mega Pro Oral Drench for Swine
Prices start at : 34.49 USD / each

Electrolytes help pigs overcome dehydration. Give 4 ml to pigs over 40 lbs. Mega Pro is an oral drench to reduce scours and enhance immunity in nursing and young pigs. Includes pump dispenser to deliver 2 ml per pump.
Triamulox Liquid Concentrate
Prices start at : 35.99 USD / each

Pleuropneumoniae. Per 512 gallon for dysentery (3 day withdrawal). Triamulox Liquid Concentrate is a solution containing 12.3% tiamulin hydrogen fumarate. Per 171 gallons for pleuropneumonia (7 day withdrawal).
Pig Creep Feeder
Prices start at : 22.49 USD / each

Mounting bracket for easy cleaning. 12" W x 6" D x 15" H. Durable high density polyethylene; includes feed flow adjustment pane, feed-saver lip, and trough divider.
Essential 3+T (CD&T) Cattle, Sheep, Goat & Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 6.79 USD / each

Give cattle, sheep, goats and swine 2 ml SQ or IM. For the immunization of cattle, sheep and goats against enterotoxemia (overeating disease) caused by Clostridium perfringens types C & D and tetanus.
Pig OB Forceps
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / each

Pullers hinge to open over pig's head or rear, making it almost impossible to catch the uterine lining. No need to insert your hand to place the instrument. All stainless steel.
Ingelvac PRRS MLV Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Sows and Gilts: Inject a single 2 ml dose IM 3-4 weeks prior to breeding; booster prior to each subsequent breeding or at any stage of pregnancy. Recommended for the vaccination of healthy, susceptible swine as an aid in the reduction of disease associated...
LitterGuard LT-C Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 52.49 USD / each

Coli: K99, K88, 987P, F41 and the heat-labile toxin. Give 2 doses, 3 weeks apart during the last half of pregnancy, with the 2nd dose at least 2 weeks prior to first farrowing. For the vaccination of healthy pregnant sows and gilts for passive transfer...
Magestic 7 with Spur Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 45.99 USD / each

Administer 2 ml IM to sows and gilts. Protects against porcine parvovirus and 5 strains of Lepto plus erysipelas in healthy breeding age swine. Give one dose 6 weeks before breeding, followed by a second dose in 14 to 28 days.
Explode Show Pig Finishing Supplement
Prices start at : 38.95 USD / each

And fed a complete ration containing at least 16% crude protein for the last 45 to 90 days of gain prior to slaughter. Explode with 5 1/2 lbs. Explode is designed for finishing swine weighing at least 150 lbs.
Lincomix 300 Swine Antibiotic
Prices start at : 51.99 USD / each

Lincomix 300 contains 300 mg lincomycin hydrochloride per ml; give 1 ml per 60 lbs. Lincomix 300 Injectable is used for the treatment of infectious forms of arthritis and Mycoplasma pneumonia in swine.
LincoMed 100 Swine Antibiotic
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Give intramuscularly once daily for three to seven days, as needed. LincoMed 100 Injection is used for the treatment of infectious forms of arthritis and Mycoplasma pneumonia in swine.
Bobby Listen\'s Flesh \'em Up for Livestock
Prices start at : 34.50 USD / each

Pigs take right to it and lick the pan clean due to its high palatability. Bobby Listen's Flesh 'em Up is a high quality oil supplement for show ring appeal and that desired fresh look.
Tetanus Toxoid Livestock Vaccine
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / each

Give sheep, goats and swine 0.5 ml IM. For the vaccination of cattle, horses, sheep, goats and swine against tetanus. Repeat in 3-4 weeks. Booster annually or at the time of injury, regardless of interval.
Gentamicin Piglet Antibacterial
Prices start at : 17.79 USD / each

Inject a single 1 ml. Dose to piglets up to 3 days of age. For the treatment of scours caused by E coli sensitive to gentamicin.
3FLEX Swine Vaccine
Prices start at : 159.95 USD / each

Inject a single 2 ml dose IM in susceptible swine 3 weeks of age or older. Mix the contents of each vial per package diagram just prior to use. Semi-annual revaccination with Ingelvac MycoFlex is recommended for breeding swine.