The superior science of Fresh & Feminine for Show Pigs features a combination of strategic vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and protein sources. Fresh & Feminine for Show Pigs is formulated for eye appealing show animals.
Bag will deworm 330 pigs weighing 50 lbs. Mix at the rate of 20 lbs. Controls round, whips, nodular, lung, kidney, and stomach worms. Highly effective against more internal parasites.
Paste supplement offers a calming effect that lasts for hours and allows your show pig to be shown more professionally. Sullivan's Show Pig Paste Sullivan's Show Pig Paste is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Designed to provide a long-lasting burst of natural energy and nutritional support. Quik-Up is a non-medicated nutrient and energy source to help newborn and weak pigs recover quickly.
✓ Aids in building the animal's immunity, defends against stress, and encourages good gut health.
✓ Contains organic forms of selenium and choline
✓ Contains a complete source of fat soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K.
✓ Contains naturally derived essential oils with antioxidants
Provides colostrum extract to improve immunity and stimulate appetite. First Pulse D is an oral drench colostrum supplement that gets disadvantaged baby pigs up and eating. Give 2 ml orally daily to each at-risk piglet.
You'll love the sophisticated style that sparkle overlays add to this exhibitor number harness. Small/medium is for youth and ladies. Number simply slips into the plastic window pocket.
Hand wash with gentle soap and air dry. Constructed from Corduramaterial for long-lasting dependability, this design securely clips to a belt for easy access in and out of the show ring.
Apply daily to promote healthy hair and skin condition and prevent flaking. Weaver Leather Swine Conditioner and Shine Less oily than other manufacturers products, Weaver Swine Conditioner and Shine is formulated to protect and replenish while preventing...
Administer 2 ml orally daily to each at-risk pig. Includes 1 ml pump dispenser. For best results, use PacifiED in conjunction with First Pulse D. PacifiED supports immune function and gut health anytime exposure to the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED)...
Lincomix 300 contains 300 mg lincomycin hydrochloride per ml; give 1 ml per 60 lbs. Give intramuscularly once daily for three to seven days, as needed. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase.
Convenient two-setting sprayer: stream for spraying roosts, and fine mist for spraying directly on poultry. Martin's Pen and Poultry insecticide Spray provides protection for up to 28 days.
Contains tryptophan, magnesium and thiamine. Give 1/3 of tube orally 2-3 hours prior to showing. No withdrawal requirements. Show Pig Paste is an aid to calm pigs for easy handling.
We recommend using this product daily as a restorative skin treatment. Weaver Leather Swine Conditioning Spray This specially formulated moisturizing spray optimizes the skin health of pigs by replenishing natural oils and reducing dryness and irritation...
Acidifies drinking water to aid digestion, producing an unfavorable environment for bad bacteria.Contains min 0.90%/max 1.4% sodium, min 6 ppm selenium and min 500 IU/lb vitamin E.
Animal use only. For use in pigs under 4 weeks of age for treatment of porcine enteric colibacillosis, or scours. Ingredients: Each Milliliter Contains 50 Milligrams Of Spectinomycin.
One pound mixes with 64 gallons of water, or add 6 lbs. Per ton of feed. Often doubles daily weight gains in newly weaned pigs. Tests have shown that scour-causing bacteria do not multiply in an acid environment, and Bluelite effectively acidifies the...
Allow additional time for delivery. Follow label directions. Baby Pig Restart One-4 Baby Pig Restart One-4 in stock and ready to ship. May be administered as an oral drench to 1-5 day old piglets, added to the drinking water or top-dressed on the pig...
For swine dysentery treatment, add 20 lbs. Denagard 10 contains 10 g/lb tiamulin hydrogen fumarate. Denagard per ton of feed; allow 2 days for slaughter withdrawal. Denagard 10 Type B Medicated Swine Feed is used to treat and control swine dysentery and...
Administer 1 to 3 days after birth. Double strength. Dosage: 1 ml per baby pig. To prevent and treat anemia in baby pigs. Each ml contains 200 mg of dextran suspension of elemental iron.
LincoMed 100 contains 100 mg lincomycin hydrochloride per ml; give 1 ml per 20 lbs. Give intramuscularly once daily for three to seven days, as needed. In California, a prescription from your veterinarian is required for purchase.
Rubber handle provides superior comfort and grip. Chrome accents above and below the handle look good in the show ring. Weaver Durable Tip Flexible Pig Whip with Chrome Tip Handle The heat-sealed popper on these flexible pig whips is covered with a clear...
Vetrimycin-200 is effective in the treatment of pinkeye, footrot and pneumonia. Give 4.5 ml per 100 pounds IM or SQ in neck. Most animals show a noticeable improvement within 24 to 48 hours.
Sold per pack of two. Weaver Leather Replace Popper 6" Black,2 Pack This 6" black and white replacement popper is for use with our 65-5122 and 65-5123 Pig Whips.
Probiotics ensure proper digestive system function, while vitamins and electrolytes keep your pig hydrated and at peak performance. Feed Bac Attack daily to promote appetite and proper digestion.