Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.(1) treated with fungicide seed protectants (T), or (2) untreated seeds. 6 1/2-7' tall plants.
Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.(1) treated with fungicide seed protectants (T), or (2) untreated seeds. Easy to harvest.
This is one of our favorite corns to grow for market! Providence is a TripleSweet bicolor sweet corn with excellent eating quality that is suited for roadside and farm market sales.
These seeds form heads at the top of the plant (instead of a tassel) length 24-36”. Colors include gold, red-bronze, brown, black, burgundy, white/cream and natural. 20,000-24,000 seeds/lb.
Early than Silver Queen and every bit as tasty. Silver King is a Sugar Enhanced corn type that is amongst the earliest corns to mature. With slightly larger ears than of 16 to 18 tightly packed rows of snowy white kernels pack every ear of this succulent...
For complete information, please read our production guide #8982, Super Sweet Corn Production. 16 straight, refined rows on ears that are 8-8½". Sow 3/4-1" deep, 6-7" apart (or 2 seeds every 9", thinning to 1 plant), rows 30-36" apart.
Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Untreated seeds need a minimum soil temperature of 65°F/18°C. Replaces Xtra-Tender 2171. Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears.
Record the date on which about half the plants show silk. Untreated seeds need a minimum soil temperature of 65°F/18°C. Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Delay sowing fungicide-treated seeds until soil temperature is at least 55-60°F/13-16°C.
Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.(1) treated with fungicide seed protectants (T), or (2) untreated seeds. Requires warm (65°F/18°C) soil to germinate properly.
Best at latitude 38° and higher. 5-6', sturdy plants. If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination using any one of the following three options: 1) Plant super sweet varieties at least 300 feet from non-super...
Flavor much improved over Sugar Pearl, which it replaces. Dark-green husks and good snapping ease. If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination using any one of the following three options: 1) Plant super...
Old and reliable yellow corn. Ears are 9″ long with golden yellow kernels. Great for canning or freezing. SU, yellow, great flavor, holds well, great drought resistance.
Hard to beat this old-time favorite with excellent taste. One of the sweetest of the SE genotype. A customer favorite. An early maturing corn that is very sweet.
Excellent traditional corn taste. Ears grow to 7″ with 12-14 rows of yellow and white kernels. This corn was developed to grow well throughout the United States especially in Northern parts.
This variety has a crunchy, sweet flavor that bursts from these plump ears! One of an entirely new type of corn called TripleSweet, Serendipity combines the crunchy texture of sugar enhanced types with the extra sweetness and holding ability of the supersweets!...
Hulless F1 Hybrid features small white kernels that pop up tender with no hard centers. 4,400 seeds/lb. Grows just like sweet corn except let the ears remain on the stalks until they get dry, tan and brittle.
Trinity corn is a slender, 8″ ear that has 14-16 rows of fine-grained, tender-crisp, very sweet kernels. Great for cooler climates and starting early. Get a jump start by planting this early in cooler soil.
One of the most tender and delicious yellow corn you can grow. Passion is a delicious and easy to grow corn. If you want sweet, yellow tender corn with gold holding ability after harvesting then this corn is for you!
Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Best at latitude 38° and higher. Even treated corn seeds risk low germination under 60°F (16°C). If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination using any one of the...
The ears are 5 1/2-7″ long with 8 rows of large kernels. Our Certified Organic Golden Bantam Open Pollinated Yellow Corn is an excellent variety that stands the test of time. It has delicious, full flavored ears for fresh eating or freezing.
Fox & Company is perfect for your restaurant or bakery. It's an excellent multi-purpose bulk ingredient for any establishment! Whether you're enhancing flavors, retaining moisture, or softening the texture of your pastries, this liquefied sugar-based...
Miniature Blue popcorn features small, medium-blue colored ears average 2-4” in length. 5,900 seeds/lb. This variety can be used for popcorn or for decoration.
Fox & Company is perfect for your restaurant or bakery. It's an excellent multi-purpose bulk ingredient for any establishment! Whether you're enhancing flavors, retaining moisture, or softening the texture of your pastries, this liquefied sugar-based...
✓ Easily stock your establishment with this case of 4-1 gallon containers of syrup
Pyrethrin, applied before silking, Monterey B.t. to silks. To grow great Supersweet corn, isolate it by time or distance from any other corn. For optimum growth ensure beds are watered evenly and deeply.
One of the best eating corns around. The corn husk offer great protection and grow attractively. A disease resistant corn with great flavor. Incredible corn has great sugar content and has excellent taste.